The Consort is Sick, We Must Pamper Her

Chapter 832: Not more than thirty

Chu Yue did not sleep for a while, nor slept for a long time, but slept full day and night.

During this period, the entire harem was boiling.

Originally, the palace gate was closed. Even if it was so speculated, there was no definite evidence, but now that the palace gate is opened, can it be concealed?

"Pulmonary tuberculosis is incurable, especially the concubine Yue has returned to this situation!"

"Who said no, Concubine Yue is so hiding, isn't this asking her own death?"

"It's no wonder that you can't be saved from such a disease. I heard that Concubine Yue's face is ruined, and I dare not see the emperor at all!"

"Didn't the emperor also pass by?"

"That's how the emperor loves the concubine Yue, and even to such a point, the emperor is also over!"

"But tuberculosis can infect people, how can the emperor's body of ten thousand gold go to risk?"

"The empress has already personally persuaded the emperor, but she was scolded by the emperor!"

"The Concubine Yue is really favored. At this time, the emperor still put her on the cusp of her heart!"

"You don't know, now the six princesses are living in Panlong Hall, and they are moved to Panlong Hall by the emperor!"

"So what, if Concubine Yue has such a disease, that's the fate of the beauty!"

"It's from that kind of background. Fortunately, I won't be able to hold the emperor's favorite, so I lost my life."


The entire harem was full of discussions, all of which were rumored that the concubine Weiyang Gongyu was favored, but at the same time it was also a matter of uttering that there was no such blessing.

Mu Chang was taking the palace man out for a stroll, and naturally he heard these rumors.

The maid Die'er whispered: "Zhang Zai, this concubine Yue has such a disease, this can no longer be a stumbling block to you."

"Don't pay attention to these rumors in the palace." Mu Chang said indifferently.

What pulmonary tuberculosis? Concubine Yue did not get pulmonary tuberculosis. This is a disease of heart disease. Of course, it is not much worse than pulmonary tuberculosis.

From the very beginning, she hadn't put Concubine Yue in her eyes. For her, Concubine Yue was just a stepping stone, and her opponent was other people.

The harem caused turmoil, but the hospital was the first to bear the brunt.

The entire imperial doctor of the Imperial Hospital was almost taken out by Qin Heng and whipped his body.

"Trash, a bunch of trash, I have raised you for so long, and I don't even care about a disease. What do I want you to do!" Qin Heng directly smashed the tea that had just been delivered.

The hot tea hit the body, and the doctors did not dare to hide. They were silent and did not dare to breathe.

What can they do? The Concubine Yue now wants to say that she is dying of her illness. This is just a drag on her life. How can they be treated and saved?

When Lu Zhangyuan came in from the outside, he saw the embarrassed look of the imperial doctors, and the old face was shaking.

When the eunuchs saw Lu Zhangyuan coming in, they were naturally greatly relieved.

"The emperor, the old minister has something to say." Lu Zhangyuan's face solemnly reported.

"Say!" Qin Heng looked at him.

"The emperor, the old minister has been looking at the pulse condition of Concubine Yue for the past two days, but it seems that Concubine Yue does not look like tuberculosis. This disease looks like...but like..." Lu Zhangyuan Some hesitation.

"It looks like something!" Qin Heng stared at him coldly.

"It's like a heart disease!" Lu Zhangyuan said solemnly.

"Heart disease?" Qin Heng was stunned. It was not the first time he heard these words. He had heard of suspected heart disease from the Chang imperial physician in the early years, and later he also got relevant reminders from Qin Yun.

"Yes, the old minister has seen it to other people in Weiyang Palace. Concubine Yue is not contagious, and Concubine Yue seems to have known it a long time ago. She once told Concubine Xian and others that she was not a tuberculosis, and wanted to come. Mrs. Feng Shao was diagnosed for Concubine Yue." Lu Zhangyuan pursed his lips.

Because of this, Lu Zhangyuan felt tricky!

What kind of medical skills are Madam Feng Shao, but Concubine Yue is like this. It is clear that Madam Feng Shao can't be cured. Otherwise, based on the friendship between Madam Feng Shao and Concubine Yue, wouldn't she even have no news?

Qin Heng clenched his hands tightly. The heart disease is really a heart disease? !

"Suffering from heart disease, patients usually have heart palpitations, dyspnea, coughing, hemoptysis, fainting and other symptoms. This is not tuberculosis, this is a heart disease!" Lu Zhangyuan said.

"Is there a cure?" Qin Heng looked at him with a gloomy expression.

"The emperor, that's a heart disease!" Lu Zhangyuan couldn't help but reminded that this kind of disease has never been cured. This is simply impossible. Unless it is a heart that can be replaced, otherwise...

"I want you to treat Concubine Yue with all your strength, as long as you stabilize Concubine Yue's condition and let Concubine Yue live for a long time..."

"Even if the emperor is going to be angry, the old minister must tell the truth. The current condition of the concubine Yue can not be delayed for long with the medical skills of the old minister, and even with the best medicine, the concubine Yue is afraid... Ten." Lu Zhangyuan was already a few years old, and after saying this, he knelt down to the emperor tremblingly.

However, he had to say these words, otherwise the concubine Yue could not be saved, and the entire Imperial Hospital would be irritated by the emperor. Once Concubine Yue had a shortcoming, the Imperial Hospital had to be buried.

As soon as the phrase "live less than thirty" came out, the other eunuchs were shaking like sifting chaff, and they wanted to stick their faces to the ground.

But Qin Heng was stunned.

"Long live master." General Feng couldn't help but whispered in a trembling voice.

"Long live Lord, Concubine Yue is awake." Xiao Xuanzi came in tightly to report.

"Go back to me and prescribe medicine!" Qin Heng got up and went to Weiyang Palace without saying a word.

Chief Feng helped Lu Zhangyuan up tightly, and said, "Lu Zhangyuan will take the eunuchs home first."

Lu Zhangyuan pulled him aside and asked in a low voice, "Can the emperor send someone to Zhongzhou to invite Mrs. Feng Shao?"

"That's natural." Feng Zong pipeline.

Not only did the flying pigeon pass on the book, but also sent people to Central Continent.

"That's good, that's good." Lu Zhangyuan nodded repeatedly, and if Mrs. Feng Shao came over, it might not be necessary for Concubine Yue to live longer.

As for the other side, I dare not ask for it anymore.

A group of imperial doctors turned pale, and there was a layer of sweat on their backs in this slightly cold sky. They were all able to feel the killing intent from the emperor just now.

The concubine Yue can't be saved. The emperor really wants to ask them to be buried. It really scares me to death.

After Dr. Huang returned to the hospital, he wrote a small letter to send to Fengqi Palace.

Empress Xiao naturally got this first-hand news.

"So it was heart disease?" Empress Xiao suddenly said: "My palace said she had fainting problems before, and it took several days to sleep!"

"Niangniang, there is still behind." Perilla reminded.

Empress Xiao continued to watch, and she paused: "Lu Zhangyuan asserted that Concubine Yue will not survive thirty?!"

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