Qin Jiu from the Feng clan of Zhongzhou knew that Mrs. Feng, known as the Empress of the Medical Sage, lived there, and his Uncle Yao was sent by Mrs. Feng, and he would go to the Feng clan for medicine every once in a while.

Only Feng's medicine is the best to use. Compared with Feng's medicine, the medicines outside are just like inferior products.

Therefore, he was also curious about Feng's Qin Jiu. Since Feng's relationship with his mother and concubine is so good, he should naturally go there too, and by the way, see what his prospective brother-in-law looks like, and is it worthy of his sixth sister.

The large team walked, rested for a while at noon, and then continued to walk until it arrived at the royal hunting ground here in the evening.

This place has long been guarded and protected by a ban, and the hunting ground has also been cleaned up, except for the harmless animals, the other big beasts are basically gone.

Moreover, Prince Jiang Xia also ordered people to put a lot of prey in this hunting ground. Rabbit roe deer and the like, plus the original prey in the hunting ground, must be enough.

But it's already late today, of course camp is on the spot.

After getting off the carriage, Qin Heng didn't take his old son with him, and asked him to go with his brothers.

The prince took good care of him, put him in the camp next to him, and said: "Second brother lives next to him. If you have something to find second brother, just come here."

"Good." Qin Jiu nodded.

"Second brother, you take too much care of the old nine, we don't have this treatment." The old fourth smiled.

"Go, you are all acquainted. On weekdays, I don't bring people over here for hunting. Do you still use me to bring it?" The Prince laughed and cursed.

The fourth child smiled, and the sixth child began to complain, and said, "How do we put our tents together with the third child? Brother, or you can change it with us, we don’t want to live with the third child. , He also brought two concubines over, and there must be some discordant noise to bother us in the middle of the night!"

Old Qi nodded hurriedly: "Yes, yes, brother, please change the tent with us."

"But I'm just one, and it's not enough for you to live for three." The fourth son.

"What's the matter? Let's just squeeze. Fourth brother will change with us." Old Ba also said Da Lai.

There was one time before the three brothers, because the brothers made an appointment to go out for hunting. At that time, the old fifth's legs were not limp, and the old fifth came with him.

At that time, they were living next door, and in the middle of the night, they heard the sound of the old third and the concubine who had brought them over.

After only one time, they never wanted to be with the third child anymore, thinking that he was simply too embarrassing.

The fifth one said that he was reborn as a ghost, but it’s true. I heard from the elder brothers in front that he liked to read the little yellow book when he was young, and he also took the brothers to read it together. Was punished.

And because the maids in his backyard were jealous and prescribed medicine to each other, he even told the fourth brother who had eaten things in his yard to have diarrhea.

Now that he has married a serious princess, it should be determined, but it is still the same. Among all the princes, the father looks down on him the most, and the father does not hide his dislike.

But the third child seemed to be unaware.

In short, it's the right thing to stay away from him.

The fourth prince saw that all three of them couldn't stand the third, so he didn't want something to happen again, so he changed.

The third child got angry when he knew it, and cursed: "Who do these three jerks look down on!"

"They are children's xinxing. If you care about the third brother, you will lose." The fourth prince persuaded.

The third child scolded a few words and then gave up, then hooked his shoulders, winking his eyes and said: "Fourth brother, don't say that I didn't take care of you, or the third brother's concubine will give you one. You are here with Rouyu, her work will keep you lingering!"

The four princes stood up at this hearing, and said, "No, no, no, I already have a princess, and there are two side concubines in the house."

"This is not your princess. It's fine if you don't come with you. You don't even have a concubine. What is it like? Come here to eat meat and hunt. The most prone to get angry, you need a concubine. Huo Baihuo understand?" said the third child.

"My princess is pregnant, and the two side concubines are the same, so it is not convenient." The fourth prince said.

The third son said: "Then you have the ability, so you just make them all pregnant, but no one will serve you in the future. It's okay. The third brother has a lot of mansions, and I will choose a few good ones for you. In the past, the third brother was satisfied, and you will definitely be satisfied."

At this time, it is very common for brothers and friends to send women to each other.

Don't talk about them, even Qin Heng hasn't gotten rid of this stinking problem for so many years, and will transfer the thin horse beauty that others have given him to his courtier who looks good.

Chu Yue is not unlucky for the families of those courtiers.

The fourth prince’s enthusiasm for his third brother was really indigestion. It’s no wonder that the sixth prince ran faster than the rabbit one by one. Why did his third brother be like this?

And although the four princes are very common among the princes, and very inconspicuous, he really has no habit of picking up other people's shoes.

His princess and two side concubines are both from serious families. Except for the three of them, there are no other women in his house. Even if there are, they are from good families. Don't give each other like this.

Because as far as he knew, the women in his third brother's house also walked through other people's backyards.

So the four princes have no room for refusal.

The third child was not very satisfied, and felt that the fourth child looked down on him.

"I really don't mean it. How dare I look down on your third brother from a background like this, this is not the princess and they are all pregnant, do I want to take care of them? Third brother, please enjoy yourself first, wait until I really want it, and then I will Please give me a reward, third brother." The fourth prince said.

This is how the youngest is satisfied with his face. He generously expressed that he wanted to be a concubine at any time, and he would be the most beautiful and talkative.

The fourth prince found an excuse and hurried away, and he was really speechless to his third brother.

But in the middle of the night, those voices reached the tent next to him, and the Fourth Prince was really dumbfounded.

"It's the same with the princess, you're so noisy here, you're not afraid to reach the emperor's ears." His attendant couldn't help whispering.

"Huh." The fourth prince exhaled.

"Master, do you want Caijuan to come in and serve?" the attendant asked. After all, this voice couldn't help making blood boil.

"No need." The fourth prince waved his hand, and sat and waited for half an hour before waiting for it to calm down, but soon began to smile again.

The fourth prince went to bed with the lights on there, and then he could only sleep. Take a look tomorrow, or else just squeeze with Lao Jiu?

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