Qin Weiyang received the jewelry from her mother and concubine. She did not wear these very much, but it did not affect her collection.

Ask someone to send the letter to her elder sister's house.

The eldest princess actually didn't even know about it, because she accidentally heard her six sisters send her a letter, and then she wanted to take it over.

However, he was intercepted by the prince Ma Ye the first time.

"It's not for you, it's not for you." The husband Ma Ye repeatedly said.

The eldest princess frowned and said, "Is the letter sent by my sixth sister not for me or for you?"

The eldest princess doesn't mix things up in the harem, she won't mix things up when she is young.

Her mother and concubine have a bad relationship with the imperial concubine, but this does not affect her relationship with her six sisters. In fact, the eldest princess has the style of the eldest sister, and the younger sister is the same, but if you walk well, If you get closer, those who walk in general will be lighter. It's just the difference.

Da Ma smiled and said: "It's really not for you, and it's not for me, it's someone else."

The princess was confused by what he said.

"My friend's," the boss whispered.

The eldest princess glanced at the direction of Dongyuan and said, "Your friend still knows Changle?"

"Knowing, I was saved by Changle." The big brother Ma said, the position of the big brother Ma is also very clear. Like his eldest princess, he doesn't get involved in the concubine, and only lives his own life. .

The eldest princess understood this, and said, "What do I say, but he is a foreigner and Changle is a girl. How can you help him communicate?"

"Isn't he just begging me to come here because he has nowhere? I promised him. The left and right are just a letter. Don't worry, the sixth princess is Feng's prospective daughter-in-law. No one else is doing anything." The big brother Ma said.

The eldest princess nodded, touched her stomach, and said: "That's all, but Changle's medical skills have indeed been passed on by Mrs. Feng. I only took the medicine for more than two months and became pregnant."

She was a little hurt after giving birth to her daughter, but fortunately, she is pregnant again, so there is no problem.

"Yes, yes." Ma Ye nodded.

The eldest princess didn't ask other questions any more, and the eldest brother Ma felt a sweat before coming to Dongyuan.

A man is reading here, this man has a very stable temperament, sitting there like a green pine.

The eldest son Ma Ye smiled and said: "You can be considered as a gods, knowing that the six princesses will reply to you."

The man had an unfamiliar face, and the pair of eyes were not silver, but he was King Li who came with the Beidi delegation this time.

Everyone in Beidi is now in awe.

Wang Li stretched out his hand and said, "Bring it."

The big brother Ma did not hide it, so he gave him the letter and said: "You don't want the idea of ​​the sixth princess, the father and the imperial concubine will not agree to the sixth princess to give up the good marriage like Zhongzhou. Instead, she married her daughter to your Beidi plot."

Of course he knew his identity, and he was rescued by him in his early years. He was on a trip back then and he also went to see Beidi's customs.

But it was rather unlucky. When he encountered a robbery, he was almost robbed with only a pair of pants left.

It was the young King Li who passed by and saved him from a hardship. Then he got acquainted with King Li by virtue of his three-inch tongue.

This time I was lucky enough to meet him, and he was actually used.

But because he was just sending a letter to the six princesses, he didn't think much, but they were all men. Who didn't know who was so thoughtful?

He also heard about the sixth princess saving the King Li. The sixth princess looks so beautiful, and it is not an exaggeration to say that the city is full of beauty.

People are beautiful and kind, and they are golden branches and jade leaves. Some thoughts of this person couldn't be more normal.

This time he also gave so many antique treasures to the father, isn't this to please the father? Ma Ye is not stupid.

But he is not optimistic at all, because everyone knows that the sixth princesses grew up in Feng clan since childhood and grew up with Young Master Feng.

It was also brought up by Mrs. Feng and she was the most satisfied candidate for her daughter-in-law. Not to mention that this marriage was unanimously agreed by the elders. The six princesses and Young Master Feng were also childhood sweethearts who grew up together. They are impeccable. .

What does King Li compare with others? I'm afraid it's a waste of toss if I want to hold the beauty.

King Li glanced at him and said, "It's man-made, how can you know that they don't agree and don't even try, so you still want to get married?"

Master Ma rubbed his nose and said: "Yes, you are right, then you can try."

In his opinion, this King Li would definitely be ashamed.

"But having said that, you are all here, why don't you see me?" The big brother Ma asked again. He saw that after reading the letter from the sixth princess, his whole temperament was different. It's not shallow.

"I'll talk about it later." Wang Li shook his head.

He wanted to meet, how could he not want to see it, but now he is not qualified to make any request to Emperor Feng, when he becomes the true king of Bei Di, he will be qualified by that time.

Don't expose it prematurely now, otherwise it would be too much of a loss if you ask Feng Di to be wary of him because you can't sit still.

Moreover, her reply to him was very clear. She had thought about going out and walking around, maybe she would come to his prairie at that time.

"There is no risk, now her eldest sister is pregnant, and their sisters are in a good relationship, so they can ask her to come out and sit down," said Ma Ye.

After all, this Wang Li is really infatuated. He came from Beidi so far, but it was a pity that he couldn't even meet him.

"Don't see you here." Wang Li laughed.

"Don't see you here? Where can I see you." The old man Ma Ye also said.

"Isn't it about to start hunting over the hunting ground, I can go with you at that time." Li Wang said.

Master Ma was stunned, and hurriedly said, "It's fine to meet at my house. How dare you be outside? There are so many people outside, aren't you afraid of being exposed!"

"Don't worry about it outside." Li Wangdao, also looking at the big horse: "And you are not there?"

"Me?" Da Ma glared: "Where would I dare to do this for you? If the imperial concubine knows that I will cheat the sixth princess for you, the imperial concubine will strip me alive!"

"It's settled, the day after tomorrow is the day of hunting, you should be prepared." Wang Li said.

The eldest son Ma wanted to curse, so what preparations should he prepare, how should he prepare for this kind of thing, he thought he was so honest and didn't see the sixth princesses, so he was waiting here!

This is really young!

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