"At that time, I will disturb the Sixth Princess." Zhou Mei said politely.

After Qin Weiyang nodded, he stopped talking.

Zhou Mei glanced at her, of course she was cold hum, but she already had a good plan, but she didn't have to go with her.

After a while, Feng Xing and Qin Jiu changed their clothes and came over.

Feng Xing glanced at Zhou Mei when he came, and then looked at her elder brother with dissatisfaction in his eyes.

The group came to Xinyuelou for dinner together.

Qin Yun and Feng Huainan ate by themselves, but did not go with them.

Feng Huainan said: "These young people all like to eat outside meals. Where can the outside meals be delicious at home?"

Qin Yun said: "The scenery outside is nice and more emotional."

Feng Huainan smiled and said, "Yunyun, shall we go over tonight?"

"There are still some medicines to make, just eat at home." Qin Yun said.

Feng Huainan was full, drank another bowl of soup, and then sighed contentedly: "How do I think I have gained weight recently?"

"Not some, at least ten pounds of meat." Qin Yun glanced at him calmly.

Feng Huainan sighed, "Middle-aged people will always be involuntary in their figure. I didn't eat much, that's it."

"Go to the martial arts field more to practice martial arts, no meat will grow." Qin Yun began to drink soup as he said.

After the meal was over, the two of them sat together and talked together. At the end Qin Yun came to the study and wrote her Yueyue a letter.

Not only did he write a letter, but also a box of pills was also sent over, to treat grandma Jiang's body and bones, without any side effects.

If this is put outside, it can be said to be worth a thousand dollars, and money may not be able to buy it.

Over the years, grandmother Jiang has been able to live such a long and healthy life, even if she is still healthy at this age, this is inseparable from these medicines.

When Chu Yue received the medicine, Qin Weiyang was ready to embark on the return journey.

Qin Jiu didn't go with her, because there were other arrangements, Qin Weiyang planned to go back first.

It's just that she originally planned to take Zhou Mei back with her, but Zhou Mei was ill at this time.

Qin Weiyang gave her a pulse and found that it was a real illness, so he ignored her, because Qin Weiyang could see that Zhou Mei had caused the illness by herself.

During the coming month, I even poured a lot of ice into the water, so I soaked myself in the ice water, so the whole person couldn't stand it anymore and fell straight down.

Of course, this state is not suitable for hurrying.

But Qin Weiyang thought that her opportunity was already given to Zhou Mei. Since Zhou Mei still had to stay in the Feng clan, it was her.

It's just that when I went back this time, she was going to talk to her second aunt.

Qin Weiyang embarked on the return journey by himself.

When Zhou Mei was lying on the bed, she was relieved to hear that Princess Six had already gone back.

"The young lady was too cruel this time, but doing so would do great harm to the body." The maid could not help saying.

"If I had to do it, how could I make the last move?" Zhou Mei said melancholy.

She actually wanted to take a cold bath, but she found that she didn't get sick from taking a cold bath with cold water. As a last resort, she had to use ice water.

Fortunately, she did not toss in vain, she really fell ill and had no way to go.

But although it would be a bit uncomfortable, it would be worth it if you could stay in the Feng clan.

And she is still young, what kind of illness can't be recovered? The most important thing is to be able to stay!

"If you want me to go back and get married by my aunt, there is no door!" Zhou Mei gritted her teeth.

"By the way, my auntie ordered someone to send me a letter this morning. Miss, look at it." The maid remembered, took out a letter from her arms and said.

Zhou Mei also took it over and watched it. Her aunt told her all the things that happened at home, including the marriage that didn't let Jiang Mian interfere.

But Zhou Mei glanced at it and put it aside.

To prevent Jiang Mian from interfering, it is to let her aunt be the master, but what is her aunt's background? What kind of marriage can her aunt arrange for her?

It's a joke outside the family to make such a thing, but any good decent family would not want to marry her.

So she tried to stay and stayed right.

Feng Xing was still quite dissatisfied with the incident that Zhou Mei didn't go with her, but she didn't feel dissatisfied for long, because her sister Yang had all gone back, and it would take a long time for her to come next time, so she planned to continue to go to the mountains to experience.

But this time she was not alone, Qin Jiu would follow her.

"Cousin has also experienced in the mountains before?" Feng Xing asked.

"Well, but I still need to take care of my cousin." Qin Jiu said modestly.

Feng Xing said, "Don't worry, my cousin will take care of you and go with my cousin."

They set off from another road, and Prince Jiang Xia's people didn't even notice it, but they had already left the Feng clan and went into the dense forest to experience.

"One by one, they all left like this, and the house became deserted." Feng Bo said.

"Yeah, so you and Yang Yang hurry up and get married, hurry up and have children, and then the house will be very lively." Feng Huainan said.

Feng Bo: "..."

He didn't say this, and turned to his mother and said, "Mother, Princess Yuzhu just sent someone to ask about her condition."

"Her condition has always been very stable, just let her take care of it. When the time is almost up, Yang Yang will come back and give her a second treatment so that she doesn't have to worry about anxiety." Qin Yun said.

Feng Bo nodded, and sent someone over to say something.

Zhou Yuzhu was really worried because Qin Weiyang left without talking to her, but she was relieved when she heard this.

"Princess don't worry, if there is something she can't come back, naturally Madame Feng will do it herself, and you will definitely not be able to delay the princess' treatment." The maid said.

"I know." Zhou Yuzhu was relieved at this meeting, nodded, but couldn't help but sighed: "These days are really plain and boring. Is there anything novel outside?"

"Princess, don't talk about it, there really are." The maid also said, saying that the people of Feng's family were saying that Zhou Mei was playing tricks to make herself sick, and she said that she didn't go back with Princess Liu.

"Zhou Mei? What is the origin?" Zhou Yuzhu also asked.

"There is no background, but she wants to stay in the Feng clan and want to serve as a concubine for Young Master Feng." The maid said, this is what she heard from Feng's servants, but the servants are very disapproving, because they think This is simply provoking Qin Weiyang, the six princesses.

"It really doesn't have a head, Qin Weiyang grew up in Feng's clan since she was a child, and she dared to make this idea." Zhou Yuzhu said with disdain.

"That's hard to say. If you become Young Master Feng's concubine, it's better than going out to be the wife of someone else." The maid said.

"That also depends on whether she has that fate." Zhou Yuzhu said indifferently.

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