The Consort is Sick, We Must Pamper Her

Chapter 792: How many years can I stay with the emperor

Get him dressed, and he will get him over, and he wants to kiss her.

"I didn't brush my teeth or wash my face!" Chu Yue pushed him away without saying anything, and didn't get tired of him.

Qin Heng was not angry when he was pushed aside, and said, "I used to appreciate the plum blossoms today? The plum blossoms over there are blooming. I heard from Xiao Xuanzi that they bloom very well."

Chu Yue said: "You go first, I'll wait until the body is convenient."

Now that my aunt is visiting, she doesn't want to go out to catch a cold.

"Then wait for you. I am boring if you don't go alone." Qin Heng said.

I don't know how many people have said this love story, but Chu Yue still sounds a little sweet. This is probably where scumbags please girls.

"The emperor, go and eat." Chu Yue is coming to feed the six princesses.

But Qin Heng didn't use it by himself. Seeing her come to feed the Six Princesses, he followed him too. Chu Yue gave him a look, then turned around to feed.

The sixth princess was hungry, and she was eating quite happily. Qin Heng smiled and said, "Turn around and ask me to take a look."

"Nothing to watch." Chu Yue replied. After feeding the six princesses, it will be half an hour later. After the feeding, hand it to the nurse, Chu Yue is with Qin Heng. Come out for breakfast.

Qin Heng didn't leave when he ran out. As it was freezing today, his government affairs were much less, and he was less busy. He gave himself a holiday today.

It can be said that I was in Weiyang Palace all day, and I heard the news from the queen that there was a plum feast.

Chu Yue and other passers-by Feng Guan went down, and said: "At that time, the madam and the ladies will enter the palace. If the emperor is okay, can he go there and show his face?"

"Your women's gathering, what I did in the past." Qin Heng was painting, using the sketch she taught to draw plums, and said without looking up.

"The emperor don't tell his concubines, you don't know what the queen means." Chu Yue said.

"Then Ai Concubine, what do you mean the queen?" Qin Heng glanced at her and said.

"Looking at the emperor's concubines coming here too often, I want to get some bright flowers to come in for the emperor to appreciate." Chu Yue said.

"The queen is not like that." Qin Heng said.

Chu Yue sneered: "Yes, what the emperor said is right, your eldest wife is the best, everything is good, the concubine is a vicious concubine who deluded people's hearts."

"You are not only a vicious little concubine who presumptuously judges people's hearts, you are also a stubborn little concubine who monopolizes your husband, a jealous little concubine who is jealous." Qin Heng continued to make up for her while painting.

Chu Yue didn't expect him to judge himself so viciously, and was choked.

"Nothing to say?" Qin Heng glanced at her.

"The concubines did not expect to be so worthless in the emperor's heart." Chu Yue said.

Qin Heng nodded, and then ignored her and continued to paint her own. When the painting was finished, he looked at his own work and said: "This set of painting skills is passed on to the Criminal Ministry to capture the wanted criminals. It is very good. It’s better to use wolf hair."

Chu Yue took a look, the stinky man deserves to be the emperor, and all the girls in the harem are smitten. The last time I went to De Fei to rest, she believed that nothing happened, but she probably won him. What's so obedient, De Fei is like taking Shiquan Dabu pills.

If she didn't believe that he would not coax her on this kind of thing, she would have thought that Concubine De was really moisturized.

It can also be seen that De Fei also asked this man to coax her.

Chu Yue is a little worried. In the face of so many beautiful beauties in the harem, can this scum dragon really protect her like a jade?

How does Chu Yue think he feels unreliable.

Qin Heng raised his eyebrows and said, "What do you think about me like this?"

"Nothing, the concubine just doesn't know how many years she can stay with the emperor." Chu Yue said.

Qin Heng's eyes sank, his eyes fixed on her.

Chu Yue didn't seem to see his displeasure, and while writing the script, he said: "If there is something about the concubine, there is no wish beside the concubine. I just hope that the weather of the Dafeng dynasty is smooth and the country is peaceful and the people are safe. The remaining wish outside is probably the sixth princess."

Qin Heng just stared at her.

"For the sake of the concubine's sake, if the concubine really has anything to do, the emperor should raise the sixth princess himself? Just like the emperor raised the princess, the little emperor, wait until she grows up. It's up to her to spend the rest of the day, whether she wants to recruit a mess or raise the noodles." Chu Yue said and laughed.

"I think you are too idle!" Qin Heng sneered, naturally joking what she said.

"The concubine is too idle." After Chu Yue was finished, she left it alone. Anyway, since the vaccination had been taken, she began to write a storybook.

Qin Heng looked at the **** woman, and didn't say anything after seeing that she was indeed scaring him.

But after eating all the six princess rations at night, she warned her to say less.

Chu Yue wondered: "My lord, why do you like to drink this so much?"

"Raise people." Qin Heng said calmly.

"The emperor drank someone else?" Chu Yue's face suddenly sank.

She knew that the ancients did have this hobby, and felt that this thing is the most nourishing thing. After all, the child can grow so white after drinking it, and thinks this is a thing for health and longevity.

In some wealthy people's homes, there are also nanny for drinking.

And not to mention the ancient times, it is in the modern age. There are also some news about this, saying that it is used as a drink.

Don't say it is too disgusting.

But she didn't feel anything when he drank her, but she couldn't stand it if he thought of drinking others.

"I drank the nanny when I was young." Does Qin Heng know what she is thinking?

This woman is really, how could he go to other imperial concubines to drink this kind of thing, do you want his emperor's face any more?

It was with her that he would drink her, without holding any airs.

He didn't know why. In other women, even if he was with the queen, he still held his own identity, but when he came to her Weiyang Palace, he let go of the burdens on him. Here, he just wanted to do it. Ordinary men who do whatever they want.

He wanted to drink, so he drank it, it's that simple.

Chu Yue was satisfied, and changed his position in his arms, saying: "The day after tomorrow is the plum feast. When the time comes, the emperor is not allowed to go there, so you won't be worried by thieves."

Qin Heng hugged her and said, "I still have to give the queen a face."

After all, he did not draft, and as the queen, it is her duty to expand the harem for the emperor.

Chu Yue frowned, dissatisfied, but did not say anything.

The plum banquet is not small. Chu Yue also sent an invitation to Jiang Rou'er by the way. I didn't want to give Jiang Mianfa, but it was a matter of thinking about it. Just one for each person and let me walk around in the palace.

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