This time Jiang Mian went back to her family's home, and it was said that she touched her nose and was sprayed by her old mother.

But she didn't feel that she was wrong. She was originally a concubine and concubine. Of course, she had to make the decision. She had to marry how she wanted to marry, and how could she marry how she wanted to marry. How could they have any control over themselves?

Jiang Mian actually wanted to go into the palace to sit with her eldest sister, but now that she knew that this eldest sister was actually the cousin whom she looked down on back then, not the eldest sister of the same father and mother, she really didn't dare Up.

After all, she had thought about sending her daughter to the palace in her early years, but this eldest sister knew that she hadn't seen her much since then.

For example, the last time she was conferred the emperor and noble concubine, she didn't talk to her.

But even if she wanted to see her, Chu Yue didn't have time to see her, because there were too many official wives who handed her posts recently.

Of course it was not for her, but for her daughter.

I don’t know who passed it on, saying that the third princess just drank the prescription prescribed by the sixth princess, so she was pregnant with dragon and phoenix, and the eldest princess was also pregnant, although she did not know whether it was twins, but she was pregnant. Up.

Therefore, the prescription prescribed by the Six Princesses is extremely effective.

Moreover, it is also well known that the six princesses undertook the medicine of Saint Niang Niang Niang Feng. Where can the disciples taught by the Saint Niang Niang go?

No, one by one, they regarded her daughter as a child Guanyin, and many posts were sent in, just wanting to enter the palace for grace.

Of course, they are all family members above Rank 3 and above, and those who go down dare not say this.

But even so, these greetings are numerous.

Chu Yue summoned her daughter, showed her these posts, and let her make the decision.

"I don't know them well, mother concubine, ask someone to select a few. I will take Xiao Jiu to Zhongzhou soon, and there is not much free time." Qin Weiyang said, just now she was still making pills , When it is done, it will be sent to Fengqi Palace.

Chu Yue also let the magpie go to the screening, took her daughter to sit down, and said: "I don't ask about other things, but what's the matter with your cousin Bo?"

"What's the matter?" Qin Weiyang blinked his eyes.

"Don't tell the truth to your mother concubine?" Chu Yue said: "Mother concubine didn't see that you two had correspondence."

"Mother concubine, don't think too much about it. I have something with cousin Bo and Xiaoxinger, but I have my own channel. You don't know about concubine. We have to communicate once a month." Qin Weiyang sighed Mouth smiled.

This is not to lie to her mother and concubine any more, there are indeed correspondences, every month.

But now there is one more letter, sent from the princess mansion, from the northern Dili king.

"It's okay, the mother concubine thought you didn't really have any correspondence." Chu Yue was relieved, and then warned: "Mother concubine can tell you well, your cousin Bo is the mother concubine. Looking at the grown-up, you are more of a childhood sweetheart with you, and a son raised by your aunt's mother. The mother and concubine are absolutely satisfied. This is also the best son-in-law candidate in the mother's mind."

Qin Weiyang couldn't laugh or cry, and said: "Mother concubine, I am only fourteen this year. Didn't you say that you want to keep me until eighteenth and nineteen, so that I will be allowed to marry? There are still several years left.

"Mother concubine, this is to tell you in advance." Chu Yue said.

Qin Weiyang waved his hand: "You don't need to remember these things, mother and concubine, I know them all in my heart."

Chu Yue sighed, her daughter was too clever and so creative, so she was worried, because she didn't see the emotion of missing her blog in her daughter.

Or is it because I grew up together since I was a child, so I don’t have that kind of girl thinking about spring?

Chu Yue said to her Da Yunyun in the letter, and said that if she doesn't become in-laws in the future, what should we do?

Qin Yun laughed when he received the letter. Feng Huainan came to look at it and said with a smile: "My sister-in-law is still worried about this. Yang Yang and Bo'er grew up together, childhood sweethearts, and the relationship is of course beyond doubt. "

Qin Yun said: "It's hard to tell."

"Why can't you tell?" Feng Huainan was stunned.

"Your son can't tell, and Yang Yang can't tell." Qin Yun said. It is not unreasonable that she is worried about Yue'er, because Qin Yun himself feels that the relationship between the two children is good, though. But something seems to be missing?

"Is that the one named Zhou Mei?" Feng Huainan asked.

"What's that, Bo'er doesn't like it, I just think Yang Yang is afraid that Bo'er is his brother." Qin Yun also said.

Feng Huainan choked and muttered: "But we don't lack a daughter anymore, we lack a daughter-in-law. This daughter-in-law was grown up by us, especially you taught it by your own hand."

Not to mention that their husband and wife are satisfied, it is his parents, who are particularly satisfied with Yang Yang's granddaughter-in-law.

This is the choice of their daughter-in-law.

Qin Yun didn't say anything, and instead said, "Zi Yangyang will bring her brother over and let Xing'er come back for a while. She has been in the forest for a long time."

"My little Xinger, I have spent three months, six days and seven hours in the forest!" Feng Huainan said with a distressed expression on his face when he talked about his daughter.

The youngest daughter was originally delicate and soft, but his daughter inherited her mother's temperament, which is really not an ordinary lady.

No, it's not inferior to her elder brother, asking her to accept the training of her elder brother back then, Qin Yun said that the mother is fine, as long as she can bear it.

Feng Huainan couldn't do it anymore, and his distress was beyond remedy. Until last year, Feng Huainan nodded under her daughter's strong condemnation and agreed to go to the mountains and forests to experience things.

But Feng Huainan has been using his fingers all these days.

Missing her daughter is like a surging river.

Qin Yun couldn't stand his appearance, and said, "Tell someone to clean up Xing'er's room."

"Clean up, we will be cleaned every day, and no dust will be stained." Feng Huainan said, and then said: "Yunyun, I am reluctant to marry my daughter. I will hire a son-in-law directly in the future? Let my daughter live with us in the future. I’m going to marry when I’m up. Thinking about it is almost like cutting meat."

"You're almost done. What kind of son-in-law will be hired. Who is willing to join those capable men? Can you see the impatience?" Qin Yun said.

"It's hard to say. Those who have the patience and love our daughter sincerely will also be willing to become a parent." Feng Huainan said, "I think the third kid from the Baili family is not bad, and the old seventh from the Mo family. I think these two are weird."

Qin Yun: "..." Do you want to persuade him to die? The two he was fond of were heirs that the Baili family and the Mo family would work hard to cultivate!

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