The granddaughter came to visit her, which was simply a surprise to the Lord Chu Xiangye. Hearing that she was here to give him a pulse, her eyes were dizzy with tears.

Qin Weiyang showed the illness, then prescribed a prescription, and after confessing some words, he went back, and did not talk about other things.

However, Lord Chu knew that his granddaughter had come to visit him specially.

"It's all my fault, it's all my fault. Back then, if you were more concerned about it, now Yue'er won't have such a life with my father." Chu Xiangye regretted repeatedly, lying on the bed. When the corpse was standing, he was chanting the words most often.

But this is already the case, how do you want to get it back?

The days to come can only be seen later.

Mrs. Chu Moyue was the most relieved person.

Because this incident can be regarded as ending, these days are simply like years for her.

For fear of being discovered that she had leaked the news to Prince Jiang Xia's mansion.

If this is the case, the master will definitely not let her go, and will send her out of the capital directly, maybe to the little village where his daughter is, she can't imagine such a day.

Fortunately, the dust has settled now. Although it is a riot, it can be regarded as not burning.

The next time I go, I must talk about my daughter well, so that she won't mess up her mind again. This time it has passed without danger. If we do it again, I am afraid that her old life should be handed over first.

Chu Yue didn't know that her daughter had gone to Chu Mansion at first, but it was only known from the back, so her face became dark and she called her daughter over.

"Mother concubine, I just gave a pulse in the past, and I didn't say anything else, and you don't know the mother concubine, he is actually very regretful, seeing me going over to see him, tears are rushing." Qin Wei Young said.

Chu Yue won't forgive, and sneered: "It's a joke, he's crocodile tears."

I want to say that in fact, Lord Chu is seeing her doing well now, so that he will regret not treating her well at the beginning, but if she did not do well, see if he would send it out?

But there are some truths in Chu Yue you know in your heart, and there is no need to tell the next generation.

What the next generation wants to do is let the next generation decide for themselves. As long as there is no big discrepancy, she doesn't want to intervene, so she doesn't make things too bad.

This incident was just revealed.

"Mother concubine, there will be hunting days in a while, are you sure you want to let the nine brothers go? There is no eye in the hunting ground, is it dangerous?" Qin Weiyang said.

"Your ninth brother is not a flower in the greenhouse, he is quite good at fisting." Chu Yue said.

My son practiced boxing every day. Apart from studying time, the rest was to practice sword and arrow with his father in the martial arts field.

Of course, Chu Yue also has a past look. With her critical eyes, she can't pick anything wrong, and her foundation is very solid.

You don't need to ask more to know, this must be a lot of work.

In Chu Yue, even the raising daughter even allowed her to travel around by herself, and Bingye was next to her, and the raising son would not be restrained, and never thought of restraining.

Since Qin Heng wants him to go, that's it. There will be guards around him to protect him.

"Well then." Qin Weiyang has nothing to say, she also knows that her brother has masters around him, such as the secret guard who has been following back to Beijing from the border.

Aunt Ye told her that it was a top secret guard, and even her Aunt Ye was not sure.

Her Aunt Ye's skill is extremely tyrannical, just a little bit worse than her elder aunt. She said she was not sure, so naturally she was not an ordinary master.

"Hey, Xiao Jiu doesn't like coming to Weiyang Palace. Every time his mother and concubine call someone to come over and eat, he comes." Chu Yue sighed.

"Now the ninth brother has moved to the prince's house by himself, so he lives there, and I think he is quite comfortable with the environment there." Qin Weiyang said.

"I'm not close to my concubine." Chu Yue all complained.

Qin Weiyang looked helpless, and said: "Xiao Jiu is so old now, and he is not a child anymore. If he is still milky now, then do you have to worry about the mother and concubine? I think he is fine now. , And he is not just like you to his mother and concubine, he is the same to my father and me, and he is already considered close."

"This child has been raised outside since he was a child. He lacks the ability to love. No, the mother still has to care about him. The thought of him crawling and rolling outside for so many years makes the mother feel uncomfortable..." A long list of nagging behind.

It is also difficult for Qin Weiyang to listen patiently.

Qin Jiu outside was originally going to come over to drink a bowl of yogurt, but standing outside the door he dared not go in.

Forget it, his mother and concubine's love is too strong, making him a little unbearable, so he went back to the prince to drink.

Chu Yue listened to the magpie's report after the kid left. The magpie came over with sour milk and said, "Didn't the Nine Princes come in?"

"Xiao Jiu is here?" Chu Yue asked.

"Just now the slave maid met the nine princes outside. He said he wanted to drink yogurt, and the slave maid also went to prepare. Is this gone?" Magpie said, calling the palace man outside to come in for a question.

"The Ninth Prince has already gone back, just stood outside the door for a while and then left." The court lady said.

"I must have heard your mother and concubine outside the door, I just scared you away." Qin Weiyang said amused.

Chu Yue was so angry that she couldn't speak, and the brat came and disliked her and left. Where is she, she is just idle and bored, so she just said a few more words!

When Qin Jiaoyu came into the palace to find Chu Yue for tea and chat, Chu Yue couldn't help complaining to her: "Really, I don't know who she is like. , So cold, he turned around and left as soon as I was talking about it."

Qin Jiaoyu smiled: "Then you shouldn't be long-winded in front of him. Boys are like this, this is the case at this age."

Chu Yue sighed.

"Really don't plan to tell me?" Qin Jiaoyu raised her eyebrows again.

Chu Yue gave her a big roll of eyes: "It's all rumors, what else is it to tell you? It's nothing more than rumours outside, and you are still asking me."

Although Qin Jiaoyu's question is nonsensical, of course Chu Yue knows exactly what she is asking.

It's not just passed from outside. Although it has subsided now, many people are still saying in private that this is also uncontrollable. It is better to stop this kind of thing. If you want to talk about it, it will not hinder her. Half a minute, she didn't care much.

"That concubine Li has confirmed it." Qin Jiaoyu said.

Chu Yue said: "Don't pay attention to her, just a poor person."

Speaking of this sentence, of course, it also confirmed the authenticity of the incident outside.

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