What Mrs. Zhang told Jiang Mian Jiang Mian was undoubtedly moved.

After all, the money released is guaranteed to be recovered intact, but other than that, she can sit back and reap the benefits without having to do anything with her and wait for the dividends. Who wouldn't like such a good thing?

What's more, Mrs. Zhang and her are indeed girlfriends when they were young, and their relationship has always been very good.

Although Mrs. Zhang didn't have much contact with her because she was married to Zhou's family before, but now she sends her posts from time to time inviting her to come to the party.

She also passed by. Mrs. Zhang has always been very enthusiastic and introduced her many other friends.

Naturally, she will not pit her, nor dare to pit her.

"What are you thinking about?" Mrs. Jiang said when she came out and saw her.

"Nothing." Jiang Mian said.

"You have been here for a long time. If there is nothing else to do, please go back. You still have to watch at home, especially the concubine. You have to keep an eye on me. If you make her feel bad for Yang Yang, I Just ask you!" Mrs. Jiang snorted coldly.

Jiang Mian also went back, and his mind was full of money.

But no one is paying attention to her right now, because what a joyous event the third princess gave birth to the dragon and phoenix this time, is about to start preparing for the full moon banquet.

Then there will be a hundred-day banquet, who cares about her idea.

One month may seem like a long time, but in fact it passed in a blink of an eye.

The full moon banquet of the dragon and phoenix fetus was also held, and Jiang Chuan personally hosted it, and it was very lively.

The fourth princess and the fifth princess all came out with Qin Weiyang, and brought out the youngest princess.

The seventh princess was very restrained, and she was a bit introverted by such nobles, but fortunately, knowing that the third princess is her third emperor sister, and that the fetuses of the dragon and phoenix are also cute, it makes her very happy.

"Seventh sister, you should go out and walk more. When we were your age, we were familiar with the outside of the palace." After attending the banquet, the fifth princess said on the way back to the palace.

"I still need to learn the rules." Seventh Princess said shyly.

"Study the rules?" The fifth princess rolled her eyes and said: "What rules do we learn? The rules are designated by our family and let others learn!"

I have to say this, it is very domineering and very real.

Qin Weiyang couldn't help but laugh. Although the fourth princess also wanted to laugh, she glared at her sister and said, "Do you dare to go to the father to say this?"

The fifth princess also withered, and then muttered: "Even if we are in front of the father, I dare to say that we are expensive princesses. It is enough to know what the rules are, and where do we need to deliberately learn? She gave her a stern look, but now when you look at her, after marrying her eldest brother-in-law, the smile on her face has increased a lot. It's not the same as before, just like a female husband."

Qin Weiyang laughed and said: "Fourth sister, you don't need to talk about fifth sister, fifth sister is transparent, she knows what is the point. Besides, we really only need to know what the rules are, and we really don't have to deliberately learn it. comply with."

"Right!" The five princesses were supported, very satisfied.

The fourth princess shook her head, but she didn't say anything. She knew her sister's temperament, and she would marry the princess's mansion in the future. Even if she was willful, she didn't have to worry about it all her life.

The seventh princess blinked at these sisters and said, "But I am not the same as the emperor sisters. The emperor sisters don't need to learn, but I have to learn."

"They are both the daughters of the father and the princesses of the Dafeng Dynasty. What is the difference between you and us." The fifth princess said in a convenient way.

"It's not the same. The Fourth Sister and the Five Sisters are both born by the mother's empress, and are princesses. The sixth emperor's sister is the imperial concubine, and her status is very noble, but my mother and concubine are only the honorable person." Shaking his head, said.

This is what her mother and concubine told her, saying that the mother and daughter are helpless in the palace and must abide by the rules, otherwise it is easy to get people caught in the wrong place.

And among all the concubines with children, her mother and concubine are indeed the lowest. She is just a noble person, and other concubines with children are all concubines.

"Does anyone dare to treat you harshly?" said the fifth princess.

"No, no, life in the palace is excellent, and all the supplies have never been perfunctory." The seventh princess said in a hurry.

"You are the princess in the palace, and the daughter of the emperor father. The emperor went to the study to read you and praised you for being smart." Qin Weiyang said, "The emperor is the same to us."

"Yes, as long as you don't follow your second emperor sister, everything else is easy to say." The fifth princess nodded.

The sisters also returned to the palace, and Qin Weiyang returned to Weiyang Palace after parting with them.

Chu Yue is eating pomegranate. The pomegranate tree in Weiyang Palace is full of fruit. Some mature Chu Yue is not welcome.

Speaking of it, I don’t know if her Weiyang Palace has a good geographical location, the pomegranate tree grows particularly well, and the fruit it bears every year is also big and sweet.

"It happened that you came back, come and eat pomegranates. This year's pomegranates are as good as last year." Chu Yue greeted her daughter.

Qin Weiyang sat down and ate the pomegranate with her mother and concubine. After tasting it, "It is indeed delicious, not worse than the pomegranate on Feng's side."

"Naturally not bad, you don't look at who lives in Weiyang Palace." Chu Yue said.

Qin Weiyang smiled, and talked about being a nobleman: "Mother concubine, is the current position of the nobleman a bit lower? No matter what, she has raised the Seventh Emperor Sister, and she has the same status as the gentleman who just entered the palace."

So it's no wonder that her Seven Emperor Sisters are a little inferior and timid, and lack self-confidence. How can the gentleman He De, be canonized as a noble as soon as he enters the palace, but Rugui, who has raised the Seventh Emperor Sister, hasn't moved much for so many years.

Chu Yue just said: "How can I mention this well?"

"Just going back to the palace, I think Seven Emperor Sisters seem to be very inferior." Qin Weiyang said.

"What's so inferior." Chu Yue said: "If the nobleman's natal family is only the fifth grade, she is only able to mention it because she gave birth to the seventh princess, otherwise she is always present. As for the status of the noble person as soon as he enters the palace, then you have to ask your father, but the mother concubine guessed that it should be the noble person that suits your father's heart, but like a noble person, that's the case. This is true for the nobles, but the seventh princess is your father's biological daughter. Your father has always cared about her, and the Internal Affairs Office has never treated her badly."

These are all facts, Chu Yue is also clear, because now the entire harem is in charge of her.

In the House of Internal Affairs, since Xiao Xuanzi came to power, it was tantamount to falling into her hands. For example, the nobleman and the seventh princess and daughter have always been very smooth.

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