The Consort is Sick, We Must Pamper Her

Chapter 1598: It's midnight

The fifth princess feels distressed, but Chu Yue is in a good mood. Of course such a big Dongzhu is a baby.

The other Dongzhu are the size of a fingernail. The box she gave to Xiao Yulao is actually Dongzhu. Although it is also precious, it is not uncommon.

But such a big one is really rare.

As for accepting the Dongzhu of Empress Xiao, Chu Yue has no psychological burden at all, and she has no friendship with Empress Xiao.

If Empress Xiao didn't give this Dongzhu this time, Chu Yue would have been stalled.

It has nothing to do with Chu Yue if the princess does not give birth. If you came into the palace with other ladies before, you would see them together. Why should her daughter come back so far to see her doctor?

Although both the Zhenguo Gongfu and the Prince's Mansion are now supporting her son, it is clear whose market is.

The daughter doesn't need to come back to see her specially, and her own daughter is not something the prince can use casually.

But the old saying goes well, can money make ghosts go wrong? Empress Xiao was willing to pay for her capital, and she got paid, so there was nothing to say.

So I wrote a letter to her and my own daughter, and asked Qin Heng to send it to Feng's family.

"It's good, what do you let Yang Yang come back to do? It's very cold outside the weather." Qin Hengxin asked her to give it away, but also asked her.

Chu Yue said: "It's not about asking her to come back now. It's not too cold in February and March, and it's okay to come back then. I didn't ask her to come back, it was the queen."

"Queen? What's wrong?" Qin Heng asked.

"The queen wants to ask Yang Yang to show her second wife." Chu Yue also said.

Qin Heng knew about it, but his face became cold when he mentioned the princess, but he didn't say anything as a father-in-law.

But I didn’t know it before I knew it. Princess Jiang Xia would go to the palace from time to time to show her greetings to Concubine Shu, but the number of times the Crown Princess entered the palace this year can be counted with one slap. In one province, I haven't come in for ten and a half months to greet the queen.

I heard that even if he enters the palace, he will go back soon afterwards.

But Qin Heng knew that Gui knew, but didn't say anything, because this daughter-in-law was chosen by the queen herself.

But in his heart, Qin Heng also became more determined that he would choose a prince and concubine for Lao Jiu in the future, and he could not let these women be the masters. There was nothing he could do.

Chu Yue didn’t know that this boy was discriminating in his heart, so he listened to him: “Did Yang Yang treat those women last time? She didn’t come into the palace together to see her, but now she still has to be Yang Yang. I rushed back here. What benefit did the queen give you? You are willing to make your girl tired like that."

Chu Yue simply said: "The queen gave me an Dongzhu, which is bigger than the one you gave me."

Qin Heng had a strange expression on his face.

He knows what temper he is a woman, how can she do things without good.

"Never talk about it. I heard that the princes see the world recently to give the emperor replenishing soup? Today, this soup is for Tang Minger and that soup, this is for fear that the emperor will not make up this winter." Chu Yue Said.

Among the concubines in the harem, the nobles are the most motivated. They have been in the palace for a few days. It is time to understand who tied Qin Heng to the palace, but they still persevere, intending to strive for the top.

Qin Heng ignored her and continued to write his own calligraphy.

"Weiyang Palace prepared delicious meals and waited for the emperor to use it." After Chu Yue was finished, he took the people back.

Qin Heng then raised his eyes to look at her back, with a smile in his eyes.

But instead of going to Weiyang Palace for dinner, he came to Baofang Pavilion.

Shugui almost fell into tears with excitement. She had worked so hard for so many days. Seeing Tiandi personally sending soup over, she wanted the emperor to see her.

But the soup was left, but the emperor has never come here. This is a very shocking thing.

And the surrounding people often laugh at her, saying that she is overpowered, saying that she is restless and guarding herself, and Hu Meizi is a faction to seduce the emperor.

But she was not overwhelmed by these rumors, because she believed that as long as she worked hard, she would be able to call the emperor to come over. Sure enough, the emperor paid off, and the emperor is here!

Seeing what those people said now, it must have begun to be jealous.

"Nobles, don't miss the opportunity tonight." The maid Luohua whispered.

The gentleman nodded imperceptibly, and greeted him with a smile on his face, as brilliant as a peach blossom.

It was the **** Feng, the **** who looked at it, and it all felt that her face was taken advantage of, because she really looked like the lady of Weiyang Palace.

And because you are young, how energetic you look? How come Long live master doesn't keep his pamper.

There is a saying that the emperor is not in a hurry for the eunuchs, which is very suitable here.

Qin Heng didn't have any expressions. The gentleman followed him into the room and sat down. Then he said, "Concubine thought that the emperor would not be here today."

"I know all the thoughts of Concubine Ai, and I will come here for dinner when I am free, but I still have some errands, and I should leave when I'm done." Qin Heng said.

After hearing the words, the nobleman can be said that his mood has fallen to the bottom. Does the emperor stay?

But the emperor said that she wouldn't stay if she didn't stay, she would try her best to let the emperor stay if she didn't stay!

Not only did I prepare a very hearty dinner, but there were also lamb and sea cucumbers that would nourish the sun, and the sky was also very beautiful, because when I was eating, the outside director came to report and the goose feathers were raised. Heavy snowfall.

"The emperor, the snow is so heavy tonight, does the emperor want to go back?" The gentleman said softly.

Qin Heng said, "If it is too big, I won't go back."

The Shu nobleman prayed in his heart that this heavy snow must never stop, probably to fulfill her dream, the goose feather heavy snow really kept going.

After the dinner was over, it was still falling outside, which was really not ordinary heavy snow.

Chu Yue at Weiyang Palace naturally also saw the heavy snow, and snorted coldly: "It seems that the snow is so big, the emperor is going to stay overnight tonight!"

"Don't worry about the empress, even if you leave the emperor, you will rest in the study." The magpie comforted.

Chu Yue sneered: "It's impossible to say, this lonely long night, isn't it warm when a beauty sleeps in her arms?"

Although Qin Heng knew it in his heart, he really didn't expect much of his nature (Chu Yue).

Even if it is the news tomorrow that the handsome man has been accepted, Chu Yue feels that he is very calm, but I am afraid it is true that I will be disappointed.

It's just that she tossed about that night and couldn't sleep, but Qin Heng came in the middle of the night.

And this time, he unexpectedly gave her a gust of wind and showers, and it was noisy for most of the night.

It's called Chu Yue and it feels like when I was young!

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