The Consort is Sick, We Must Pamper Her

Chapter 1444: look forward to

Let's talk about the nursing home.

Grandma Jiang was originally listening to books. Although she is getting older, her elderly still likes to listen to books. Her eyes are not good, so she asked the maid to read it to her.

This is also a time when her elderly people feel relaxed every day.

But today is obviously an unusual day. The old man was extremely happy when he saw Qin Weiyang's great-granddaughter, but after the mischievous Qin Weiyang staggered, he revealed Qin Jiu behind her, and the old man couldn’t help his eyes. There was a trace of trance.

She thought she was wrong, and blurted out: "The emperor?"

The young grandmother Qin Hengjiang had been seen before, and the young man in front of him was exactly the same as the emperor.

So the old man couldn't react for a while, so he called it out.

"Great-grandmother, this is Xiao Jiu, but not his father." Qin Weiyang said with a smile.

"I have seen my great-grandmother." Qin Jiu saw a gift, basically even if he was sure, he was afraid that he really looked like his father.

Grandma Jiang reacted, and the whole person was a little excited.

Qin Weiyang hurriedly came over to support her and said softly: "Great-grandmother, don't get excited, Xiao Jiu is back and won't leave anymore. You can also come over to greet you. Great-grandmother must take care of her body and bones."

"Great-grandmother knows, and you can rest assured. Great-grandmother knows her body and is okay!" Grandmother Jiang said, and couldn't wait to look at Qin Jiu: "Little Jiu?"

"It's me." Qin Jiu said when he saw it.

"Good boy, you can be regarded as coming back. My great-grandmother has always been worried about whether she can wait until you come back." Grandmother Jiang said with excitement.

"The great-grandmother's body is very good, and she still needs to worry about this? Even if she waits for Xiao Jiucheng's biological son, she is not worried at all." Qin Weiyang said.

Qin Jiu didn't say much because he wasn't very familiar with it, just standing like this.

Grandmother Jiang stepped forward and took her great-grandson's hand, looked at her great-grandson, and said: "It looks the same as the portrait, but it is more real than the portrait."

"Portrait?" Qin Jiu raised his eyebrows.

"Your father and concubine know that your mother and concubine are thinking about you, so every year you have to take a portrait of you with your mother and concubine, and your mother and concubine will send someone to show it to your great grandmother!" Grandmother Jiang smiled.

Qin Jiu nodded.

Grandmother Jiang looked at him kindly and said, "Good boy, being outside these years has caused you to suffer."

"I didn't suffer, and life outside was pretty good," Qin Jiu said.

To say that there is no glory and wealth, but his life is not bad at all, and he has a pretty good life outside.

Grandmother Jiang is no longer concerned about external affairs, so she drags her great-grandson to ask him about his life outside these years.

Qin Jiu was a little helpless, but seeing the old man so old, he also said something.

He was a little monk when he was young, and he was very greedy for meat at that time. He was a natural carnivorous, even if he had never eaten meat before, he wanted to eat meat.

Qin Jiu didn't say much about these things, but since the old man wanted to hear it, it didn't hurt to say it.

Qin Weiyang also listened to it, and couldn't help sighing without saying anything. Xiao Jiu's past was really not so good.

It's incomparable with other emperor brothers and brothers since childhood. It's no wonder that her mother and concubine can't help but sigh and lose when thinking of her brother from time to time.

Fortunately, I have now returned.

After the greetings, people began to set meals.

When all the children came to the nursing home to have a meal, Grandma Jiang was very happy about this lively scene.

After the banquet, he rested.

When Jiang Xia and Li Mo'er went back to the yard to rest, Li Mo'er complained about him and didn't disclose it.

Jiang Xia is also the same saying, the less important it is, the better.

Of course, Li Mo'er only talked about it, and it was not really strange, because this fact is too big, she can imagine what kind of waves will be set off on the court tomorrow.

Especially Prince Jiang Xia, who was originally inevitable, and no one can compete with him, but now it is probably going to be turbulent.

The nine princes looked not old when they were old, but whether it was xinxing or other things, Li Mo'er looked really not bad at all, it was the kind of young and mature.

Jiang Chuan left for dinner tonight, and returned to the Third Princess House when he was done.

Of course, I also talked about this with the third princess.

"What?!" The third princess stood up with a touch of her body.

"Be careful, you are still pregnant." Jiang Chuan repeatedly said.

"I'm not that delicate yet, don't worry about it, just tell me what's going on? My ninth brother is still there?" The third princess said quickly.

"Yes, yes, it's still there, it's all this tall, and it looks like a template printed on the father, you will know when you see it." Jiang Chuan said.

"Hurry up and prepare the carriage!" The third princess couldn't wait.

Jiang Chuan also didn't expect his wife to be so anxious and hurriedly said, "Changshun, it's so late now, and the Ninth Prince has already fallen asleep. It's not easy to come back this way. Didn't you disturb him by going this way, don't you? In a hurry, father tomorrow will take him into the palace, and then you will also enter the palace. He has seen the father and queen in the court hall, and always has to go to Weiyang Palace to see his aunt."

The third princess glared at him: "You didn't send someone over to inform me of such a big event!"

"Didn't I fail to respond? On the way back, I was thinking that someone should be called to invite you over for dinner, but when I saw the Nine Princes, I didn't have time to think about it." Jiang Chuan said.

The third princess was really excited and said: "I really didn't expect Xiao Jiu to be there? We have not dared to mention it in front of the concubine for so many years. I am afraid that the concubine does not even know about this matter. of."

Jiang Chuan thought that of course he didn't know it. She kept it so tight that her grandfather and grandmother didn't know.

Qin Weiyang and Qin Jiu sister and brother did not return to the palace. They planned to return to the palace together tomorrow, but the news had already spread to the palace first.

After hearing the news, Chu Yue was not calm.

"Have you come back? Did you really come back? Then why haven't you returned to the palace? It's getting dark now." Chu Yue said in a series.

Qin Heng calmed and said: "It's not early in Yonglehou Mansion now, so Yang Yang took her brother over there to rest, planning to let Jiang Xia take Xiao Jiu to the court tomorrow morning."

Don't look at Qin Heng's very calm look, but he is very happy that this son has returned.

This son also asked him to look forward to.

"The same goes for Yang Yang, can't you take her brother back to the palace first, you have to go to Yonglehou Mansion for one night." Chu Yue said.

"I'm tired when I come back all the way. Don't rush back to the palace. It's fine to go to Yonglehoufu for repairs all night, and you'll be back to the palace tomorrow, so don't rush." ​​Qin Heng said.

Chu Yue nodded whether or not, I couldn't hold on to anything else.

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