Qin Weiyang just smiled. Of course she would show it to her aunt, but she didn't think she was suitable to watch it.

Qin Jiu glanced at his sixth sister, and it seemed that Feng really regarded his sixth sister as his own, and the secrets of the ship's internal map were completely undefended against her.

Of course Qin Weiyang understood what her younger brother meant, and immediately laughed, and said to him in private: "Although Feng does not treat me as an outsider, the relationship between the elder aunt and the concubine is really good. , The biological sisters are not so close to them."

Qin Jiu didn't know this, so he nodded and said that he knew and didn't say anything.

The arrival of the siblings was of course welcomed by the Feng family.

Feng Xing even took her eldest brother to the ferry to pick up people early in the morning.

"Did you see it? That's Cousin Bo, that's Xiao Xing'er, one year older than you, so you want to be cousin." Standing on the bow of the ship, Qin Weiyang had already seen Feng Bo Fengxing on the ferry. With a smile, introduced to her brother.

Qin Jiu also saw the two brothers and sisters on the ferry, the young master and the young lady of the Feng clan, whose status and status were not inferior to the prince and princess of the dynasty.

But at the moment, he was very happy, and they both came out to pick up his siblings.

Qin Jiu believed a little bit, and it seemed that the relationship between his mother and concubine and Feng's family was really nothing to say.

"Sister Yang, it's been a long time since you've been back this time!" Feng Xing said when the two siblings got ashore.

Qin Weiyang smiled and said: "Yes, it's been a long time, but I miss you, isn't this coming?"

"This is my cousin?" Feng Bo looked at Qin Jiudao.

"I have seen my cousin, cousin." Qin Jiu met with his brother and sister.

"Cousin don't need to be polite." Feng Bo said gently.

Feng Xing also looked at him and said, "Cousin looks very much like Sister Yang."

"Then you miss Brother Bo." Qin Weiyang pursed his lips and smiled.

"I am not like my eldest brother, I look like my mother, he is like my father." Feng Xing said.

Qin Jiu looked at the two brothers and sisters but felt alike, but probably they wouldn't feel alike anymore.

"Let's go, the soup room has been simmered in the breakfast room this morning, and the other dishes are also prepared, but I have to go back and have a good meal." Feng Bo said.

"How about one meal? I have to eat a big meal every day." Qin Weiyang smiled.

"Will you be missing?" Feng Bo said with a smile.

Feng Xing deliberately fell behind a few steps, so that her elder brother and her sister Yang could have a good chat, after all, they hadn't seen each other for a long time.

"Are you sure you are older than me?" The little cousin beside me said to her at this time.

Feng Xing raised his eyebrows, glanced at him, and said, "Of course I am older than you, don't you see that I am much more mature than you?"

"How is it possible." Qin Jiu hummed a laugh: "You look like a little girl."

"Originally, we weren't much bigger." Feng Xing said.

Qin Jiu choked, and said, "There are so many rivers in your Feng family."

"Yes." Feng Xing said concisely, Zhongzhou is surrounded by mountains and water, and of course there are many currents. It is precisely because of this that Feng's unique natural geographical location has been created. If there are foreign enemies to attack, Zhongzhou is one place. A dangerous place that is easy to defend and difficult to attack.

"Just now we got the news that there has been an ambush outside the border of the Central Continent. I think it should be your big emperor brother specially prepared for your cousin." Feng Xing continued.

"It's prepared for me, but if he has the ability, he can let it go." Qin Jiu said lightly.

Feng Xing nodded, "I'm still a little courageous, it's my sister's younger brother after all."

Qin Jiu glanced at her.

Feng Xing didn't care about this little cousin. He looked at the two people who were chatting very happily in front of him. What she thought in her heart was that she would like to go to the mountains to practice again after living at home for ten and a half months.

She may have inherited Qin Yun's genes, and she has adapted better than her elder brother in the mountains, which can be described as a fish in water.

And because she accompanied her sister Yang to study medicine since she was a child, although her medical skills could not catch up with her sister Yang, she also knew a lot of medicine. This time, she brought back many precious medicinal materials worth a lot of money, and among them were extremely precious and picked them. After that, the rhizomes were wrapped up and sent back to Feng's medicine garden for cultivation.

After thinking about it, I saw her Feng's carriage, and the group got on the carriage together.

Qin Weiyang asked about Fengxing's experience.

"Everything is fine, no problem." Feng Xing said.

Qin Jiu was surprised that she even went into the mountains to practice, and wanted to hear a few more sentences, but didn't want her to sum it up in just one sentence.

"When I first went to train in the mountains, I was really not used to it. I had nothing to do and I had to rely on myself. That time I lost a lot of weight when I came out of the mountains. My uncle felt sorry for me when he saw it, so he called the dining room to me. The stewed tonic." Qin Weiyang smiled and said, "This time it is Xing'er. You go into the mountains to experience it. I think the uncle must be worried for a few days and nights to sleep."

"It's not that I can't sleep for a few days and nights. It's just three days and three nights. I'm always waiting for news from the dark guards." Feng Bo smiled.

Qin Weiyang also couldn't help but laugh.

Fengxing shook his head helplessly: "My father just loves tossing."

"That's the heart of Quan Quan's love for a girl." Qin Weiyang smiled.

It was a very unobstructed road from the ferry to the Master Feng's house, but it took about an hour to arrive.

After Qin Yun and Feng Huainan received the report, they were already waiting in the main hall.

Qin Weiyang brought in Qin Jiu and Feng Bo and Fengxing brothers and sisters, and the first one hugged her aunt.

"Auntie, I miss you." Qin Weiyang said.

Although Qin Yun is only an aunt, Qin Weiyang's feelings for her are similar to those for her mother and concubine, because to be honest, she has not been with her aunt when she gets along with her mother and concubine over the years.

When she was studying art before, she would go back to the palace for two to three months every year, but other than that, she spent the rest of her time in the Feng family.

Qin Yun's eyebrows were soft, and said: "My aunt knows that she shouldn't be so anxious to go back this time."

"Well, I have to live well for a while." Qin Weiyang said, then looked at her uncle and smiled: "Uncle is still healthy as ever."

"It's not as good as you guys. Looking at you, my uncle can't do it if he doesn't want to be old." Feng Huainan said with a smile, his eyes fell on Qin Jiu again, and said, "This is Chengtian, right?"

Feng Huainan felt that Qin Heng's ambitions were really big, so he named his son such a name, not to blame that Prince Jiang Xia was so unable to sit still and wanted to get rid of this nine younger brother.

"I have seen my uncle and my aunt." Qin Jiu gave them a formal gift.

"Good." Feng Huainan nodded.

"It looks so much like your father, even more like the ones on the painting." Qin Yun couldn't help saying.

"That's not it, it might not look like this when printed on a mold." Feng Huainan agreed.

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