"Madam must be calm, the more this kind of thing, the more calm you will be. This time Madam can arrange for someone to follow along. Otherwise, it must be a lot of twists and turns. Old slaves don't believe that the two of them will give up. This is the ladder!" said the woman.

This is right, Jiang Mian also ordered to go down immediately.

On the other side, Aunt Sun also asked Zhou Qingshu to order someone to pick her up, and Zhou Qingshu nodded, letting her take care of her and she went to work first.

As soon as she waited for the others to leave, she immediately ordered: "Hurry up and ask Chuanzi to start with a whip, and remind Meier to hurry up. If the master’s person passes, she will have to come back even if she doesn’t want to. There is no good relationship waiting for her!"

She is just an aunt. Although the master let her be the master's daughter's marriage by grace, in a word of conscience, where can she have any good marriage?

If you really want to say, there are only the **** of those poor people, who can't be on the stage. Isn't that kind of people wronging their daughter too much?

What's more, all her hopes are in the future of her children. If the future of her children is not good, she will have to be pressed by Jiang Mian in the future, so comparing these, of course, I hope my daughter can stay in the Feng clan.

People also set off from Zhou's house soon.

These things are not interested in Chu Yue, just tell Jiang Mian, after all, a little prostitute is really nothing.

Chu Yue really cares about her daughter's attitude, which is too calm.

Knowing that someone was coveting her fiance, but she was still so indifferent.

Qin Weiyang had just returned from outside the palace that day, and now she would go out of the palace to give her third sister pulse every two or three days, and she would visit her great-grandmother at Yonglehou Mansion from time to time.

When I came back this day, Chu Yue asked her about the bones of Grandma Jiang.

"My great-grandmother is getting older, and her bones will inevitably be a little uncomfortable, but this is already very good now. The medicines that the great aunt sent back are all excellent and precious, and they are all suitable for the great-grandmother." Qin Wei Young said.

Chu Yue then nodded and asked about the three princesses. Every time I came back, I had to ask about it.

But don't worry about the third princess, except that the belly is a little bigger and looks scary.

"Mother concubine, can you tell me quietly? I am really curious." Qin Weiyang whispered.

"What's the matter?" I didn't understand Chu Yue, what was this dumb curiosity?

"Naturally, it is a matter of the Ci Ning Palace secret way." Qin Weiyang said.

Chu Yue glanced at her: "Are you curious about what this is doing? I can tell you that other people don't know, but you and Lao Jiu know, and no one can say you know?"

"I know, I still don't know this?" Qin Weiyang said, "I just don't know, how come there is a secret road in Ci Ning Palace that leads to the outer palace?"

"Your father only learned about it in recent years." Chu Yue also said that her daughters are so old, and she knows her well, so it's nothing to tell her.

So Qin Weiyang listened to her mother and concubine telling him about this secret path.

Especially when she knew that the queen mother actually went to marry her son when Jin Chan escaped her shell in her early years, she was shocked that her jaw would fall.

There are also ten princes who were not born by the father and concubine Luan, but the child of her father's half-brother, who was brought in from outside the palace and raised by the concubine Luan.

She really wants to refresh her three views again.

"That's why the queen mother is so partial to Lao Shi? It is obvious that the others are also her grandchildren, but she ignores them at all. I thought it was because Lao Shi was raised in front of her, so she was particularly miserable, but didn't want to pay it back. There are these reasons!" Qin Weiyang said.

After being said by her mother and concubine, the truth became clear. It's no wonder that her father and the queen really have no feelings for the queen mother, there are so many things here.

The queen mother, the emperor grandmother, is also very powerful. She wants to occupy the magpie's nest and seek to usurp the throne for her man. This is really a good calculation, and it is really vicious.

Attempt to subvert her Qin Dynasty with her own power!

After death, I don’t blame the emperor for not letting her enter the tomb of the emperor’s grandfather, but for letting her enter the mausoleum of the imperial concubine directly. This is probably the end of her father’s benevolence.

"But the mother, the old ten is really already..." Qin Weiyang hesitated.

"He went to live again in a place that no one else knew." Chu Yue also didn't want her daughter to think that her father was a cruel and ruthless person.

Qin Weiyang nodded, his heart was really complicated, he really didn't expect it.

A magpie from outside came in and told: "Niang Niang, Luo Bi is here."

"What is she here for?" Chu Yue frowned upon hearing this.

"I want to do nothing but the second princess," said the magpie.

"The second princess doesn't want to care about it, and it doesn't care about it. They are already married, and they are adults. Let the second princess take care of it by themselves. Don't bother the main palace with this matter." Chu Yue said directly. .

The magpie took the words out.

But Luo concubine knelt down directly, wiping tears and said: "Concubine begs the imperial concubine to see the concubine, and now the concubine has no alternative but to come and beg the concubine."

Because it was really ugly, Chu Yue also let her in.

But Chu Yue didn't control my anger, and he said directly: "Luo Bi, the second princess has already happened over and over again. I don't want to talk about her again. The emperor did it last time. What else do you want because of her fire?"

"But Niang Niang, Chang Huan, the child in her belly is really the second husband, how can he deny the second husband? That's his blood and flesh!" Luo Bi said.

"Blood and blood? Whose blood and blood is it? It's really hard to tell. As for what she did, now the whole capital is watching jokes. Originally, she was the one who repaired the relationship with the second son, but now it is the second son. Completely broke with her, and even moved out of the Second Princess Mansion. This is the case. My palace also wants to ask Luo Bi how you taught the Second Princess over the years? How did you raise her up like this!" Chu Yue Directly scolded.

"The imperial concubine's concubine's lessons have been taken, but it's not so good now. If the child in Changxi's belly is destroyed, the impact on Changxi's body and bones will be too great. "Luo Bi said with tears.

"It has nothing to do with this palace, what use is it for you to find this palace!" Chu Yue didn't have a good air.

"Princess Sixth, when are you free? Or else you go to your second sister's house and show your second sister? The imperial doctor said that after this child is knocked out, you may not be able to give birth, but your medical skills Okay, maybe you can treat your second elder sister?" Luo Bi looked at Qin Weiyang who was eating snacks and tea and begged.

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