Of course, this matter must be thoroughly investigated, and Qin Heng is also angry.

After Jiang Xia heard about it, he was also terrified. If the Ninth Prince had some accident, it would be unimaginable.

Therefore, we also strengthened our efforts, and in the end this incident was found on the head of the third prince Jinjun.

Because the two assassins were both guest officials from the Jinjun Palace. When they came in, they also took the Jinjun King's waist card, and ordered people to notify the Jinjun King, and they only came in after the Jinjun King agreed.

Everyone's gaze fell on the head of the Jinjun King.

"This **** thing with less success than failure!" After Qin Heng learned about it, he directly scolded the ministers.

One can imagine how angry Qin Heng is to know that this incident has nothing to do with King Jin.

Of course Qin Heng knew that Princess Jin might not know the identities of those two people at all, but Qin Heng didn't want to pay attention to this. This son had already used up all his patience.

He was faint and inactive, and dazzled by color. He was blind and blind since childhood. He never knew who should use and what should not.

After coming to the hunting ground, not only brought two concubines to spend time and drink, but also felt complacent and felt that he was extraordinary.

Qin Heng's head is on fire, he still has such a son? !

Therefore, the princess is unlucky.

He was immediately deprived of the title of the county king reluctantly given to him, and became the third bald prince.

Not only that, but he was also escorted back to Beijing in front of so many people. The emperor personally said that he was forbidden, and he didn't even say for a while. How long is this to stop him?

"I thought it would be a good thing from Brother Dahuang, but I didn't expect it to be the third bastard." The sixth said straightforwardly.

At first he was at odds with the youngest, but now the youngest was deprived of the county prince and became a bald prince. He would never want to get ahead in his life, and the sixth would not take him seriously.

The fifth said: "I was not a brainy person. I heard that all the guest qings in his house are eating and drinking. As long as he is happy with what he says, it is his confidant!"

The words are also full of ridicule and contempt. The third favorite is to ridicule his feet. Now that he is well, he is a bald prince. This is really a shame when he gets old.

Because of such an incident, it also made Qin Heng no longer interested in hunting, and his good mood was disturbed by this son.

So I went back to Beijing soon.

Of course, the news from the palace spread first, that his son was almost assassinated, and the two chaotic courtiers and thieves turned out to be the three princes who wanted the county king to put in.

Whether it is intentional or unintentional, Chu Yue is angry.

Because her son almost had an accident, she couldn't help being frightened when she heard about it. Although she knew that her son would definitely be slaughtered, how old he is now!

It is easy to be succeeded without precautions. If it is succeeded, Chu Yue is simply unimaginable!

The three princes who were deprived of the title of Chu Yue are not in charge, but in this harem, she has the final say.

Wen Wei, who also received the news there, was crying, but even so, she was summoned to kneel outside the gate of Weiyang Palace and let the whole harem pay respect.

Over the years, Chu Yue is the first time to act in this style.

The news of course also reached Empress Xiao. Empress Xiao’s eyes were cold, and said: "The third prince is seeking his own way of death. No one dares to investigate and recruit. This time he was deprived of the title because he deserved it. As for Wen Hey, the three princes grew up to be like this, she is also indispensable, urinating is spoiling, and making mistakes is not the fault of the three princes, but the fault of the palace slaves, so that she has developed the three princes' self-contained virtue, Kneeling is also right!"

"I have never seen Weiyang Palace so angry." Zisu said.

"She stepped on her bottom line, of course she would not give up easily." Empress Xiao didn't care.

For now, she is naturally biased towards Weiyang Palace, because an agreement has been reached with Weiyang Palace. If Weiyang Palace falls, then she will lose all the games.

Almost called the third prince a big deal!

Concubine Liu Fei and Concubine De Fei came to Weiyang Palace. Of course, they also saw Wen's embarrassment at the gate of the palace, but their expressions were chilly.

Now that the Weiyang Palace is both prosperous and both prosperous, the Nine Princes’ almost accident is certainly not the situation they want to see.

Especially De Fei.

Although she still doesn't have a heart with Weiyang Palace, but Defei can also see that as long as she gets along well, Weiyang Palace will never treat her harshly.

And the relationship between her and Concubine Shu Xixi, that is really bad.

Therefore, I also hope that the nine princes can stand out from the contenders, and now they have all taken refuge. Of course, I don't want any accidents.

But it really almost got the three princes toss their feet, how can they not make people angry? !

"I really know how to raise my son and teach the three princes like this. I can't find a second person like you in the palace. Fortunately, when I was young, I was a man who could chant poems and make mistakes!" Concubine De ridiculed.

"Let's go." Concubine Liu also glanced at Wen Bi, and entered Weiyang Palace with Concubine De Fei.

Wen Bie is really ashamed and angry, but what else? She was not treated by the emperor originally. Otherwise, Concubine Liu had only given birth to a daughter and could be promoted to the concubine. She, the one who gave birth to the third prince, had been only a concubine for so many years.

At this time, I couldn't help but worry that my son was coming. This time, the incident was too much. The emperor even deprived his son of the title, and even ordered a ban for no time limit.

When can I get out of the mansion?

No, when the emperor returns to the palace, she still has to go to the emperor to intercede with the emperor. The third child must have been used by others. The third child is absolutely afraid to murder his father!

And if this title is deducted, the youngest will never want to stand up all his life.

Outside, Wen Yan cried and cried out for grievances, and inside Chu Yue was entertaining Liu Fei and the others.

"Xiao Jiu has an auspicious nature, sister Yue, don't worry too much, this time it will be a surprise." Liu Fei said.

"I know, this is the heart that can't help but worry, this good hunting, unexpectedly encountered this kind of thing!" Chu Yue said.

"It's also a good son like that outside. He is really faint. Don't blame the emperor for this anger. He didn't save him a little bit of face and directly deprived him of the title." Xianfei said.

Concubine De also comforted: "Although it is thrilling, it is finally over, and the Ninth Prince is still young now. These things are always going to be experienced. Just as a wake-up call for him."

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