The Consort is Sick, We Must Pamper Her

Chapter 853: Dying of illness

Liu Yan asked everyone with children to copy a copy and send it away. Those who weren't worried about it here.

The recipe for this cake is not hers, it belongs to her sister Yue. She also asked her sister Yue, and sister Yue asked her to decide.

Liu Yan also had one share, or else he would have to come over because of the cake fight.

Last time I sent it to the queen, the four princesses and five princesses came to play the slide and brought their own cakes.

So it was given to other palaces, and one was handed.

But as soon as it was written to be sent over, Luo Bi came with the second princess.

Liu Yan looked at her aggressive look and said with a smile: "It's a rare visitor, Spruce, to make a pot of good tea."

"No, you don't dare to drink the tea in Luoyu Pavilion. This palace is here to find you today. Put those away!" Luo Bi said in a polite way.

After hearing this, Liu Bi didn't know, and said, "Why is Luo Bi so angry?"

"You also knowingly asked, the second princess just asked for a snack. What did the child know, so she was bullied by you and cried back?" Luo Bi said.

Liu Bi could still let her say, and said, "You also said what the kids know, and how many of their sisters are making trouble by themselves. Luo Bi, you're an adult, right?"

"If my palace doesn't mix up, the second princess mustn't be bullied to death? Look at the tooth prints under her feet, the sixth princess bit, they bite hard!" Luo Bi opened the second princess's tooth prints. Said.

Liu Bi took a look, and his heart was amused. Luo Bi was really making a fuss. It would be impossible to see the imprints a little later, so he came over to make a fuss.

"There is also this bun, which was also pulled by the third princess. The two sisters have a good relationship. They can fight the second princess together!" Luo Bi continued.

"The sixth princess was crying just now, and the third princess also said that her second sister grabbed her hair and it hurts." Liu Wei said: "and if the second princess hadn't grabbed their cake to eat, they would not do it. The princess raised her head first."

Although the second princess and the third princess are not far apart by many days, it is still a difference. The second princess is in the front line. It is the emperor sister. As the emperor and the next sister, she was beaten by her sister. This can still come to complain, Liu My wife has served Luo Bi.

When I first entered the palace in the past, this could not be more ethical, but in the past few years, this has become like this.

Luo Bi said with a black face: "So the second princess who had to be beaten apologized to the third princess and the sixth princess, right?"

"It’s not enough to apologize. I asked someone to copy the cake. I’m planning to send it to you. You can find a pantry to make it. I can actually provide it here. A little snack is not enough, but I also Don't dare to give food to the third princess and the sixth princess, so you should be considerate of two points." Liu Bi said.

Spruce gave the cake recipe.

"But a little snack, are you really rare in this palace!" Luo Bi directly threw the prescription.

Liu Yan motioned to Yunshan to take the prescription, and said in a simple way: "The sixth princess asked the fifth princess to push her forehead. The sixth princess cried and went back. The concubine and the empress didn’t care about that much, saying that the children had fun. The bumps are normal, Luo Bin, do you want to hold on to this matter today?"

"You don't need to tell me what Weiyang Palace is like now. Maybe you want to care about it, but can she care about it?" Luo Bi sneered.

Liu Bi was kind of good-spirited at first, thinking that her child had beaten the other's child, she couldn't be too arrogant, but when she heard Luo Bi's words, her face sank.

"Luo Bi, please be careful!" Liu Bi said with a cold face.

"Why, is there something wrong with what I said in this palace?" Luo Bi said contemptuously: "You don't have to look at Weiyang Palace in this palace anymore. Now the whole harem doesn't know, it's useless to fudge."

She chuckled lightly, and then took the second princess back.

When Yu Bi came in, she saw that Liu Bi's face was not very good-looking, and said, "What's wrong, Luo Bi is just as arrogant as the **** that won the battle."

"It's just because the princesses are making a fuss, so they come to the door and mess around." Liu Bi said.

Yubi also knew what had happened to the princesses just now, and said: "It's just a bit of a burden. Leave her alone. Seeing that everyone else is pregnant, she is not pregnant, and she is upset."

Liu Bi didn't worry about it either.

However, when Magpie returned to Weiyang Palace with the Six Princesses, she told the story to Chu Yue.

"Luo Bi is getting more and more prosperous now." Chu Yue said flatly, she took the six princesses over again, the little girl would bite people, she looked at her teeth, and did not hurt That's it, smiled and said: "Bite the second princess? And bite people crying?"

When the sixth princess heard her mother and concubine talking to her, she also talked to her mother and concubine, as if she wanted to learn from her biting people today.

"It's so fierce now, who will dare to ask you when you grow up." Chu Yue said with a smile.

"My six princesses, that is the treasure of the country, and whoever wants it can afford it." Qin Heng, who came in after a fist from the outside, heard this and said.

Chu Yue was quite satisfied with what he said, and just glanced at him, and said: "The sixth princess and the third princess partnered and beat the second princess who was going to grab their cake."

"How did you fight?" Qin Heng was taken aback.

"The third princess and the second princess pulled each other's hair, and the sixth princess went up to help her third sister, and gave her a mouthful while holding the second princess's leg." Chu Yue said: "Luo Bi was so angry that he went to Liu Bi for the theory ."

Qin Heng smiled and hugged Princess Six, looked at her little teeth, and said with a smile: "Princess Six is ​​really fierce. At this young age, she knows she's going to pull sideways."

Chu Yue also has a smile between her brows and eyes, which definitely resembles her.

When she was a child, she and Da Yunyun were in a partnership. Whoever dared to provoke them would be unpleasant. At first, they were drawn sideways, and then they joined together. No one dared to be presumptuous in front of them.

Six princesses grinned at her father.

But the next day she couldn't laugh, and was beaten and cried by the second princess.

Is she still young? How can she be compared with the second princess. It is not an opponent to fight alone. He took her out of the imperial garden. When the two nurses who were playing in the imperial garden didn't pay attention, the sixth princess cried out.

Asked the second princess to slap and knocked down.

"Oh, second princess, how can you beat sixth princess!" The nurse hurriedly picked up the sixth princess and said.

"She bit me yesterday, don't you allow me to beat her today!" The second princess snorted coldly.

"You are the second princess, the elder sister, you actually care about the sixth princess who hasn't been weaned?" Liu Si, who had come to the end of the past, saw the mark on the sixth princess's face, and said angrily.

"I just care about it, what are you going to do, her mother and concubine are about to die of illness!" The second princess raised her chin and said.

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