General Feng brought eight eunuchs, and in the end, all the eight eunuchs were left behind by Chu Yue.

Qin Jiu's words are a bit unaccustomed.

Because the **** doesn't have sex, but the friends around him are normal people. For example, the monkeys know about the tigers, and they cross the river together, urinate in the wind, and see who urinates the farthest.

But these little eunuchs are not enough.

But Qin Jiu didn't dislike anything, just listen to the arrangement, it didn't matter anyway.

The only thing he wants to mention is: "I will rest for two days on the side of the mother and concubine, and go to the prince's house when it's over. I am so old and it is not convenient to live here."

Chu Yue is heartbroken, does my son dislike her or something?

"Isn't it accustomed to live here? This is better than the prince's place, there are no people there now, your emperor brother and they all moved out." Chu Yue said.

"It's not unaccustomed, mother concubine don't need to worry about me." Qin Jiu calmly said.

He felt that if he wanted him to come and spend time with his mother and concubine, it would be the end. He couldn't imagine that his past prince's office was very good.

Chu Yue has no choice but to do it.

After lunch, they were asked to take him over to worship the Queen Mother.

In any case, the skill of the face is always complete.

In Chu Yue, as soon as he can't see his son, he has no energy. Qin Heng comforts her privately: "This is how the child is older. Don't stick to him too much."

"Where did I cling to him? He just came back. Isn't it right for me to care more? After so many years, I have not cared a word. Is there a mother who is more failed than me in the world?" (Chu Yue) "Road.

Qin Heng: "...he knows your intentions."

"It doesn't matter what he knows or not, mainly because I owe him." Chu Yue said.

She didn’t take her son with her when she was born, and she was absent from the whole process of her son’s growth. She gave him birth but didn’t take care of him much. Even if it wasn’t her willingness, it’s not her wish to carry him out. The support is still owed to the son.

"By the way, how can you say that there is such a perfect boy as Xiao Jiu in this world? What kind of girl do you have to be worthy from now on?" Chu Yue said with a face of fascination.

Qin Heng: "..." After so many years, he didn't even know that his concubine had such a side.

"My son is like me, are you talking about me by saying that?" Qin Heng touched his face and said.

Chu Yue glanced at him, I have to say that looking for a man is looking for a good-looking man, because other aspects can be changed, but this gene is really not easy to change.

"The emperor is indeed a good gene, but the finishing touch between Xiaojiu's eyebrows is still more like me." Chu Yue raised his eyebrows.

Qin Heng smiled. The expression on his son's eyebrows was indeed like his mother's concubine. His temperament was gentler, but his son was proud and flying, and his son looked like his mother's concubine.

Because of the return of the Nine Princes, the court is now talking about him. This is still the death day of the Queen Mother, but few people discuss the Queen Mother.

After all, it has become a thing of the past, and the current situation is also changing. This is what the courtiers care about.

When Qin Jiu came here to pay homage to his grandmother, he met other princes.

For example, the three princes, the fourth princes, and the fifth princes, six or seven or three princes, are all here.

The prince and the eldest prince were not there, and they went back after coming to worship. They also had other things to deal with.

"Is this our ninth brother?" the third prince Jinjun asked.

As soon as he said this, the other princes looked at Qin Jiu. Qin Jiu's face was expressionless, and the **** gave him an introduction, and he only saw each other.

"When I entered the palace today, I heard everyone talking about the Ninth Brother, saying that the Ninth Brother looks very similar to the father, and more like us. Now it seems to be the case." The four princes said with a smile.

The fifth prince was expressionless, and glanced at the ninth brother indifferently.

Then he limp slightly and burned the paper money over there, saying nothing.

The sixth prince had just been confessed by his biological mother, and he immediately took the words of his fourth brother and said with a smile: "Old Nine, you are very welcome back. I am your sixth brother, this is your seventh brother. With your mynah, you can ask us if you don’t know anything in the future. We also have a lot of fun places. I will take you with you then?"

"Does Lao Jiu know how to ride a horse? I grew up outside since I was a child. Maybe I can't even ride a horse. How can I go with you?" Jun Wang said.

"Even if you can't, you can learn slowly. Xiaojiu is still young, and there is no time to learn anything." The fourth prince said.

"Yes, third brother, your riding skills are not good, what else are you talking about?" The Sixth Prince said directly.

Jin Junwang's face was not good for a moment, and said: "What are you talking about, do you dare to talk to this king like this?"

"Isn't I telling the truth? No one among the brothers knows that your third brother's riding skills are the worst, and you will only have a few sour verses. As a prince, you don't have to go out to test the talents and learn what to do. "The Sixth Prince said with a curled mouth.

The seventh prince and the eighth princes all pulled him, beckoning him not to compete with the third, but the sixth prince didn't care, he was not afraid of the third.

The mothers of each other are both concubines, and the other is that his mother is much stronger than the mother of the third child. The third child himself is also a wine bag and rice bag. Among all the sons, the father does not like him the most.

What's to be afraid of?

"You..." Jun Wang flushed with anger.

"Brother Sihuang, take me over to incense the emperor grandmother." Qin Jiu said.

"Okay, come with me." The fourth prince also nodded, and took him over for incense.

The princess prince scraped a glance at the sixth prince, then left after a cold snort.

But the six princes didn't take care of him, and didn't care at all.

When the old nine got incense, he brought the seven princes and eight princes to inquire, how did he spend the years outside?

Because they hadn't cared about the throne from beginning to end, they didn't mind having a ninth brother at all. Of course, they knew it all in their hearts.

When the nine brothers came back, they would definitely replace the ten brothers, and they would become their eldest brother's new opponent, and they would inevitably fight fiercely against the eldest brother, but these had nothing to do with them.

Qin Jiu didn't say much, just that he had just come to live outside. He didn't know his identity, and didn't know that he was the emperor's son until one day.

"Then are you surprised? Are you surprised?" The Eighth Prince smiled.

"No feeling." Qin Jiu was calm.

The eighth prince was a bit embarrassed, and the seventh prince said: "You are too calm, right? You are not surprised."

"Not surprised." Qin Jiu still looks like that.

He was not familiar with these emperor brothers, and he didn't grow up with them, and there was a competitive relationship. He felt there was no need to say so much.

Chu Yue didn't know that in the bones of his own son, she inherited her cool side.

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