The last time Qin Weiyang gave her the second emperor sister’s name and gave her a prescription. Of course, she knows the situation. In fact, there is no big problem even if she doesn’t prescribe a prescription. But she is the second emperor sister. It was endless, so I opened one for her.

There is nothing surprising about being pregnant now.

But this matter is not so simple.

The eldest princess muttered: "I just don't know if the child is the second son or the one with the face."

"What?" Qin Weiyang looked at her elder sister in shock.

The eldest princess actually doesn't like to say these right and wrong, but she is also very disappointed with her second emperor sister.

"There is no secret in the second princess's mansion. Chang Huan drank your prescription and then followed Er Ma to round up the room, but it didn't take long for her to rest in the courtyard of the face. Now she is pregnant. The news came out a few days ago, but whether this child is the second son or the face-to-face, I really don’t know.” The princess said.

Qin Weiyang's brows were frowning: "Second Emperor Sister, what is she doing? She has a fever in her brain and has a fever!"

If this is the case, then what kind of prescription does her second emperor sister come over and find her? Wasn’t it because I wanted to give birth to a son for Er Ma, and then gave the son to Er Ma to raise himself, so I could live a happy life?

But her second emperor sister couldn't stand it even this month?

"I heard what your eldest brother-in-law said, the second husband is so angry, he won't recognize this child in that tone." The princess said.

I also felt that my second emperor sister was really insulting, and she was really ignorant.

It is indeed not uncommon for the princess to raise the face of the face, and you can raise it, but it would be embarrassing to cause these things.

Qin Weiyang said, "She is learning from Brother Three Emperors."

The eldest princess was taken aback for a moment, and then she said, this is really the truth. The third child has always been on the road to death. Now it seems that it is not only the third child, but also the second emperor sister. .

"I heard news from the palace that the father made a big fire when he heard that, Luo Bi knelt outside the imperial study room for a whole morning and failed to calm his father's anger." The princess said.

"I heard my mother and concubine say that my father regrets not marrying the second emperor sister to Beidi or Xi Rong, so I don't have to stay here in the capital to shame him." Qin Weiyang said.

"Emperor father loves us very much. She is really capable of Chang Huan if he can let the emperor father say such things." The princess said.

Although the emperor did not do much to spoil her biological mother, Concubine Xi, the emperor was not biased towards their children.

She was the eldest daughter, and the father loved her very much. He didn't talk about the dowry when he got married, and he also gave her one hundred thousand taels from his own private treasury.

The father said that every princess who married would have one.

Of course there was Chang Huan back then, but since Chang Huan got married, how many things have it caused?

She always said that the second-college was not good. The second-college was not good, but she learned from the big-college that the second-college was also good, and she herself had talked to the second-college. The second-college looks mediocre, but she will definitely not deserve Go to her second emperor sister.

I don't know how to drop it, so I live it like this.

"I also thank my elder sister for reminding me that I will avoid her a little bit in the future. This time she gave her a prescription and caused such a thing. It is really hopeless." Qin Weiyang said.

The eldest princess sighed and said, "It's okay to stay away, her character has changed now, and she just lives as a resentful woman."

After staying with her eldest sister for a while and chatting with her, Qin Weiyang also returned to the palace.

But it was also lucky to meet her fifth sister.

The fifth princess just returned to the palace from Xiyang Long Princess's mansion, but she didn't want to meet her sixth sister, so her eyes lit up and she waved to her.

I didn't deal with it when I was young, but now I have a good relationship.

"When did you come back?" When Qin Weiyang came over, the fifth princess asked.

"Just arrived today, to see the eldest sister and the third sister." Qin Weiyang said.

"That's it for the eldest sister, are you scared by the third sister?" the fifth princess asked when she walked with her.

Because the third princess was pregnant with twins, every time the fifth princess went out of the palace, she had to be blessed in the past. Of course, she also saw her third sister now.

To say that her third sister was a fair lady before she married, she would have been around 90 catties at most, but now she has to be at least about 145 catties.

This gap can be seen, it is very shocking and scary.

"The third sister is pregnant with two, so the figure will naturally lose shape, but when she is finished, she will be restored to the original shape at that time." Qin Weiyang said.

"How easy is it, she is so fat now," said the fifth princess.

I was enviously unable to do it before, and it must be blessed to be pregnant with two.

But now she is a bit less envious, because her figure is too out of shape, her eldest sister is pregnant with one, it is very good, not so exaggerated.

"At that time, I will help the third sister to reduce it. Now this is the normal range. If she doesn't eat, what will the two children eat and drink in her stomach?" Qin Weiyang said.

"That's the same." The fifth princess nodded and said gossiping: "You just came back, don't you know about Changhuan?"

"I know, I just heard what Big Sister said." Qin Weiyang said.

The fifth princess nodded and said with contempt: "I have never seen her like this. Since I have to do that, what kind of prescriptions are you looking for? I don't know what to say!

"Don't talk about her, I'm not a person with her now." Qin Weiyang said.

"Yeah, I used to have a good relationship with her, but now that I think about it, I really don't know what to do when I was young. Such a character simply humiliates my royal princess' reputation." said the fifth princess.

Qin Weiyang didn't want to continue talking about the second princess, and asked with a smile, "I went to Aunt Xiyang's Mansion just now?"

"Ah, I sat in the past, but I mainly came out to see Big Sister and Third Sister." The fifth princess said in a detour.

"I know I understand, but then again, can I take the prescription I prescribed well?" Qin Weiyang said.

"Don't worry about this, my fourth sister and I took it on time." The fifth princess nodded and said, "I don't know if it was because of the medicine. I feel that I have grown a bit taller, and the skirt is a little short after I finished it. Up."

"It also has something to do with my prescription. It is to treat the body and bones, but if you grow taller, children will be more like mothers in the future, and children with mothers will generally be taller." Qin Weiyang said.

"What nonsense? When is this time, it's about the child." The fifth princess blushed and said softly.

Qin Weiyang smiled and went back to the palace with her.

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