Yuan Jing, the VIP of Shangqing Palace, naturally failed to reach him.

Yuan Jing came out of the Qing Palace with a cold face and immediately ordered people to conduct a thorough investigation of the imperial capital.

Originally, ten percent thought it was Yuan Qing who did it, but now he couldn't help but start thinking about King Li and King An.

Because he came here by holding Yuan Qing's handle, but Yuan Qing would rather cede the land and pay him indemnity. He killed him and said that this was not his work.

Yuan Qing's lifeline was pinched by him, how dare he play with his mind in front of him?

But if it wasn't for Yuan Qing, who would it be? Wang Li wrote and directed himself? Or does King An want to sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight?

Yuan Jing wanted to conduct a thorough investigation with an icy expression, but it didn't take long before the entire emperor capital spread that Xianquelou was actually under the command of King Qing.

Hidden in the imperial capital for so many years, I don't know how much information has been investigated, and how many staff members there are.

As soon as the news came out, the entire emperor was shocked.

King Qing, who had been dormant for many years, directly hated King Jing, and even the person behind the kidnapping of the aunt. This clearly wanted to plant him, and even wanted to use King Jing's hand to completely destroy him!

But before there was any action, people were declared into the palace. I don't know what Emperor Dayuan said. After coming out of the palace, King Qing's face was undoubtedly pale.

The entire imperial capital became unpredictable in an instant. Who can imagine that His Royal Highness King Qing, who has always used wine sacs and rice bags, has such a deep city and scheming. For so many years, no one has discovered it, the largest brothel, Xianquelou It's his name!

On the Liwang Mansion.

"Master, this is the latest news." The guard sent a letter in.

King Li was in a very good mood, because he enjoyed a dog bite, and the more fierce Yuan Jing and Yuan Qing fought, the more he could benefit.

He just opened the letterhead, but his brows wrinkled, and said, "Where did Lin Heng take that Aunt Zhu and they lost it?"

"Boss Lin's secret guards are very good. They were even above our secret guards. They were all stunned by medicine in one night, but Boss Lin knew that they belonged to the prince, so he didn't kill him." The guard said.

King Li said, "Do you think that Aunt Zhu was the person Lin Heng was looking for, or was it really his friend of Daqi who was looking for?"

"My lord, boss Lin asked someone to send it, and there is this token." The guard took out a token from his waist.

"This is..." King Li narrowed his eyes: "The King Regent's?"

"The subordinates have ordered someone to check that it is indeed the token of the regent." The guard nodded.

"What is the origin of this Aunt Zhu, who was actually the person the regent of Daqi was looking for?" Wang Li said with a thoughtful face.

I thought she was an ordinary woman with extraordinary beauty, but she didn't want to have a relationship with the regent of Daqi.

"The subordinate has ordered someone to conduct a thorough investigation, I believe there will be news soon." The guard said.

But in just seven days, the news came, and at the same time there was a painting. Isn’t the woman in the painting the Aunt Zhu?

"Brother Heng really has a personal relationship with the regent of Daqi." Li Wang said.

"Boss Lin's contacts are indeed extraordinary. If it can be used by the prince, then..." the guard did not continue.

But what is behind it is obvious.

With such financial resources and such connections, if such a character can be earned under his command, it would be like a tiger.

"Brother Heng is not in the officialdom. I don't have anything else to offer from the king. I really don't know how to let him use it." King Li said.

If a person wants something, it's okay to do things, but he's afraid that people don't want it at all.

He had known him fifteen years ago, when he was rescued by him in Xiangshan, and then he proposed to open a restaurant in the imperial capital.

He pays, he connects, let him cover.

After that, I didn't care much. I asked in the past, and the people in the Pearl Tower said that the boss was doing business in another dynasty and was not free to come.

He came here again, but he didn't stay long.

But King Li knew that he was unusual, because the secret guards around him were not someone who could peep and inquire.

And the financial resources are extremely strong.

What he fancyed was his financial resources, and he even made a heavy promise, but he had never been moved by it.

This time I took Aunt Zhu away or knew him for the first time in so many years.

But at the same time, his contacts were exposed, and he even knew the regent of Daqi, but he didn't want to hide it, so he sent the token directly to him.

It seems that Xianquelou was under King Qing's affairs and indeed was told by the Regent of Daqi, but the power of the Regent of Daqi has spread to them, the Great Yuan Emperor!

If you stretch your hand too long, it will be chopped off!

The strength is only the third dynasty, and he dare to stare at his Yuan Dynasty!

The day after King Li found the portrait of Daqi, Yuan Jing found it too.

And the information he found was more detailed than that of King Li. He even found Aunt Zhu from the boundary of the Dafeng Dynasty.

"Dafeng?" Yuan Jing frowned. At first he didn't think about it, but when he was soaking in the medicinal bath that day, his closed eyes suddenly opened!

The servant girl who was massaging him turned pale with fright, and she knelt down quickly.

Yuan Jing waved his hand to let it go, and almost without hesitation, he passed the secret guard over: "Take a thorough investigation of the people hiding in the Dafeng Dynasty, where is the origin of Aunt Zhu!"

As one of the heirs of the Great Yuan Dynasty, he naturally had his own eyes and ears in the other three dynasties. Otherwise, wouldn't he even know what the other dynasties were like?

But right now Yuan Jing thought of Aunt Zhu's dream to warn him and let him avoid that fatal man-made disaster.

But how much has happened in the Dafeng Dynasty in recent years? However, I was able to escape safely every time, this...Is this related to Aunt Zhu?

Yuan Jing was in deep thought, until the medicated bath was cold, and then he came out of it, his face looked like frost.

If this is the case, then this time Aunt Zhu was taken away by people from the Dafeng dynasty, and King Qing was just pushed out to confuse the audience?

But how did the Dafeng Dynasty know that Xianquelou was actually owned by King Qing, and he and Yuan Li were both concealed by him!

The next day, Yuan Jing entered the palace.

He didn't dare to hesitate to tell his uncle the emperor's guess, which made the Dayuan Emperor feel a little absurd.

If she had such an ability, how could Dafeng let her be exposed? Must stay in the deep palace.

But it does not rule out the news of one in ten thousand.

So Da Yuan's top dark guards were dispatched.

The emperor capital of the Dayuan Dynasty is destined to be unrest on this winter day.

The news reached Qin Heng almost immediately, and Qin Heng's expression was indifferent.

You can't find this place even if you look around for it.

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