"Okay, you two, when is this, are you arguing about this?" Mrs. Jiang scolded and taught her daughter again, saying: "Your sister-in-law is right. Take the initiative to come over and show it, just go down the steps, you still want to hold on to it or what?"

Li Mo'er saw that her mother-in-law hadn't completely fainted, so she stopped and said nothing.

Jiang Mian was dissatisfied with her proud look, and said, "Mother, it's not that I said you. You are too shabby, right? You need to be so careful? What is your picture, my eldest sister is like this now Fighting, what is the picture? Isn't it just to make us look up as a human being!"

"I don't like to hear what the second sister said. When did we bow our heads in the Yongle Hou Mansion? The early years were not easy, but the pride of the Yongle Hou Mansion has always been there, and no one can tolerate it!" Li Mo'er said .

Jiang Mian ridiculed: "That's also because of my elder brother..."

"That's the older sister's elder brother, yes, it was my mother who gave me a good mate!" Li Mo'er snorted.

Jiang Mian was choked with anger, and she also knew what Li Mo'er meant. This meant that they were a husband and wife and their relationship was naturally deeper.

These words also made her unable to refute completely.

Brothers and sisters are naturally inferior to husband and wife.

Old Mrs. Jiang said in a huff: "You two don't say a word!"

Jiang Mian just didn't ask for any bargain this time, so he talked about his son's marriage and said, "I don't know if my eldest brother regards Bai'er as his nephew, he knows that the Ninth Prince is still there, Baier What kind of girl do you want to marry? Can't you marry? But he has decided on such a marriage for Baier!"

She was satisfied when it was first settled, but as time went by, with the increase in Yonglehoufu and her own worth, she became more and more dissatisfied with this marriage.

Just thinking that the door will be closed this year, she is really frustrated!

My own son is now the cousin of the Ninth Prince. It’s not a problem to marry a noble daughter. Zhao Shangshu’s rank is not low, but that’s the case. My son deserves better. !

And as soon as she said this, Mrs. Jiang frowned, and said, "What happened to this marriage? Although it was delayed for several years, it was a helpless move. But this year, she can get married. When that happens, she will be married. Just right?"

"What do you say, mother, what status is Bai'er now, and why marry her who is hard for her life and is still that old?" Jiang Mian said.

"Hurry up!" Mrs. Jiang hurriedly said: "Now the marriage has been settled, and it is impossible to repent. Why do you still say such things? This marriage was decided by your eldest brother himself. You still don’t know? This marriage is very good for Baier!"

"Isn't it superb? The Zhou family's family is still a bit worse than Zhao's house. Zhao Shangshu has only this only daughter. In the future, he will definitely have to take care of his son-in-law. Someone escorted him, so he still dislikes such a good thing?" Li Mo'er said.

"Did I talk to you!" Jiang Mian said angrily.

Li Mo'er turned his face directly and didn't speak again.

"This marriage is very good, don't be confused, don't say those words again, your elder brother's optimistic marriage can't be wrong!" Mrs. Jiang said.

Jiang Mian was still very dissatisfied, and said, "Mother, don’t favor one another, the princess Chuan is still a three-star man, and when he sees the emperor, he will call his father the emperor, but even if Baier can’t compare to Chuan’s table, But it can't be too different, right?"

Li Mo'er was too lazy to talk about her, so she passed her dissatisfaction to Jiang Xia.

Jiang Xia frowned and said, "I don't have to pick about this relationship. She doesn't know that you don't care about her. You will naturally see how Baier was taught and supported by his father-in-law."

Zhou Qingshu's brother-in-law's achievements are now at the same level and cannot rise, but the nephew is okay, and the achievements will naturally be higher in the future.

This marriage is his best reliance.

Li Mo'er nodded, and turned to talk about the many invitations sent to her from outside.

"Just pick some good walks, and don't pay too much attention to the rest." Jiang Xia said.

"Yes, I listen to the master." Li Mo'er smiled.

Jiang Xia smiled, and put on his clothes and went out. Now he is really too busy, but he is busy willingly and willingly.

Compared to the Yongle Hou Mansion, the Chu Mansion here can be said to be a door.

After Mrs. Chu and Mrs. Chu returned to the house, they saw the grandpa Chu who was waiting for their return in the hall.

Now it is no longer a grandpa, but the big guy will still be respected for a little face.

"Father is waiting for us?" Madam Chu also said.

"This trip to the palace was also very hard, but was it smooth?" Chu Xiangye asked, focusing on his wife.

Of course the daughter-in-law does not have to worry about it, but his wife may be going to make a mistake.

Mrs. Chu was really confused by his gaze, and said, "You too underestimated me? How can I make mistakes in such a day?"

"That's good." Chu Xiangye nodded and asked, "Is the Nine Princes visible?"

Mrs. Chu is another block.

For Jia'er's grandson, he who was a grandfather didn't even look at it, completely indifferent. For that stepdaughter, whether it was the sixth princess or the ninth prince, it looked like eyeballs.

But it also depends on whether people recognize it or not, but it's just overheating.

Of course, she didn't dare to say this, or else she must have made the old man irritated, and how good it would be to not let her send money to her daughter.

"We didn't get close to the past. We just looked at it from a distance. It was pretty good. The Ninth Prince looks very similar to the emperor. At first glance, we knew that it was the emperor’s son. The courtiers basically didn’t dare to question after seeing it. "Ms. Chu took the call and said back to her father.

The Lord Chu was very happy when he heard the words, and smiled: "Okay, the six princesses were originally like the emperor. I said that if the nine princes are still there, they will definitely be like the emperor. It really is true!"

Since knowing that his grandson didn't have any accidents back then, Mr. Chu has always been very happy.

It doesn't matter if the daughter doesn't want to recognize him, but the following are all his granddaughters, can they not deny him?

Of course, neither of their siblings knew that he was actually their grandfather.

"If you are going out of the palace, you have to invite their sisters and brothers over for a meal." Chu Xiangye said.

As a daughter-in-law, Mrs. Chu couldn't help but mutter, it's probably impossible.

Although they are grandsons of Chu Mansion, it is well known that Yonglehou Mansion is their grandson.

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