Father Feng almost crawled out to pass the order: "Hurry up and get that woman back!"

"Yes!" The dark guard replied in a deep voice.

"Remember, if you want to live, Long live Lord will torture her personally!" Father Feng added another sentence.


Between remote countryside.

Chu Yue was eating wild fruit carefree by the river. Aji picked it and washed it with big leaves and brought it to her.

"Aji, have you washed it? You will come up after washing it." Chu Yue ate the sweet and sour wild fruits that were particularly appetizing and said towards the river.

As soon as she finished speaking, a head popped out of the river, isn't it Aggie.

"I don't know if the meat is cooked, I'm hungry." Chu Yue said, there is a fire rack beside her, with a pheasant interspersed on it.

"I'm coming up now, you, why did you take my clothes over?" Aggie was about to come up, but when he saw his clothes, he squatted back and stammered.

When he first went into the water, he obviously put his clothes on the big rock. He took off his clothes and went into the water from behind the big rock.

"I saw your clothes fall into the water easily, so I brought them over." Chu Yue blinked at him.

"Cough, then you can get me the stone." Aji said with a dry cough.

"No, I'm too lazy to move, come and get it by yourself." Chu Yue turned away and said without looking at him.

"Then...then you don't turn around." Aji hesitated.

"Well, I don't need to look at you." Chu Yue nodded.

Then I heard the sound of water coming out, Chu Yue turned his face away, and Aji suddenly blushed: "Why are you... why are you turning around."

Chu Yue succeeded and smiled. Because of hunting all the year round, Aji has a really good figure. He is only 19 years old and full of youthful vitality.

Aji's face was red.

"I'm not embarrassed, but you are embarrassed to be on it." Chu Yue didn't care very much, she just looked at her body and feasted her eyes.

"You...you..." the young man stammered, unable to speak.

Chu Yue laughed: "Brilliant, quickly put on your clothes, is the roast chicken ready? I'm hungry."

Aji quickly put it on himself.

"The **** are all wet, so you don't have to take them off and put them on. That's so uncomfortable?" Chu Yue said with a good face for him: "Take it off and let it burn."

"No... nothing." Aji blushed.

When he got dressed, Chu Yue leaned into his arms.

Aji's body stiffened, but he didn't move much.

"Aji." Chu Yue pressed his face in his arms and whispered.

"Yeah." Aji was also a little satisfied, letting her lean on herself.

The two had nothing to say, so they leaned together, but the atmosphere was also very good.

Soon the roast chicken was ready, and the fragrance was all ten miles fragrant, and Aji reminded with a bit of dismay: "Yue'er, eat roast chicken."

Chu Yue couldn't get up in his arms and said: "I want you to feed me." He raised his face to look at him, and added: "If you don't feed me, I won't eat."

Aji laughed, helped her sit down, blew the roast chicken to warmth, and then tore off the fragrant chicken and fed it to her.

Chu Yue was satisfied, and after eating, he still ate sour fruits to get rid of greasiness, and Aji ate the remaining chicken.

"Aji, it's nice to be with you." After Chu Yue finished eating and cleaning, he leaned in his arms and fed him half of the wild fruit.

Aji blushed and fed her and ate the fruit.

Chu Yue was satisfied and said, "Aji, will you love me well in the future?"

"Yes!" Aji said when he heard this, looking at her seriously.

"Is it true?" Chu Yue looked at him and said, "I was fooled by a man. I'm afraid I believe in the wrong man again, Aji, don't lie to me. A woman like me is even a child. I can’t give birth, and it’s most useless. I don’t have any thoughts of living. If you lie to me, I’m afraid I’m going to die.”

Tears are about to come out.

"Don't... don't cry, I won't lie to you, I'll treat you well in my life, if I violate this oath, the heaven will die!" Aji said hurriedly.

Chu Yue made a classic action and pressed his lips gently with his hand: "I don’t allow you to say that, even if... even if you don’t want me in the future, I don’t hate you, I hope you can live it. Get well, marry another virtuous and virtuous woman, and have a good life, as long as you don’t forget me in your heart."

"No, I won't marry anyone except you in this life!" Aji was so touched by her, but solemnly said.

"Then you hug me." Chu Yue asked.

"This...this..." Aji hesitated.

After all, he hasn't come to offer his job...

"You also said that you love me, and that you don't marry anyone except me. You are not willing to satisfy me even this little request." Chu Yue complained.

Aji pursed his mouth, then hesitantly put his hand on her waist, Chu Yue then whispered: "Aji, are you taking advantage of me?"

Aji retracted his hands like he was hot, and he was speechless.

Chu Yue watched him say: "Do you think you can just take it back and treat it as if it never happened."

"Yue'er..." Aji was embarrassed, he felt that Yue'er was too fairy.

"Although you have taken advantage of it, but..." Chu Yue leaned softly in his arms: "But people are willing to let you take advantage."

Aji's heart beat a little fast, but he put his hand on her waist again.

Chu Yue brought a satisfying smile on his face, and Aji's eyebrows were too soft.

Seeing that the time was almost time, the two also came down the mountain and separated at the foot of the mountain.

When Chu Yue brought Bingye back to the yard, Hupo had already made a full dress, and was pleased to see her lady come back: "Miss, the clothes you want are ready, come here soon What about the clothes? I will change them if they don’t fit, but it’s generally fine."

Chu Yue took a look, nodded and said: "Very good." Then said to Bingye: "Send it to Aji."

"Yes." Bing Ye nodded.

Aji, who went out to carry water, received this package. Knowing that there were clothes inside, Aji almost walked home with two buckets of water.

"Why come back so soon? Why are these two buckets of water overflowing so much?" Ajiniang was about to use water, she said when she looked at the two buckets of water.

Only half of the two buckets of water are left.

"Mother, I'll fill up the water tank later, you can use it first." Aji said.

Ajiniang glanced at him suspiciously, her eyes were attracted by the package in his arms, and she said, "What is this?"

"Nothing." After Aji finished speaking, he walked back to the room quickly.

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