The Consort is Sick, We Must Pamper Her

Chapter 1571: Sell ​​yourself to bury your father

Chu Yue I don't know the thoughts of Yonglehou Mansion, my son didn't return to the palace until the evening.

Today is basically spent at Yonglehou Mansion.

Chu Yue also prepared a sumptuous dinner for him and asked about her grandmother's physical condition.

Qin Jiu answered one by one, without any impatience. After having dinner here, he went back to the prince's place.

Nowadays the prince’s everything is from Chu Yue, she has nothing to worry about. Now it is not easy for Concubine Shu and Concubine Xi to protect themselves, but there is nothing left to do anything bad. Thoughtful.

Only the next day Chu Yue heard the news that Xiao Yulao and the five princesses went to the martial arts field.

"Yesterday also has a past." Hupo detoured.

Chu Yue raised its eyebrows and said, "Don't worry, just let it go."

Since the last time Xiao Yuluo came to her to please her after going to the martial arts field, she hasn't been here since. She thought it was her own passion and misunderstanding, and she didn't think about that aspect at all.

Now it seems that she is not thinking too much.

But Xiao Yulao's thoughts are a little too much, and she's afraid she won't like this son too much.

But these are not things that she should worry about. They are all for the next generation. She just needs to open her eyes and close her eyes, and they will take care of the rest.

"What news has the emperor sent back recently?" Chu Yue summoned Xiao Lizi and asked.

"Niangniang forgive me, the minion hasn't gone to Panlong Temple to find out." Xiao Lizi said.

"Go ask." Chu Yue nodded.

Xiao Lizi came to Panlong Temple to inquire about it. Now it is Xiaoyaozi who is working as an errand here, and Mr. Feng followed them out.

Xiao Yaozi asked Xiao Lizi to come over to drink tea and said, "Even though Long Live Master has been out of the palace for a while, there is no news yet, but if there is no news, it is good news. You can just go back and talk to the empress."

Xiao Lizi responded, and sat with him for a while before returning to report.

Magpie comforted: "Don't worry, Niang Niang, the emperor will certainly not be in danger when he leaves the palace in a micro service.

"Why is my palace worried about his danger? If something goes wrong with so many people, it will be too incompetent. What I worry about is whether the emperor will bring back one or two beautiful folks. Or is it the legacy of his early life?" Chu Yue said leisurely.

But let's not say that what she was worried about was happening at this time.

This time Qin Heng chose this time period to go out of the palace because this time period is after the autumn harvest. He wants to see what the civilians are harvesting to see if it is the same as what was reported by the supervision.

Qin Heng was indeed satisfied all the way through private visits. Under his policy, the lives of the people were much better than when his father was alive.

At least there are few beggars on the street, occasionally, but not many.

When his father was in politics, he actually managed very well, but there were still many beggars on the streets, but now there are many fewer.

It's just that the people's hardship is not a joke, even under his governance, things like selling one's body and burying his father are happening.

A woman with a delicate face was kneeling on the ground. Behind her was a dad, covered only by a roll of torn straw mats. She put up a sign in front of her to sell her to bury her father.

Qin Heng happened to lead people by, and he also saw that someone was still molesting this woman at such a moment. Naturally, he couldn't see it.

After the man was driven away, the woman was given money and her father was buried well.

And that night, General Manager Feng came over after seeing this woman dressing up. She looked pretty when she was wearing coarse clothing Gebu, but now she changed into new clothes and she looked really good.

It's the kind that looks gentle and watery, and it's reassuring at first glance.

"My lord, I'm here to see the master." The woman said, her voice is also very nice, just as clear as the sound of a oriole.

Manager Feng smiled and said, "The girl is polite."

"My name is Huan'er, and the adults just call my name." The woman said.

Manager Feng smiled and said, "Master needs someone to wash his feet. Then the girl in Huan'er will go in and wait on it?"

So this woman named Huan'er brought foot washing water in and waited on her. Qin Heng was originally reading a book, but when she saw that it turned out to be her, she also said: "You don't need to come again, your father is already in the land for safety, you make a living Go on the way."

"I beg the master to take me in. I have no father, no mother, and no support. Even if the master has rewarded me with ten taels of silver, I am like duckweed without roots. I will be bullied wherever I go. I will wait with the master, I can do everything and everything." said the girl Huan'er.

Qin Heng also said: "Let the steward Feng come in, and he will arrange errands for you, but you will not need you to wash your feet, which will harm your reputation."

"It was the housekeeper who asked me to come in and wash the feet for the master." Girl Huan'er said by the side.

When Qin Heng heard it, how could he still not know what Feng Guan's dog slave meant?

Mr. Feng, who is outside the door, is just waiting to see what Long Live Lord means. If Long Live Lord has that meaning, then stay.

After all, Lord Long live alone came out, and now it's getting colder and colder, and there is no such thing as a bed warmer. Is this too wronged Lord Long live?

So this one called Huan'er is just right?

"Fengbai!" His master's voice came from inside.

Manager Feng didn't dare to delay and came in. He also saw Huan'er kneeling on the ground, without saying anything: "Master, if you have anything to do, please tell me."

"Is Xiao Fuzi impatient about washing his feet and doesn't want to do it anymore?" Qin Heng said lightly.

Manager Feng quickly said, "No, the little Fuzi had diarrhea because he ate too much Hexian today, so the minion didn't dare to let him come over. It happened that the girl Huan'er was free, and the minion was bold enough to change people."

"Arrange other errands for girl Huan'er." Qin Heng said.

Manager Feng also understood the thoughts of Lord Long live, waved his hand to signal the girl Huan'er to go down, and couldn't help sighing in his heart, and said, "It's not a stunning look, I really don't want Lord Long live."

Master Feng brought the girl Huan'er out, and then let other little eunuchs who could massage her feet in.

"Girl Huan'er, go back and rest, tomorrow I will arrange errands for you." Manager Feng said.

"My lord, I don't know if the master likes to listen to opera?" the girl Huan'er said with a pursed lips.

Manager Feng was taken aback for a moment, and said, "Does the girl still sing opera?"

"My dad and I are singing operas. For so many years, I have been singing operas for people. It is also based on this. But in the next two years, my dad got sick, which spent all my savings." Yang Huan Son said.

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