The Consort is Sick, We Must Pamper Her

Chapter 1567: Love is not open

The four princesses said that Empress Xiao's face also eased, and she was right, because where is fate?

Who knows the future? It's just that his niece is like that, would the Nine Princes really like it?

Empress Xiao was a little uncertain, and her nephew was still too proud.

However, it is not impossible to think that the imperial concubine, who is apostate, can be taken care of by the emperor who has been very abiding for so many years.

It can only be said that each has its own life.

But now that she has taken her niece into the palace, she has given her a chance to get the moon near the water platform, and the rest is up to her fate.

Chu Yue didn't think so much, she took Xiao Yuluo's visit as an ordinary greeting, or listened to Hupo.

The youngest son of Hupo is now following Qin Jiu, who was at the martial arts field yesterday.

He told Hupo about Miss Xiao's meeting with the Nine Princes yesterday, so Hupo passed this to her mother's ears.

Chu Yue was surprised and said, "Is it because I saw Xiao Jiu before I came to please the palace?"

Hupo said: "Yes, Niang, the Ninth Prince doesn't know the purpose of Miss Xiao entering the palace, right?"

Chu Yue nodded, I don't know yet, she has never mentioned it to her son.

I thought it was just an ordinary greeting, but now that I think about it, it doesn't seem so ordinary.

It was after seeing her son that she came to her to please her. Can she guess that Xiao Yulao is satisfied with her son, so she came to visit Weiyang Palace?

She didn't mention this to her son, but Empress Xiao must have said it when she entered the palace.

So Chu Yue was thinking, should she mention it to her son?

But this is too early, what age is this, this is a proper puppy love.

Chu Yue hesitated again and again, but still felt that he had to mention something to his son. If the son has no relationship with Xiao Yulao, then be careful not to do anything that is misleading.

If you have that eye catch, then let's be a childhood sweetheart.

Otherwise, Xiao Yuluo knew about it and his son didn't know it, which would not be great.

So Chu Yue asked someone to call his son to come over for lunch.

Qin Heng didn't come over for lunch. The recent season was already the autumn harvest time. He attached great importance to people's livelihood issues. He quietly went out of the palace yesterday and went to visit the palace privately. This meeting was not in the palace.

He went out from the secret path, and said to the outside that he was conditioning his bones recently, but he came to the harem.

For example, this year is also old, so this is also a normal thing, but Qin Heng really pays attention to government affairs, and this time he went south.

Without mentioning Qin Heng's matter, Chu Yue recruited his son and told him about Xiao Yulao, so that his son had a good idea.

"The meaning of your mother's queen is that she is willing to bring you together. She asked her to talk to her before, but she felt that this was your own lifelong event, so she didn't respond, because in the future, she will live with you for a lifetime. , The mother and concubine think that your own will is the most important." Chu Yue said.

Qin Jiu frowned, and said: "What age am I now? The queen is also worried too much."

Chu Yue will understand. Did you miss Xiao Yulao? Is it still young and the love is still not open?

"The mother concubine came to you just to tell you, let you have a number in your heart, and as for the other things, you can do whatever you want before, don't worry about so many." Chu Yue said.

Qin Jiu nodded, but also said: "Mother concubine, I haven't thought about these things yet. It's the same for everyone. You pushed me."

"You can't push it, at most it should not be pushed." Chu Yue said.

It was almost the same, Qin Jiu said nothing.

"Although it is good to practice martial arts every day, occasionally, I have to give myself a day or two of holidays to let my body rest and rest." Chu Yue said.

"There are still a few days left for me to rest," Qin Jiu said.

"Would you like to leave the palace for a walk?" Chu Yue asked.

"I'll go to Yonglehou Mansion and kowtow to my great grandmother." Qin Jiu thought for a while and said.

Chu Yue was very happy and said: "If your great-grandmother sees you, she will be very happy. Don't leave so quickly when you are over, and have a meal with her old man."

"Good." Qin Jiu nodded.

After having a meal at his mother and concubine, he took the people back to the prince.

He is alone in the current prince's office, but he has arranged all day long, but he has no time to hurt the spring and sad autumn.

And he won’t be bored either. Last time the six and the seven and the eighth even sent a letter in, asking him if he wanted to go out to play? It is safe not to leave the capital, and Prince Jiang Xia dare not do anything in the capital no matter how bold he is.

The brothers are looking for him to get together.

But Qin Jiu refused. He was too busy and had a lot to learn. He had to study ahead of time, so that next year could he spare himself another month or two to go to Feng's side for vacation.

Chu Yue didn't know that my son went to Fengshi once and liked the environment there.

Not only the environment over there, but also the local customs over there, as well as the beauty of eating for a month.

Of course, the most important thing is that the inside of this palace is too boring. If you don't wander around, you feel that your bones are going to rust.

Chu Yue is still sighing, saying: "Xiao Jiu's appetite is really big now. My palace is a little worried that he will be able to eat, three bowls of rice and so much meat, but this kid doesn't seem to like it It’s not a good habit to be vegetarian."

"Yes, the nine princes ate some vegetables." said the magpie.

"Just a few chopsticks, let the dining room give him some more vegetables, the meat needs to be eaten, and the vegetables must not be less." Chu Yue said.

Hupo came in from the outside and said: "Niang, there is fresh mutton in the dining room, do you want to stew a mutton and wolfberry soup?"

"Simmer a stew, send someone to talk to Concubine Xian and Concubine Liu Fei De, so that they don't use them for dinner, and come to Weiyang Palace to use it together." Chu Yue just said, again Said: "Xiao Jiu will also give it a stew. It's good to drink more mutton soup this season."

"Yes." Hupo should be released.

Concubine Xian Liu and Concubine De concubine heard the report after they got up for a nap, and they came here together after washing themselves.

Now that as the age grows, Concubine De Fei has also joined their camp, playing very well, and often playing cards at dinner parties.

Today’s dinner is exceptionally rich, and the mutton and wolfberry soup is also very delicious, without any mutton.

"I came here from time to time to have a meal this year, but I have gained a lot." Defei said with a smile.

"Me too, the waist is thick, you can honestly say, do you think we are all fat, you are still the same, so you are the most beautiful?" Xianfei also said.

Concubine Liu smiled and said: "Sister Yue is indeed a physique that can't eat fat."

Chu Yue said my sister, I am a martial artist. You didn't see it when you were sweating quietly in the study.

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