This time is naturally fast, and it will be the end of the year in a blink of an eye.

And Mo Qi's New Year gift was also sent here, Feng Huainan and Qin Yun each had a copy, and they were both very precious rare treasures.

Qin Yun said: "It's not a good idea to collect Mo Qi every year."

Feng Huainan didn't care, and said, "What does this have to do? And we took special care of him and gave him a business way. He is the only one who runs the business. The annual profit does not know Fanji. What happened to him?"

Qin Yun glanced at him and said, "What do the Mo Cang couple mean, and what does the kid Mo Qi mean, don't you know?"

Feng Huainan smiled.

Clear, how can he not know, no one knows better than him, but so what? Knowing it, knowing it, but what should or should not be said otherwise.

Although the future son-in-law Feng Huainan has to be satisfied with him, he doesn't want his daughter to marry away, so he will basically choose the nearest one, so that there is no difference between married and unmarried daughter.

In fact, deep down in his heart, he wanted his daughter to hire a son-in-law, but he didn't agree, so he gave up.

But he does not support his daughter marrying away, so he will choose the nearest one, and Mo Qi is one of them.

But the last thing to look at is his daughter's wishes. She will choose whichever she likes when the time comes. He is not such an overbearing, authoritarian and unreasonable father. He is very democratic.

In fact, it wasn't just Mo Qi who gave gifts alone, as well as Baili's third child from the Baili family, as well as other families who gave gifts.

It is far more than the Baili family and the Mo family who want to get married with the Feng clan, and other large and small families in Central Continent are also lucky.

What if Miss Feng had a crush on her son? With the power of the Feng clan, there is no need to use her daughter to marry. Naturally, it will be based on the wishes of this jewel in the palm. Therefore, Feng Xing can be said to be a hundred families in Zhongzhou.

"Giving a daughter to raise a daughter is because this worry is not good. People always think about it." Feng Huainan said with mixed emotions as he watched the house filled with New Year gifts.

He didn't know how to express his feelings.

If you want to say happy, it must be happy, but also worried.

The daughter I raised by myself is going to be married in a few years. I really feel distressed and reluctant to dig meat after thinking about it.

Qin Yun glanced at him and said, "It's not that you can't see it after you get married. Besides, there are still many years to come. If you don't talk about marrying before the age of eighteen, what can you worry about?"

"Adopted daughters are always worried about ninety-nine when they are a hundred years old." Father Feng Huainan said heartily, and then said: "No wonder everyone likes to have sons. There is no such worry about having sons."

My son is going to kidnap someone’s baby daughter to come home. This is earned by my own family. Of course, he is stealing pleasure. There is no need to worry.

Qin Yun didn't bother to talk to him.

"Yang Yang will marry in the future, the sister-in-law must be very reluctant, but she has to give her more gifts in the past." Feng Huainan said again.

Qin Yun said: "I thought that your son was going to marry someone else's daughter, but he was happy?"

"That's not it." Feng Huainan smiled.

The couple were talking here, Qin Weiyang took Fengxing in another place, and Zhou Yuzhu were listening to the play in the wing of the theater.

How about Zhongzhou's New Year is particularly lively, the closer it gets to the end of the year, the more so. These theater gardens and the like are full, and many new plays are on stage.

"I also heard yesterday that during the Lunar New Year’s 30th and Lunar New Year’s Day to the Fifth Day, Feng’s Festival will be held. All the people of Central Continent can participate. The first 100 people will be drawn to give white flowers. Xueyin?" Zhou Yuzhu said.

"Right." Qin Weiyang nodded.

This kind of pumping festival is held every year. Whoever is lucky can draw the top 100 numbers, and the one who draws one can get one thousand taels of snow silver.

It will gradually decrease in the future, but it is all for nothing.

There used to be a family who just moved here and settled in. He was drawn directly to the number one. The luck was too good. After the number one was drawn, he got a thousand taels of snow silver, and the luck of that year was really good, not only The illness on his body was cured, his son also found a job, and even more talked about a good local marriage.

In the past few years, I heard that I have already given birth to two children, and my family life is very happy.

But leaving aside other things, this Luck Festival has now become a joyous festival in Central Continent, and they all look forward to luck.

"Then I have to smoke this year, should I be able to smoke too?" Zhou Yuzhu said.

"You probably can't. In the past, everyone who participated in the pumping festival had to take the household registration. Without the household registration, you can't even enter the venue." Feng Xing said.

Zhou Yuzhu is very sorry.

"Can't you accommodate it?" the maid said.

"This is the rule, it's not accommodating." Feng Xing said.

"Finally, Feng's family always acts according to the rules, and we should also abide by the rules." Zhou Yuzhu nodded and talked about other places.

There are also many temple fairs here in Zhongzhou, which will be very lively at that time, and some of them are seeking peace and marriage and seeking wealth. It will be fine to go again then.

"Look, isn't that Zhou Mei and Feng Youcai." When Zhou Yuzhu asked her maid to open the curtain to let her air out, she caught a glimpse of Feng Youcai and Zhou Mei.

Qin Weiyang and Feng Xing looked over and saw it.

Feng Youcai took Zhou Mei and her maid into the other wing, apparently also coming to watch the show.

"I heard that Zhou Mei was ill a while ago. Feng Youcai went to visit her every day. After such care, the two people seemed to have better relationships," Zhou Yuzhu said.

"You seem to be paying attention to the two of them?" Qin Weiyang said, but she knew that Feng Youcai had basically broken the way to inherit the housekeeper because of marrying Zhou Mei.

"I don't have to pay more attention to it. The Feng family is calm, and it's time for the two of them to pass the time. I think the two of them will have a fight sooner or later," Zhou Yuzhu said.

"Isn't this good?" Feng Xing said. She was also not satisfied with Feng Youcai. She actually fell in love with Zhou Mei, who was supposed to be a concubine for her eldest brother. Isn't this mess?

"It looks good, but you didn't notice Zhou Mei's eyes. She didn't care about Feng Youcai at all. She was hugged by Feng Youcai and kissed the wrong person again, knowing that she has no hope of serving your eldest brother. The concubine is now, it's the second best thing, her eyes are enough to explain everything." Zhou Yuzhu said.

Feng Xing and Qin Weiyang didn't pay attention to these things. Since Feng Youcai had made a choice, it was hard for him to bear it.

Soon after Feng Bo was busy, the group of people listened to the show, had tea and chatted together.

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