"Do you know what identity you are?" Qin Weiyang looked at her and said.

Zhou Mei's face was pale, and she said sadly: "I know that I am just a concubine in the fourth-rank official mansion, with a low status, but I have asked the sixth princess, let me stay. I will definitely not and cannot do it to the sixth princess. I'm half obstructing, I really only want a place to settle down, and there is no other long-cherished wish.

Qin Weiyang smiled: "Leave aside, just what you said you are a concubine in the fourth-rank official mansion. This background is indeed not much higher. You want to be a concubine for cousin Bo, I understand. Should mean this, right?"

Zhou Mei is a worship.

"I understand it right." Qin Weiyang looked at her and said, "You know that you are not high, and you know that my cousin Bo is. Even the prince of a country is not much more noble than him. To be his concubine, do you think your background is enough?"

Zhou Mei cried straight out: "I know I am unworthy, but I really love Master Bo, and I also understand my identity and status, but six princesses, I really dare not have other extravagances, just beg It’s satisfying that the Six Princesses can let me stay in the Feng clan and be a concubine for Master Bo. I beg the Six Princesses for Zhou’s sake and give me a foothold."

She looked weak and helpless, like a dodder grass waving in the wind.

Zhou Mei was clearly prepared this time, and this kind of thing cannot be repeated. If this time is not successful, then she may not be able to stay in Zhou's house.

So she only succeeded.

"The six princesses were born noble, and Mrs. Feng was brought up since childhood, and she was a childhood sweetheart with Master Bo. I am just an outsider. I am absolutely harmless. No matter which kind I am, I cannot compare with the six princesses. What I asked for was just a foothold. I begged the six princesses to stay with me so that I could stay and serve Master Bo and the six princesses. I will be a slave and a maid.” Zhou Mei said. .

Qin Weiyang looked at her and said: "Last time I heard you say that the second aunt is the master of your marriage, I have already agreed to you, and I will go back soon. Then I will let the second aunt arrange a marriage for you again. It will be a good marriage, and then you will be someone’s wife, not a concubine."

He looked at her and said, "Your biological mother is a concubine, she is a concubine. You should know best that you can't lift your head when you are a concubine. You should wait until you return to the capital to be a serious wife. ."

Zhou Mei immediately said: "Princess Sixth, you don’t understand your wife’s temperament." She told her all the arrangements for Aunt Lin’s concubine and concubine, and finally said with tears in despair: "Aunt Lin has always been there. Madam, but even so, none of the concubine and concubine have a good relationship. My aunt has always been regarded as a thorn in my wife. How can she make me feel better?"

Qin Weiyang frowned, her second aunt really treated her concubine and concubine like this?

"I'm not greedy for the power and status of the Feng family. The environment on the Feng family's side is so much that I like it. It's so leisurely and quiet, and it's not in dispute with the world. , It’s really too comfortable, so if I can stay in the Feng clan, I will let me be a slave and a maid. I am willing!" Zhou Mei said: "Princess Six, I beg you, let me serve Master Bo and Liu You princess, I will abide by my duty and keep myself safe!"

"Following one's duty and keeping one's own self, for now, I am not in charge of your affairs, are you asking the wrong person?" Qin Weiyang also felt funny, said.

"Why?" Zhou Mei said.

"Why not?" Qin Weiyang looked at her: "Not to mention that I am not my cousin's fiancée now, and it is still a long way off to pass the door, but you actually came to me and let me allow you to pass the door and be a concubine for your cousin. Miss Zhou, did you ask the wrong person? You don't tell my elder aunt about this kind of thing. Instead, come here to find me. I can still let the cousin accept you?"

Zhou Mei said: "If the Sixth Princess is willing to keep me, then the wife and Young Master Bo will not say anything."

Qin Weiyang smiled: "You understand my position in the Feng clan, but you have found the wrong person for this matter."

Zhou Mei's face became pale.

"There is no rule for concubine in Feng's side. Whether it is Grandpa Feng, uncle, or cousin, they will not accept concubines. So Miss Zhou, your wish may not be fulfilled, so you will stay in Feng. Let's continue living, and when I go back, I can go back with me at that time." Qin Weiyang said.

With a personality like Zhou Mei, Qin Weiyang would not let her stay in the Feng clan.

It sounds nice to say, abide by one's duty and stand by oneself, but if it is really safe, how dare you have such an unreasonable idea? This is already the biggest restlessness.

"Princess Sixth, do you not promise me to stay?" Zhou Mei said desperately.

"I said, this is not something I can decide, and you don’t use it to find me. As far as I know about my elder aunt, even if I promised, she would not agree, because Feng’s cannot be broken because of you. The rules of not accepting concubines, so if you want to stay, there is only one possibility." Qin Weiyang looked at her.

"What is possible?" Zhou Mei said.

"You have the ability to take my place." Qin Weiyang smiled and looked at her: "If you have the ability to replace me, then you can be the candidate for Feng's daughter-in-law, and no one can say anything."

"How is this possible?" Zhou Mei smiled miserably.

Replace the six princesses? Even if she is ambitious, she dare not fight with such an idea.

how to spell? Is the background comparable, is the appearance comparable, and is the affection comparable?

What can she tell, the six princesses are far ahead of her, is it possible to replace them?

"Go back, continue to live for a while, let's go back to the capital together, don't worry, I will mention the second aunt." Qin Weiyang said.

Zhou Mei's face was pale, but she still didn't want to leave: "Six princesses..."

"I have already told you things, I don't want to repeat them, and I will go back and think about the appropriateness of what you said today." Qin Weiyang glanced at her.

I think her aunt probably has nothing to teach her, so she came out and said that she wanted to be a concubine. Does Uncle Zhou in Zhou's family know?

Today, the Zhou family is also rising steadily. Although the concubine of the Zhou family is not high in status, it is more than enough to be a dignified wife.

In the future, the Zhou family will also be upright people, and they will go further and further, so it is better not to lose the population.

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