The prince took his subordinates and rode away by himself, letting him, his unexpected ninth younger brother, lead alone.

After walking a certain distance, the prince pulled his horse to a stop.

"His Royal Highness, what's the matter?" the guard asked.

"If Gu looked good, the bow in the hands of the nine princes is a stone?" the prince asked.

This personal guard also remembered when he heard the words, with a shocked expression on his face: "How old is the Ninth Prince this year? How old can he pull a crossbow?! Isn't this natural power?"

The prince said: "Prince Jiang Xia also had the name of innate supernatural power, but he was only able to pull a crossbow after he was thirteen."

An ordinary adult man can pull a crossbow even if it is very good. For half-year-old children, it is usually half-stone, but even so, it can't be full.

But Lao Jiu is definitely not waiting. Just seeing him draw a bow and shoot an arrow without any hindrance at all, this kid is probably an infinite power.

But he couldn't tell from his stature, he looked a little thin, but it was beyond his expectation that a stone bow was so easy to handle.

This is not a natural power to describe.

"The Ninth Prince is afraid that it is unusual. Not only does he possess supernatural power, but also the equestrian skills at this young age are also extraordinary. The same is true for archery. His subordinates just noticed that there is a hare there but his arrow has gone out." Thinking of the personal guard, I really couldn't help being in awe.

The prince sighed, so there is no reason why his father values ​​Xiao Jiuzhen so much, is it?

Because other people didn't know, he, as the prince, knew very well that in addition to these abilities, this ninth brother, like the fifth, also had an unforgettable ability!

Qin Chengtian.

The prince wanted to laugh bitterly. The father would personally give him such a name. What kind of talents does he have?

Is God too unfair? He has worked very hard, but his talent is innate.

But that's all, after all, now he has completely stood in the old nine's camp. Of course, he is also gratified that the old nine is vying. It's just that he was born from the same father and the gap is inevitable.

On the other side, Qin Jiuke didn't care so much. He had already led people to the other side. The guards who followed him were all fine guards, very bold and outstanding.

But it was them who really surrendered to the young Ninth Prince.

I originally thought that the Nine Princes were just coming over for a cutscene, but who knew that he was so sharp that he could not shoot any arrows.

And the crossbow in his hand is a veritable crossbow, although not comparable to the one-and-a-half stone bows they use, it is very rare.

Qin Jiu ran into a family member during the hunt.

The son of the family was not a capable one. An arrow went out and slanted, and almost scared the sika deer away. Qin Jiu did not hesitate to go out with a sharp arrow, and it directly hit the sika deer in the throat. Lump to the ground.

"Who is it, dare to **** the prey of this son!" This son of the family obviously still has a way out, and he directly scolded.

"It's me." Qin Jiu said lightly.

The younger brother of this family turned around and saw him, and his eyes narrowed: "Nine Princes?"

"The Ninth Prince, this is the elder son of Tan Guogong Mansion." The guard whispered immediately.

When he heard it was an enemy, Qin Jiu turned his gaze to this servant. Although he had only been back in a short time, his uncle had already written the network of the capital for him to see.

This mansion of Tang Guogong supported his big brother, and Princess Jiang Xia was also the concubine of the mansion of Tan Guogong, the eldest sister of the second generation ancestor in front of him.

It was born by Tan Guogong's second wife, and was also the only son, so she was accustomed to growing up, and she was ignorant.

It's just that he will be reborn if his fate is good. If his brother-in-law becomes the emperor in the future, then he will be a veritable uncle of the country.

"Bring the prey and go." Qin Jiu had no interest in him and said directly.

The surname of Tan Guogong's mansion was Xu. Of course, Xu Shizi didn't dare to stop the nine princes of this holy pet and watched him take the prey away.

"Shi Ziye, that piece was shot by the Ninth Prince just now!" His guard said immediately.

"I want to remind you, this world is blind or not?" Xu Shizi directly sprayed, but his mood was not much better.

Because he was in his early twenties, he was even compared to a boy with no hair.

"The nine princes are not ordinary, his bow is one stone." The guard said again.

"A stone bow?" Xu Shizi was stunned for a moment. The bow in his hand was only one stone, but it was so difficult for him to shoot, and he couldn't shoot.

But don't want to, this nine prince also pulled a crossbow?

"No, I have to talk to my brother-in-law!" Xu Shizi said immediately.

Originally didn't want to be with his brother-in-law, because his brother-in-law is good at riding and shooting. He is very good in this aspect. I must have been preaching for a long time when I saw him. How can he be patient to listen?

But this is no longer a concern for now.

After much inquiries, I found out where his brother-in-law was and came over immediately.

Prince Jiang Xia will be in a good mood here, because he likes hunting, and of course he is also used to such hunting competitions, and the receipts are quite good, so he is naturally in a good mood.

Seeing my brother-in-law coming over, and looking at the few preys with the guards around him, he said: "How long have you been in here, why did you fight so little? Before you came in, you said you want to take the top ten. This bit of prey allows you to take the top twenty and you can't get it!"

Sure enough, his brother-in-law wanted to preach, and Xu Shizi said hurriedly: "Brother-in-law, it’s not the time to talk about this. I met the Nine Princes not long ago. A bow that can pull a stone!"

"What?" Prince Jiang Xia looked at him.

"Brother-in-law, you heard that right. He can pull a stone bow. You didn't pull a stone bow until you were thirteen, but he can now!" Xu Shizi said.

Prince Jiang Xia's eyes sank.

Of course he knew that the nine brothers were studying literary and martial arts in the palace, but he basically couldn't find out the news in the palace nowadays. With the joint efforts of the queen, imperial concubine, concubine Liu Fei and others, almost all the palace was cleared Again.

It was not easy for him to inquire about things.

Therefore, he was shocked to hear that his ninth brother could pull a crossbow.

How old is it now? And so thin, he was able to pull a crossbow just after he was thirteen years old. This is already very good and he is proud of it.

But don't you want this old nine to hide so deeply?

"Where is he now?" Prince Jiang Xia said.

"I don't know now, but brother-in-law, you will find out if you ask someone to find out. The hunting ground is just this big." Xu Shizi said.

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