Empress Xiao smiled and said: "Concubine Yue is different from you. She is feeding the Sixth Princess herself. She should be more tolerant. You don't need to mention this kind of thing."

The faces of Concubine Xi and Wen Bin both stiffened by three points.

Luo Bi, the birth mother of the second princess, smiled and said, "It is the empress who is tolerant."

"Thank you Empress Empress for your understanding." Chu Yue glanced at the two concubine Xiwen and Wen, then looked at the queen and said: "The folks say that raising a child can only know their parents, and the concubines can feed the six princesses personally. Understanding the meaning of this sentence, I originally wanted to come over earlier to greet the empress, but it takes a lot of energy. I don't want to behave like Concubine Xi and Concubine Wen in the past, but it is embarrassing to the concubine."

"It's not easy for Concubine Yue to feed herself. Concubine heard that it was only recently that she recalled the nurse. She had fed the milk overnight by herself?" Liu said.

"Well, when I was out of confinement, I called the grandmother back. I thought I was okay, but I didn't expect to be able to survive the hard work. I get up three or four times at night. Sometimes the emperor has to be there. Was awakened by that little girl." Chu Yue said helplessly.

"This is hard work." Liu Bie said.

"Concubine Xi, do you have anything else you want to say." Concubine Xian looked at Concubine Xi Wen and said.

"It's not that the concubine said that the nursing child should have been handed over to the nurse. It was raised by the Ministry of Internal Affairs, so what could be wrong? Concubine Yue, why are you doing this?" Xifei said.

"Xifei, you also know what my background is. Although I came from Yongle Hou Mansion, I grew up outside when I was a child. The people I met were all ordinary people, and all I saw were feeding my children, so I also miss myself Yang, the concubine also asked the emperor. The emperor said that if the concubine is not afraid of hurting himself, he will follow the concubine." The sentence at the end of Chu Yue was said to Empress Xiao.

"Concubine Yue is really eager to love her." Empress Xiao nodded.

"The emperor said the same about his concubines, and he said that his concubines are not as good as they are. There is no one who does this with his own concubines personally, but such is the case with his concubines. It's really hard to be in the elegant hall, so that the empress and the sisters laughed. Chu Yue said.

"What's so funny about this? It's also a great maternal love, so sister Yue, you have to feed the sixth princess at all costs." Liu Wei said.

Chu Yue smiled and said, "It's not that great, because I was born by myself, so I want to feed it myself. When I grow up, don't be angry with me."

Then, talking and laughing about the topic of the child, the scene was quite lively.

After coming out of Fengqi Palace, Chu Yue came to Luoyu Pavilion together, and then took Liu Zhishu and the third princess to sit in Weiyang Palace.

In Fengqi Palace.

Everyone else left, but the second princess's birth mother, Luo Yu, stayed behind, saying: "I don't understand why Concubine Yue feeds herself, is there any way here?"

"There are countless beauties in the harem, and the emperor only loves the Weiyang Palace. Isn't it because this one of hers has always been different." Empress Xiao took a sip of tea and said calmly.

"But this kind of thing is too vulgar, she is not afraid that it will backfire and make the emperor dislike it?" Luo Bi said.

"The emperor is Mingjun, so how can you dislike her because of such trivial matters? Moreover, it is only natural to feed her own children. She can put down her body to nurture the six princesses. When the emperor sees it, she can only praise her. Hi," said Empress Xiao.

This is also the cleverness of Weiyang Palace, who can always win by surprise and make dangerous moves.

She is the only one in the harem, how could the emperor blame it? This is also why the emperor understands how civil women raise their children.

Others couldn't let go of their figure, they were all born from not low, but she was born as a widow, although she also came from a famous family, but having it equals nothing.

She can afford to put things down for her figure. This is where she is great.

After listening to Luo Bi's face, he was stunned: "This Concubine Yue is always a holy favorite, and this is indeed not without reason."

"Concubine Yue is the emperor's heart, but Luo Yu's piano art is superb. This is also your ability. Now the second princess is no longer young, it is time to add a brother to the second princess." Empress Xiao said to her.

Concubine Luo was slightly overjoyed, and got up to face the queen and was deeply blessed: "The concubine will never betray the empress empress in the future, otherwise the concubine will be handled by the empress!"

"That's a big deal, Zisu, help Luo Lai get up." Empress Xiao said.

Let's talk about the other side.

Both Xifei and Wen have come to Ziyu Palace.

Wen Bi couldn't help saying: "This Concubine Yue doesn't know what she ate, this time after confinement, the whole person is even more coquettish than before!"

Just the sub-charm, this is very eye-catching!

Seeing them today, they couldn't help but look at them more, let alone the emperor.

"She does have the means!" Xi Fei's eyes were also cold.

Because of self-feeding, the whole temperament is different, and it is extremely charming!

Is she not afraid in case she becomes ugly!

Since she gave birth to the eldest princess and the fifth prince, her body has always been out of shape. Now she has no hope of repetition, just because she is not small and looks very strong now, where would the emperor like it?

But she didn't want this widow to sustain her so well after giving birth.

"I'm not worried now, I'm just worried about whether she can give birth in the future?" Wen said: "It is said that she cried and went blind after giving birth to the sixth princess, but I looked at her and she was very precious to the sixth princess. !"

Where is the slightest unhappy or unhappy? I didn't see it, but I was feeding it myself.

"If you can give birth, don't you know in the future? If there is no news in two or three months, then I don't need to worry about it." Xi Fei said.

I gave birth to a princess. If this is possible, then I can't do it again? Taking advantage of the emperor, this mature and charming temperament of her will be rare.

Anyway, Concubine Xi felt that the change was hers, so she would definitely have to fight again quickly.

"Such a widow can enter the palace is a great good fortune, can give birth to a princess for the emperor, is also a good fortune in good fortune, still want to Xiao Xiang the prince?" Wen Wei said coldly.

Concubine Xi said: "Aside from her side, it seems that Luo Bi is now a powerful person under the Queen."

Wen Bi whispered: "The emperor hasn't even gone to the central palace these days. Can you tell why?"

"There's a gossip." Xi Fei sneered.

"What's the news?" Wen Bin said in a casual way.

"My palace heard that on the night of Concubine Yue's birth, there was still a maid in Weiyang Palace who was missing a rough servant. A place like Weiyang Palace was like an iron barrel, but my palace was helpless. My palace thought, could have such a skill Yes, I am afraid there is only the middle palace in the harem." Xi Fei mocked.

Wen Bie suddenly said, "I heard that the emperor could guard from the beginning to the time he was born that night. Did he hit the emperor?"

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