Qin Heng, who consciously thought she was in a good mood, helped the woman walk around before coming to the small courtyard.

The dark guards have already dealt with the chicken, and the rabbit meat is the same. Chu Yue doesn't need Qin Heng, so he rolls up his sleeves.

It is also good for him to know that she is not as soft and weak as he was supposed to be, and it was **** when she picked up a chicken and picked up a knife!

But he didn't want Qin Heng behind him to look at her clean energy, his eyebrows softened.

He imagined that if he was really a monk in the past, he should be vulgar now, and if her body is good, there should be a four or five year old child holding her leg and calling her a mother, asking her what When can I eat?

This is probably what the folks say, the daughter-in-law and the child are hot on the bed.

Chu Yue chopped the pheasant, and then started to chop the rabbit. Everyone did not look like a lady. She thought, the man behind her must be stunned by her side!

It's good to be shocked. When the time comes, everyone will break up, and no one will pester anyone.

The half of the chopped chicken can be stewed directly in the pot, and the mushrooms can be washed and thrown in and stewed together.

Chu Yue washed his hands and said: "I'm back to the house. You don't have to keep staring at the ignition. Just keep watching."

I didn't care about him, and I went back to the room and started to write about her mortal girl.

No way, it's really idle, what can I do without finding something to do?

Now I am pregnant, making sled skiing and the like are all jokes, and the only thing I can do is write a notebook to pass the time.

The problem is still not used to it. Chu Yue continued to make charcoal pens, and then I continued writing after the charcoal pens were made.

Qin Heng took all of her habits in his eyes, even if it was the habit of using charcoal pens that was not used to using brushes, she brought them here, right?

Before he knew her, he didn't even know what charcoal was.

But obviously she uses it very skillfully.

The stroke of Chu Yue is one thousand words, and she doesn't sit for too long. After finishing the thousand words, she will come to the kitchen to watch the stewed chicken.

The ingredients are limited, so I put some **** and mushrooms and a little salt.

Chu Yue watched the fire almost, so I scooped it out and shared a bowl of chicken soup with Qin Heng. As for the remaining meat Chu Yue, he asked him if he could eat it.

She doesn't eat it, she can eat fried chicken, but she doesn't eat the stewed chicken, only soup.

Qin Heng took a bite and stopped eating, it was too much.

One person drank a bowl of chicken soup, Chu Yue only started to fry the meat, a plate of braised rabbit meat and a plate of braised chicken with steamed rice.

Chu Yue said: "It's delicious, right?"

"Yeah." Qin Heng nodded, it was the first time he discovered this woman's craftsmanship so good.

Of course, the vegetarian dishes he cooked for him before were also delicious, but this was the first time I saw her cook meat dishes.

Chu Yue also feels that his cooking skills are really good, not unfamiliar at all.

"You can't eat this braised rabbit meat!" Qin Heng remembered, his face changed slightly, and he said quickly.

"What's wrong?" Chu Yue looked at the rabbit meat taken away by him, inexplicably.

"Children who eat rabbit meat tend to have hare lips!" Qin Heng said hurriedly, "I'll pick your throat and spit out the food."

Chu Yue glanced at him disgustingly: "The rumor you heard from that, pregnant women eat some rabbit meat to help nutrition, okay!"

"No hare lips?" Qin Heng looked at her suspiciously.

"Of course not, would I still make fun of my own children?" Chu Yue was irritated.

Qin Heng then put the rabbit meat back, and then asked casually, "Is it your version of the world?"

Chu Yue originally blurted out and almost said yes, but when the words came to her lips, she abruptly stopped what she said and raised her eyes and swept at him.

Qin Heng didn't seem to notice what was wrong with what he said. He continued to eat his own, very calm, and asked her, "What's wrong?"

"What do you mean by that sentence? Why can't I understand?" Chu Yue laughed.

Qin Heng said, "You told me that you are not a person in this world."

Chu Yue Believe him to have a ghost!

Do you really think she can make up things if she forgets it? This is clearly testing her.

She believed that she would like him even before she lost her memory, but she would never reveal this to him. How could she take out all of her old friends?


"Nonsense, why am I not a person in this world, am I still a ghost if I am not a person?" Chu Yue said.

"I don't rule out this possibility." Qin Heng nodded.

Chu Yue sneered: "Then you are really serious, you think I am a lonely ghost, and you can still sleep!"

After speaking, I didn't bother to pay attention to him and eat his own.

Rabbit meat is edible, but you should eat less. Chu Yue is not too indulgent. Even if it is delicious, it is not enough. Eat more chicken.

Leave him alone after eating, go back to the room and write your own words.

Qin Heng was left a little helpless, this woman seemed confused, but once something was involved, it was what the police felt like, even if she had lost her memory, she could perceive something as soon as he mentioned it.

But in the coming days, will he still know the secret of her? Don't even want to leave him in this life, he has a lifetime to explore slowly.

The Chu Yue that was about to write a novel in the room also secretly said that it was dangerous. It turned out to be a treacherous man, and he almost didn't watch out for being confused.

Also want to bully her lost memory to inquire about these things.

Chu Yue began to write his own storybook.

I have to say that I don’t have anything else to do when I’m idle, basically just eating and drinking Lhasa, Chu Yue still has a lot of time to play.

After one and a half months passed, she estimated that it should be the Lantern Festival.

So this day she made glutinous rice balls.

She was a southerner in her previous life. She ate glutinous rice **** on the Lantern Festival, naturally following her own habits.

Qin Heng was incidental.

However, this man now does what she does and what he eats, he is very easy to feed, and a few days ago, Chu Yue was a bit unbearable, so he had an adult game with him.

Probably because of physical satisfaction, this man is more gentle to her.

Chu Yue was still useful at the time, but afterwards, there was no twists and turns in the heart. Everyone is an adult and has normal needs. And there are children in the stomach, so don't be hypocritical.

But just go to the kidneys, just go to the heart.

After cooking glutinous rice balls, Chu Yue is a bowl of Qin Heng.

"The year is over, when will it clear up?" Chu Yue said while eating glutinous rice balls.

"If you can't wait for it to clear, I will go back early." Qin Heng also said, "It's too sweet."

"I didn't put a lot of sugar, it's still moderate." Chu Yue said: "You can arrange these. When you have to go, remember to bring my manuscripts."

But it's all her hard work, everything can fall, but these can't, otherwise she will have the heart to rewrite it.

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