Chu Yue requested the grace Yuan Jing nodded in response.

As for what kind of grace she still doesn't know, he can basically give what she wants, except that if one day restores the memory and wants to go, he won't let it.

Thinking of this, Yuan Jing felt that when she had finished giving birth to a confinement and had her body well developed, she should be able to give birth to him by then.

After giving birth to him, she really recovered her memory, and she was not willing to give up the baby.

The prince returned home, and the guards surrounding the cinnabar pavilion were dismissed, and the prince came to the cinnabar pavilion again, and he still stayed in the cinnabar pavilion for dinner.

That's all, and stayed overnight in Zhusha Pavilion.

What is this scenario?

A group of women in the backyard are all confused and confused. The prince is back now, shouldn't he take the initiative to take care of Aunt Zhu? What did it mean to stay in the cinnabar pavilion in the past?

Concubine Yao, Auntie Chen, Auntie Li, Auntie Mei, and others, all couldn't understand what was going on.

But it spread on the next Tianfu.

"Why house arrest Aunt Zhu? The prince is protecting Aunt Zhu."

"The prince went out to handle errands for so long this time. This is because I was worried about what happened to Aunt Zhu, so I ordered someone to guard the Cinnabar Pavilion, so that those who had no good intentions thought that Aunt Zhu had done something wrong."

"Impossible, if so, how can the food in the dining room be reduced so much?"

"The grade is lowered a bit, but not that much, and I am not hungry for Aunt Zhu."

"Early this morning, Chunhua and Dongxue from Zhusha Pavilion have gone to the Pearl Building to buy pastries."

"Those who tell Auntie are spies are simply ridiculous. This is because Aunt Zhu is favored and deliberately corrupted Aunt Zhu's reputation!"


Concubine Yao Fang heard these words as soon as she woke up.

"Side concubine, how come the servant girl can't understand what is going on?" The servant girl frowned.

This Aunt Zhu was obviously treated as a spy, but now this turn around has changed.

"It's clear that the prince can't be left or right." Consort Yao said with great regret.

"Could it be the prince watching her belly?" The maid asked hesitantly.

"Who are you the prince?" Concubine Yao snorted when she heard the words, and looked at her. "Don't look at her as a spy anymore. If she is, how can the prince keep her? Don't talk about a child, in her stomach Even if there are two, the prince won't let a strange spy be born."

"It's a slave servant who is ignorant." The servant girl hurriedly said, and couldn't help saying: "The servant girl thought she was going to finish playing this time, but she unexpectedly turned over again."

Aunt Zimei was saying this now.

Seeing that they were all about to be beaten into the dust, they turned over again?

"This Aunt Zhu is so capable, is she really innocent, or is she told to hide by means?" Aunt Mei whispered.

"What kind of temper is the prince, I want to be innocent, otherwise the prince should have let her hang herself last night." The maid said: "Auntie, remember not to show off in front of her, this woman and aunt are not the same."

"What a fate." Aunt Mei sighed quietly.

Not the same as her, then giving birth to a child to the prince, whether it is a concubine or a concubine, is always a prosperous and wealthy one.

And she is so favored, there will be a second child, such a woman can only be described with good fate.

Chu Yue turned over, and the most restless people are Aunt Chen and Aunt Li.

Although these two have not immediately turned their backs and pointed at Zhusha Pavilion and cursed others these days, their attitude of drawing a line to separate themselves from Zhusha Pavilion is also very clear, and they are afraid that they will be implicated.

But now Cinnabar is okay, how can this be made?

"Auntie, let's go to the Zhusha Pavilion quickly. Even if you want to protect yourself for such a big thing this time, it is human nature. How can you not count in Aunt Zhu's heart? Now that the storm has passed, Auntie must hurry up Take your attitude out." The maid persuaded.

Aunt Chen also felt that this was true, and came over immediately.

It was only when I came to Zhusha Pavilion that I realized that Aunt Li, the treacherous and cunning man, had come one step ahead of her!

Aunt Chen rushed in after passing the report.

"Aunt Chen is here too, but I haven't seen Aunt Chen for a while." Chu Yue looked at her and said lightly.

"My younger sister has become timid and afraid of things, so I ask my sister to forgive me." Aunt Chen didn't dare to quibble, and immediately gave a gift: "But my younger sister has always believed that her sister must be innocent."

"Aunt Li said the same just now, she believed that I was innocent, but she just came to see me, I've become a dragon's lair here." Chu Yue said coldly.

Aunt Li's face turned pale, she stood up tightly and said, "Sister, my sister is just a little aunt. My elder sister still has the prince's favor and heirs in her abdomen, but my sister has nothing. Helping sister, sister has nowhere to tell."

Aunt Chen nodded: "Aunt Li said, please forgive my sister for her fault!"

Chu Yue glanced at both of them and said lightly: "Okay, sit down."

The two looked at each other before sitting down.

"It's understandable for you to be afraid of what happened for a while. It's not unreasonable for you to get involved with the spies. Anyone with a head can think about it. It's normal for you to dare not come over." Chu Yue said.

"It's useless to be a younger sister." Aunt Chen said quickly.

"But elder sister, how could the prince misunderstand you?" Aunt Li puzzled.

"I misunderstood the prince, and it was also the meaning of the prince." Chu Yue said flatly: "The prince knew that he would take a lot of time to go out this time, and he was worried that something might happen to me, so he sent a guard. My cinnabar pavilion was guarded, but the errands were in a hurry, and without time to explain clearly, the mansion misunderstood and thought I was a spy."

Aunt Chen and Aunt Li were both stunned, never expected the truth to be like this?

The whole mansion has misunderstood the meaning of the prince, this is to guard Aunt Zhu as a prisoner!

"Go back, I'm going to be busy, so I won't entertain you anymore." Chu Yue waved his hand.

Aunt Chen and Aunt Li saw that she was still not satisfied with them, so naturally they didn't dare to stay longer, so they got up and saluted and left.

"Auntie, this Auntie Chen and Auntie Li have been meeting the windshield. I really haven't come here for half a step. I want to wash a layer of skin to show that it has nothing to do with the Cinnabar Pavilion." Chunhua hummed.

Chu Yue chuckled softly: "Of course they will be afraid. If I were spies and they walked close to me, they would be regarded as accomplices. How could they not be afraid."

After speaking, he said, "Clean up for me, and go sit in the courtyard of the old concubine."

Early this morning, the old princess gave her a box of silver for personal use, always going to thank her.

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