The Consort is Sick, We Must Pamper Her

Chapter 1585: With and without

When Qin Weiyang came back, Feng's family was full of excitement, and the dinner party was especially lively.

Zhou Yuzhu was also invited to attend the dinner, Qin Weiyang invited, as for Zhou Mei, there is no such honor.

Zhou Mei learned about it from her maid.

"On such occasions, even Princess Yuzhu can go, so the young lady should also go there. After all, the young lady is also considered Princess Changle's nominal cousin? And she will marry the Feng clan together in the future." The maid muttered.

"Of course I am nothing in the eyes of Princess Changle, so why would she invite me? She didn't think of me from the bottom of her heart!" Zhou Mei gritted her teeth.

I was also angry and powerless in my heart. I will marry Feng Youcai next year. Marrying a slave is her destination. It is precisely because she is married to a slave, how can the masters take her seriously?

She is indeed the cousin of Princess Changle in name, but in Princess Changle's heart, she is nothing, as can be seen from this banquet.

Zhou Yuzhu all invited, but turned a blind eye to her.

What is Zhou Yuzhu? She's not familiar with Princess Changle at all, but isn't she the identity of Princess Da Zhou?

Seeing that her young lady thought so, the maid didn’t dare to mumble any more, she quickly persuaded, “You are also blessed by the young lady. You are very kind to the young lady if you are a talented son. I ordered someone to give it to my aunt. Wouldn’t you be very happy with the letters sent by your aunt with many gifts? And she also particularly agrees with this marriage. Auntie is all boasting about this marriage.”

"What does my mother know? If I can marry Young Master Feng, my worth is not comparable to that now." Zhou Mei said in a convenient way.

Although she didn't want to admit it, her birth mother was indeed too humble. If it weren't for her father, she wouldn't even have the knowledge she has today.

And even if you follow her father, but you are just an aunt, where is there any insight?

Feng Youcai bought the gifts directly, and I don't know if he made any jokes when he saw those gifts.

"Miss, don't think about it like this. Now it's done, and the wedding date is set. The young lady should listen carefully to her aunt's words and plan for next year's wedding and the rest of her life. Didn't the aunt say that, it's Miss you are blessed? I just found such a marriage, if the master takes it back, then she can't arrange any good marriage for you." The maid persuaded.

Zhou Mei leaned on the table and began to complain about her life experience. If she came out of his wife's belly, why would she need to live like this?

If she could have the background of her sisters and brothers, an aunt of the imperial concubine in the palace, and a cousin who is the son of the emperor, what kind of marriage in the capital is not left to her choice?

But there is no such fate, so you can only marry a subordinate.

When Feng Youcai came over, she saw her as if she had eaten bitter lotus seeds. He frowned and asked, "What's wrong? Has anyone bullied you?"

Zhou Mei turned away and said, "Where is someone bullying me? It's just that I'm in a bad mood, and what can I do? It's just an outsider temporarily living here!"

Feng Youcai asked, "Is it because you didn't go to the dinner party?"

"What's your name? Would I still be angry because of this?" Zhou Mei felt very uncomfortable, but she refused to admit it. Seeing him, she said, "You don't need to test me again. I've already settled it with you, and I'm naturally single-minded."

Feng Youcai was more satisfied, and said, "It's not just fine. It's a feast for the masters. We are naturally not qualified to go, unless the masters are particularly kind."

Zhou Mei felt bitter after hearing this.

Listen, this is the man she is going to marry. This is servility deep into the bones, every one of them!

But she didn't know that Feng Youcai's ancestor was originally a famine fleeing disaster rescued by Feng's ancestor. It was because of some talents that they were used, and they have been used since then, and even the stewardship is hereditary.

The grace of life-saving and the grace of knowing and encountering among them are not easy to return, and his family has never felt humble because of this, because the Feng family is very tolerant and good to the housekeeper.

On the boundary of the Central Continent, it can be said that apart from facing the Feng clan, stepping out of the Feng clan to the Mo clan of the Baili clan, the Feng clan’s housekeeper is able to speak.

"Okay, don't think about the unhappy ones. Do you still like this hairpin? This is the latest one. When I bought Miss Xing, I thought it looked good, so I bought one for you. "Feng Youcai took out the hairpin and said with a smile.

Zhou Mei, who had become accustomed to him giving her gifts from time to time, was not too moved, so she reluctantly accepted it.

Feng Youcai talked to her for a conversation, but he was also very disciplined. There was no place to go over. After waiting for a while, she had no interest in entertaining him. Then he returned with a little regret.

The maid boasted: "Miss, are you happy? The talented son is so kind to you. You see that the jewelry he bought for you, just this time, is more than what you have accumulated over the years. , And all of them are very valuable, such as this hairpin, miss, look, how beautiful, I'm afraid it would cost dozens of taels!"

Zhou Mei hummed: "The hair is long and short. This hairpin is better than the one I saw in the jewelry store last time, and you didn't hear him say that it's Miss Xing with the same style? Hundreds of taels of silver."

"A hundred taels of silver?" The maid's eyes widened.

Zhou Mei also took Chaizi's look, and was not very satisfied with Feng Youcai in other respects, but in this matter, she was still not picky.

Because Feng Youcai was really quite willing, and he really bought a lot of jewelry for her, in addition to the fine silk and satin for her to make clothes and wear.

When it was winter, I even called my mother-in-law over and brought a lot of rouge gouache for her to choose. All this satisfies Zhou Mei's vanity.

Otherwise, how could Zhou Mei be more restrained in front of Feng Youcai.

"Hey, if his background is better, then I won't be dissatisfied." Zhou Mei couldn't help sighing quietly.

But she didn't want to think that if Feng Youcai's status were higher, she might not be worthy of her.

And even now, Feng Youcai's identity is more than enough for her. I really care about it because her family is not worthy of Feng Youcai.

It's just that she looks pretty good, and she doesn't have a bad name. It's really beautiful and charming, so it's not too surprising that Feng Youcai is attracted.

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