Jiang Mian received the news on the same day, and he was still a little startled.

"My elder sister is so good, how can I declare that I will enter the palace tomorrow?" Jiang Mian couldn't help but said.

The mother-in-law did not understand, and said: "The old slave is not clear about the imperial concubine's thoughts, but since the imperial concubine has announced it, the lady will prepare."

Jiang Mian ordered people to start preparations, and said, "I will go to the palace tomorrow to talk to my eldest sister, what is my life here?"

These days she is really frustrated. She is obviously the mistress in this family, but now she has no control over grandchildren.

The auntie grandson is completely isolated from the mansion, and the cost of food and clothing has been charged to the master's account. What is this like, what is this like?

Looking at the entire capital, how many of them can be found?

She didn't fight for a while, but she didn't need Aunt Sun to take action. Zhou Qingshu, who originally didn't care about the backyard affairs, was now in charge, and he didn't care much about her, but she couldn't sleep if she was so angry at night.

She has to talk to her eldest sister when she enters the palace tomorrow, and let her elder sister make the decision for her!

Aunt Sun soon learned about the people in the palace.

This made Aunt Sun couldn't help feeling tight, and said hurriedly: "Did the imperial concubine send someone out?"

"Yes, tell someone to come out and tell the lady to enter the palace tomorrow." The maid said.

Aunt Sun was naturally worried, and said: "Does the madam still stab the imperial concubine about the affairs of the house? What if the imperial concubine spreads out?"

Her master's rank is not low, but not much higher, and she is just a little aunt of her master, and the imperial concubine in the palace wants to kill her as simple as killing an ant.

"Don’t worry, I don’t even say anything about Zhou’s affairs at the Yongle Hou Mansion. What is the status of the imperial concubine, will he intervene in my brother-in-law’s affairs? And hasn’t my aunt heard from Aunt Lin? The relationship between the imperial concubine and his wife was not very harmonious. In the early years when the imperial concubine was pregnant with the nine princes, the lady also thought about sending the eldest lady into the palace to serve the emperor. This incident completely offended the imperial concubine! "The maid said in a low voice.

Speaking of this incident, Aunt Sun’s eyes lit up: "Yes, the imperial concubine must have remembered the madam in his heart!"

Because Aunt Lin did not marry her concubine and concubine, she is now particularly hostile towards the main courtyard, and she has joined hands with her.

Regarding the matter of sending the eldest lady Zhou Miao into the palace back then, Auntie Lin also made many suggestions, and of course she knew clearly about this matter.

He also told Aunt Sun about this matter.

"Madam’s ambition has never been small, but I don’t know that she has even dreamed of such a daydream. What kind of status is the imperial concubine? She must be extremely clever in such a situation. Forgive her for the thoughts she wanted to replace?" Aunt Sun's heart was also let go.

Then she began to pray, praying that her daughter must be able to stay in the Feng clan successfully, then she won't have to be so careful in the future.

If my daughter can stay in the Feng clan, who would dare to look down upon her as an aunt? Even the imperial concubine in the palace did not dare to do anything to her, let alone be afraid of his wife!

The next day, Jiang Mian entered the palace on time.

Magpie asked her to drink tea by herself in the side hall, because the imperial concubine hadn't woken up yet.

Of course Jiang Mian didn't dare to make any trouble. After sitting for about an hour, her eldest sister was helped over.

"I have seen my eldest sister." Jiang Mian quickly got up to meet with courtesy.

Chu Yue sat down, and then said: "They are all my sisters, don't have to be polite, sit down."

Jiang Mianbian also sat down cautiously, listening to her elder sister's tone, she seemed to be dissatisfied with her?

Are you still angry about what happened back then? But all these years have passed, and Ms. Miao has already married and had children.

"It's also a matter of my palace calling you into the palace today, so I won't repeat with you, and my palace will be straight to the point." Chu Yue said.

"Eldest sister, please tell me if you have something." Jiang Mian also sat down, cheering up.

Today, her eldest sister really didn't ask her to enter the palace to greet the old, she was a little worried.

"I heard that you are dissatisfied with the young lady of Zhao Shangshu's family? Didn't you go back to the Yongle Hou Mansion to complain that this marriage was not so good? If you wronged Baier, I also wronged you?" Chu Yue stared at her Said.

Speaking of this matter, Jiang Mian was not shocked, and said: "Sister, I am not saying that this marriage is not good, but the young lady in Zhao's Mansion is a bit too old, and Bai Er is also your nephew. He is the cousin of the Ninth Prince, and his status is also unusual, but he has to marry someone so old. Of course, my mother-in-law is wronged for him!"

"This family relationship is excellent. Miss Zhao's family has also been in the palace at the beginning, and I have also seen it in this palace. The conversation, knowledge and education are not bad, and it is more than enough to match Baier. And if it is about the family history, the Zhou family's clerk It’s not just a half of the Zhao Mansion. This marriage is the Zhou family. Don’t you have any points in your heart?” “(Chu Yue)” said very bluntly.

"Why... how can it be the Zhou family? The Zhou family..."

Before Jiang Mian had finished speaking, Chu Yue said: "The Zhou family has more relatives from the Yongle Hou Mansion, what else is left? But the Zhao mansion's own family He is from a family of farming students in Shanxi, with hundreds of years of inheritance. Although Zhao Shangshu has only this woman, is the foundation of the Zhao family comparable to that of the Zhou family? And although Baier is Xiaojiu’s cousin, Baier wants to move forward Someone has to support him. Zhao Shangshu is the best candidate. Do you still dare to dislike others' daughters? Your own son will have to be helped by others in the future. Now you will start to dislike others for not being worthy of your son. Gold is jade, and people’s daughters are grass? Or just let your son not marry for the rest of his life, and he is still a lot older now, so who dare to dislike him?"

Jiang Mian was hit hard.

Her eldest sister is definitely mocking her, absolutely yes, she still hates what happened back then.

Chu Yue turned around and said: "I heard that Zhou's family has had a lot of things recently. That grand-aunt is now in Zhou's family and she is no longer in charge of your own mother?"

Speaking of this, Jiang Mian said immediately: "Sister, you have to make the decision for me in this matter. I can’t find a few such families in the whole capital, but those families are not proper families. How can my Zhou family What happened to such a thing, it simply made me a joke in the circle of Mrs. Capital!"

As the mistress of the house is like her, there are really few she can find. She dare not go out now, for fear of being asked about it, it is really shameful.

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