Watch the fastest hand-issued website WWW. t/angkx. com mobile phone reading watch the fastest hand-issued website WWW. t/angkx. com mobile phone reading because at the same time as the dawn of the next day is ushered in, the central area that has not released a new message for a long time... once again... connects to all the super people who have registered their members.

Not only that, they also released a very bad news.

These news are closely related to the superheroes who are still alive.

That is, those who are not interested in the survival or destruction of the world at all, and there are even a few superheroes who think that several major towns have left North America because of the separation of Long Island... They think they can seize the opportunity. Among the several major cities... the super villains who did something to do, they encountered a disaster that they had never thought of...

Because as the Long Island section drifts away, the energy that can generate superpowers or maintain those unconventional abilities on the road... is also taken away by this weird section.

Those superheroes and villains who have not left New York, after losing the support of these energy, have experienced rapid degradation of abilities and the collapse of black technology.

Those masterpieces that were invented and created by their brainstorms that are far above the current level of technology, they seem to have lost the soul that supports their operation, and they have disappeared in the exposed or hidden laboratory. among.

There are some super heroes and mutants who are not so outstanding in their own abilities, but they completely degenerate into ordinary people.

And some human beings who rely on mechanical power to survive or have sound limbs... become disabled to some serious point in an instant, and even die on the spot.

In this day's work, ordinary humans are still eating, going to work, and working, and they have not felt any discomfort, and have not been affected by the collapse of the spiritual energy of heaven and earth.

And those super humans who have been used to it and rely on super powers, whether they are decent or villains, are caught in a great panic.

This kind of panic is still the kind of helplessness that can only be captured with one's hands.

Countless people watched their friends jumping alive for the first second, then fell into silence the next second.

This kind of panic is beyond words.

The central area in New York City was completely paralyzed because of this phenomenon.

As for the warning issued at this time, I am afraid that it is the last bit of energy remaining in the central area. The last notice it gives to the group of super powers who are still alive is "Those who don't want to lose energy... Go to the extreme north quickly. place. ’

‘Hope someone can find the real reason and get everything back to the original. ’

Only in this way can the central area be able to function again, instead of being smashed like it is now... it becomes a pool of broken nothingness.

When receiving this news, the Green Turtle sitting on the plane was shocked.

But Gu Zheng, sitting in the seat opposite him, seemed to see the opportunity for the host to complete the task.

After all people have become ordinary people, and the earth has become less attractive, can ordinary people here live a happy and healthy life?

He always wants to try it.

After all, he didn't make it out of the current situation.

Gu Zheng didn't know what would happen to the heroes next to him after seeing this news. He only knew that the superheroes who had been following around Long Island hadn't changed at all.

It seems that now, the Green Turtle on the opposite side has no longer bothered to put on his uniform, but tentatively put his turtle shell on his back. After confirming that the turtle shell can still appear normally, it finally grows longer. Exhaled.

He looked at Gu Zheng on the opposite side, his eyes were a little weird, but he had to smile bitterly, "No way, I have adapted to the gift of the little tortoise, and I have felt the strong power before, how can I bear the loss of power? What about the pain?"

"You are a newcomer, you don't understand."

Gu Zheng laughed. He didn't bother to distinguish too much from the Green Turtle. For his past experience, it was not that he had not felt the powerful power or influence, but because he had felt too much, he became a little numb.

Only in this way can he treat the so-called superpowers of this world with a normal heart.

Gu Zheng, who felt that even God was helping him, became silent again.

With the violent fluctuation of the air current, the flight attendant in the front position reminded only a few passengers on the plane with a sweet voice, and informed them that the plane had arrived in the area near the Arctic Circle.

According to the rules of the route, they should be parked at the airport on Greenland, and then after unloading the very personal flying equipment carried on the private jet, after assembly, they can freely follow the clusters of rich aura. To find out what happened in the deepest part of the Arctic region.

The road ahead is covered with snow and ice. In the past, there were a large number of scientific research teams in the Arctic region. After the world has undergone tremendous changes, I don't know why, it is actually a signal that the contact with the inland has been broken.

This point, also as a small branch of the search task, is written in the total task points conversion.

After discussing with the Green Turtle, Gu Zheng and the Green Turtle were going to search for the stationed areas of these inspection stations according to the original map.

After the Green Turtle realized the installation of the lightweight aircraft of the duo, he controlled his own flying instrument while teaching Gu Zheng how to make himself fly.

Just as they swayed to take off, above this clean airspace, it was whizzing...Flew past seven or eight superhuman aircrafts with different styles but powerful functions.

These aircraft can be seen from the appearance and volume, they are much more advanced than the personal flying equipment that the Green Turtle barely took out.

At the very least, people can fly directly from faraway New York to the airspace of the Arctic without changing the oil, and there is no reluctant appearance.

And this performance made the Green Turtle, who had just put up the label of a local tyrant in front of Gu Zheng, instantly paused.

He led Gu Zheng to fly slowly and gritted his teeth and said, "These local tyrants, **** who **** the hard-earned money of the people..."

Gu Zheng thought that this compatriot was also an abject poor class.

But just when they flew a short distance away, their initial aggrieved ridicule stopped completely.

Because they finally understood what happened in the Arctic region to make such a weird change in the world.

At this time, a black crack appeared in the center of the empty Arctic ice sheet, which seemed to connect the sky and the earth. Looking from a distance, it seemed as if a piece of paper had been torn apart by an insignificant crack.

It is this crack that makes the rich aura like chocolate syrup quickly roll in this direction.

At the other end of the crack, I don’t know what is there, it is like a high-powered exhaust fan... It absorbs these auras in one direction without stopping, making the aura of the North Pole as dense as fog. London, at the same time, also allowed other places on this earth to gradually transform into a place where normal humans should live.

Not only that, but those strange and inexplicable sections on other planes on the earth were also affected by this crack.

The planes appearing on the earth have all kinds of problems, and they are facing the possibility of spiritual exhaustion, otherwise they will not go crazy after discovering the earth... want to create a territory of their own for their people. of.

But now, not only the aura of the newly discovered world is violently dissipating, even the aura that carried them into this world... their original world is also quickly dissipating.

This makes the people with special abilities who have grown up on that land for generations to become even more intolerable.

I don’t know which section first started to move. It was after Gu Zheng and the others arrived at the North Pole, they were like Penglai and Changdao who had taken a step first, moving towards the north of the pole at high speed. Drifting.

At this time, you can see the kindness of the will of the earth to the native superheroes and the rejection of outsiders.

Because this group of territories belonged to the invaders, the speed of heading north was too fast.

It's like ordinary people on the Hokage Continent today, and they are staggering as if they have drunk three bowls but not a post.

This huge section is like a helpless ship, drifting and rushing in the direction of the extreme north very unsteadily.

During this process, some aboriginal people who were surprised and uncertain made the decision to leave, and more races that were accustomed to practicing or dancing on the tip of a knife remained gritted their teeth.

In this way, they watched the people who left quickly returned to mediocrity, and were smoothly taken away by law enforcement officers waiting early on the coast of the continental plate, or one by one with all four legs... fainting in an unknown journey.

Simply, this crack, this planet, not much time for everyone.

In the preliminary calculation of the central area, the floating arrival of the two islands of Long Island and Penglai will be tomorrow night.

At that time, following the trajectory of scattered foreign sections around the world, I was afraid that they would get together in the first place and converge in this far north.

However, there is no point in arriving early.

Because those from Gu Zheng's base camp, the practitioners of the Eastern section, and the people of the Immortal Buddha Idle Alliance, are far faster than their group of superhumans from the West.

But it's useless to fly fast. This group of people, either immortal wind bones, or oriental people covered in golden light, can't get close to that crack half a step in such a long time.

Everyone seemed to be blocked by an invisible barrier three miles away from the crack. They tried their best to make no progress.

‘Boom! ’

‘Ping Pong! ! ’

The light emitted by the Eastern method bombarding this barrier was very gorgeous, but the seemingly empty space barrier was half-cracked.

This made the group of superheroes who were one step late in the Eastern Hemisphere finally found a reason to ridicule. There are a few particularly poisonous mouths, such as Tony Stark and Deadpool, who are actually exposed. Wang Zhi's expression of contempt.

This makes the spiritual practitioners who are responsible for collecting information and investigating information following behind a few powerful people feel very aggrieved.

One or two... I want to have a big fight with each other, but because of my own identity, I can't open the mouth.

The first few San Xian'er, after several attacks to no avail, they could only sigh lightly, and stretched out their palms towards the colorful Westerners who looked like the little monsters in Journey to the West. They can make the next attempt, and after that, let the people in the east retreat from the spot.

Their performance made the cultivators who still had a little bit of popularity a little bit indignant. They murmured behind the great powers of the gods and passed by the group of people who were dancing with the demons in their eyes. Several people still want to pinch a stumbling trick to make this group of Westerners make a big ugly.

If it weren't for a big-eared monk in front of him, turning his head and grinning at the little monk, preventing everyone from trying to make trouble, I am afraid that this barrier has not been thoroughly studied, and the war between the East and the West is about to start.

As a group of people from the west, Gu Zheng was also fortunate to travel a little closer to the crack in the area because of the retreat from the east area.

But when Gu Zheng saw clearly who was there in, he couldn't help but open his mouth.

"I'll go, I'm not mistaken, this, this is not the magic pen Ma Liang?"

"Let me go, is the person walking in front of him the fat boy in the tale of the heavenly book?"

"Damn it! Don't tell me that the monkey and Fuwa at the front of the team are Monkey King and Nezha?"

"I'll go! I betray the West and go to the East, do you think the people over there can take me in?"

When he saw the familiar faces of the Eastern faction clearly, Gu Zheng was extremely excited.

Those are his favorite protagonists in old animations from 90 years ago.

The very chronological facial makeup and the reflection of the image loyal to the original work made this post-90s child feel very excited.

Gu Zheng, who has a certain understanding of Japanese Manga and Meiman Manga, has been influenced by too much Chinese history, and he looks like the group of Orientals who love the opposite in his heart.

There are also a few fat children in a pile. There are a few gourds on their heads. Except for dozens of people who are human cultivators at first glance, which one Gu Zheng looks towards... will send out an indescribable closeness. Feelings.

No, I always have to find a way to get in touch.

I don't know why, when the western group of superheroes approached the barrier area, Gu Zheng's left and right eyelids jumped together. This is an ominous omen.

Sure enough, a wave of Western attacks began.

With a few powerful superheroes as the vanguard, they started their first round of attempts.

At the time of this attack, it was enough to see the difference between the East and the West.

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