As soon as Chu Yue was gone, Zisu came in tightly. Seeing her mother's face looked exhausted, she couldn't help but said: "Niang, the concubine did she say something disrespectful?"

"No, she respects this palace very much." Empress Xiao sighed slowly.

"The imperial concubine has always been like this, and she has done a great job in her face, so that people can not make mistakes." Zisu helped her mother to lie down and said: "Now the nine princes are back, she is considered the biggest winner, and now she is in the limelight. No two, don't let the mother fool you by her rhetoric."

Xiao Huang didn't say anything from behind, but he didn't have much doubt in his heart.

It's just that she was really shocked that the ten princes were not born by Concubine Luan, and why did Concubine Luan poison the queen dowager and the ten princes?

What else did the queen mother do? Even the fifth prince's leg was limped and the emperor didn't criticize him, but after Concubine Luan poisoned the queen mother and the tenth prince, Concubine Luan was still alive.

What are the unknown things here? What the queen dowager did?

But that's all, she has already decided to cooperate with Weiyang Palace, so let's go to the end.

Thinking of this, a report came from outside saying that the princess Xiyang was here.

"Let the princess come in." Empress Xiao said.

Originally, the attitude towards Queen Xiao, the princess of Xiyang, was relatively ordinary, especially after learning that she had even beaten her daughter.

However, the true love is seen in adversity, and now her palace is declining, but the princess Xiyang is the same as before, which is more rare.

Princess Xiyang came in.

I was really surprised. It wouldn't work if I didn't come in, and it wasn't just her, the eldest princess Qin Jiaoyu was already on the side of Weiyang Palace, I met when I first came in.

The princess Xiyang had to call her aunt respectfully.

At this time, the Princess Xiyang was brought in, and after greeting the queen, she asked about the nine princes: "Where is the shocking news? When I heard it yesterday, people were shocked."

"It's not news, it's the truth, this palace has just seen the Nine Princes." Empress Xiao said.

"I don't need to think about his identity? Just say that he is him. For so many years, there has been no existence of the Nine Princes in the palace. This suddenly appeared!" Xiyang Princess said.

What the outside is talking about is the Ninth Prince, or from the knees of the imperial concubine Weiyang Gongyue. How can this not be shocking?

You must know that there is no less fortune outside the concubine Yue, who was pregnant with the prince but was not lucky enough to give birth. She also said that she had a bad life, and that being able to go to the palace to accompany the emperor was actually a world-breaking wealth.

Where can I bear a deeper Fukuzawa? So the Ninth Prince was not able to be born.

But who knows it's coming out right now, and there's a sensation outside now.

"The identity of the Ninth Prince is beyond doubt, if you meet him, you will know it." Empress Xiao said.

"If it was her, why have you been raising it outside for so many years? And where can it be raised? Is it the Feng clan?" Princess Xiyang said.

Whether it was raised by Empress Xiao of the Feng clan is not clear, she told the truth: "If she didn't send the Nine Princes out of the palace in her early years, the Nine Princes would not have grown up."

Even if she didn't make a move, Concubine Shu would never let it go, and she was bound to keep an eye on Weiyang Palace.

Not to mention that her bones were still very good at the time. If Weiyang Palace threatened her, she would do the same.

So Weiyang Palace is smart. Sending the Nine Princes out is also the result of avoiding the death of the Nine Princes halfway through. Now that they are brought back from such an age, the forces in the palace are already distinct, and there are not many threats to him.

The princess Xiyang couldn't help but said: "The one in Weiyang Palace is really a chicken thief. With such a trick to hide from the sky, there is no more limelight now!"

"My palace has already cooperated with her. In the future, Changning Changxi will be married, and she will be the host." Empress Xiao reminded.

Originally, Weiyang Palace should not be underestimated. Now that the Nine Princes have been added, it is even more polite to speak, because Weiyang Palace is very likely to be the final winner.

Empress Xiao felt that Prince Jiang Xia would not be an opponent.

Because Weiyang Palace has the support of Zhongzhou Feng's family, although Feng's family will not interfere with Dafeng's government affairs far away, deterrence is there.

In addition, there are forces on her side. In the future, her Chang Ningyuan will marry Da Zhou, which is also a help.

On the other hand, Prince Jiang Xia had contacts only in his dynasty, but the most important contacts in this dynasty were in the hands of the emperor. If the emperor supported the nine princes, Prince Jiang Xia would not be the whetstone of the nine princes.

Empress Xiao thought of this and couldn't help sighing.

"I understand." Princess Xiyang also said.

When Empress Xiao clicked, she didn't say much, and instead told her about other things.

Not to mention the Queen's side, Chu Yue bid farewell to the Queen and came over to the Queen Mother's tablet.

Although she does not have a good impression of the Queen Mother, she really needs to pay attention to her reputation now. She has to think about her son, so she has to do everything she should do.

"Niangniang, the court lady just came to report that the Grand Princess is waiting in Weiyang Palace." When she was incense, Magpie whispered.

Chu Yue also nodded, and followed Qin Weiyang and Qin Jiudao who burned paper money here: "The time is almost too, go back with your mother and concubine, your aunt is here in the palace."

"Yes." Qin Weiyang and Qin Jiu also nodded.

Chu Yue took the children back to the palace, and as soon as I entered the door, I saw Qin Jiaoyu sitting over there drinking tea, and said amusedly: "Isn’t the princess uncomfortable with her body? Why don’t she have time to enter the palace if she doesn’t take a good rest Come?"

Because it is really not pleasing to see the Queen Mother, and she also knows all the things the Queen Mother has done. It's nothing more than others. She is the same generation as the Queen Mother, and she doesn't want to bear it.

Therefore, after the death of the Queen Mother, she immediately became ill, not even a stick of incense came in.

Of course Xu Peck was different. He still followed the rules, but Qin Jiaoyu always did this, and Qin Heng didn't say anything.

This will hear the ridicule of Chu Yue, Qin Jiaoyu gave her a blank look, and then fell on Qin Weiyang and Qin Jiu who followed up, mainly Qin Jiu. When he saw him, Qin Jiaoyu The eyes couldn't help but light up.

"Good fellow, it's true that the information from the outside world is exactly the same as the emperor." Qin Jiaoyu said.

"This is your grandmother, your father's aunt." Chu Yue introduced.

"I have met my grandmother." Qin Jiu also saw Li.

"Auntie is still young and beautiful as always." Qin Weiyang smiled and said, "Auntie's facial-retaining technique seems to be very effective."

If Qin Jiaoyu didn't know that she still didn't understand those people, she would have thought that the beauty she was talking about had other meanings, and smiled at her for nothing.

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