Genius remembers this site address in one second: (Vertex Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! "Fire attack?"

"Scheduled in ten seconds?"

"Okay, let's time it like this, with Stark Industrial's timepieces, the quality is always guaranteed."

"Let's start then... countdown, 10, 9... 1 fire!"

At this time, regardless of the type, faction, and hatred of the hero, even Gu Zheng, who was on the periphery, followed his meaning... and released two lightning bolts in the Thunder King system.

The majesty of the momentum and the splendor of the scene are beyond ordinary people's imagination.

After these invisible or tangible attack methods collided with the barrier, they made earth-shaking noises, which is strange to say. After these energy bodies are combined, let alone a barrier film, even if it is. An earth can also be blown to pieces.

But after the mushroom cloud-like smoke was quickly absorbed by the crack, the heroes standing on the vast white polar land saw an undamaged air wall.

Not to mention that the barrier was broken up, the surrounding land seemed to have been blurred. After such a large-scale bombing, the snow layer inside the barrier was not lifted out.

This made Gu Zheng feel strange. He subconsciously picked up the ice and snow under his feet with the toe of his shoes. Without much effort, he dug out a hole in the snow.

It's really weird, that area seems to have an autonomous sense of protection, and it is completely tolerant of non-aggressive behaviors, just like the Western melee just now, which has turned this piece of snow into a mess.

But after the subsequent collective attack, such a huge energy explosion did not cause any changes to this piece of mud.

Could it be that this area has become a ghost, right?

It is still said that the earth itself has developed self-consciousness. It does not like to see so many humans and creatures in its body that can threaten its long life, so it intends to use some unconventional means to turn them back into the original. It looks like a creature that it really can’t clean up... Thinking of here, Gu Zheng turned his head to the direction of the four mythical beasts that have changed back to the state of small pets since the west began to attack. .

I am afraid that the earth can only open up a new channel for some creatures of the Protoss that cannot be dealt with, to attract them or send them to a planet with a stronger will than the earth.

The planetary system over there...maybe a stronger existence.

In his eyes, the sacred beasts who have turned the river and the sea may be no different from the ordinary races on the earth after they reach another planetary channel.

This is so interesting.

He must follow the pace of this group of people closely, no, just follow the pace of the Eastern Power to see what will happen next.

So, what he has to do now is to pretend to be a weak follower...or in other words, he doesn't need to pretend at all.

Gu Zheng, who has a personal level of only 8, is just like a little bug that didn't come out of Novice Village in front of this group of people. There is no threat, right?

Thinking of this, Gu Zheng, who showed a smug smile, hid behind the Green Turtle, trying to hide his figure a bit more.

But whoever came up with it, the people in the west were not paying attention to Gu Zheng at all. On the contrary, the people sent from the East saw Gu Zheng attacked in front of him once, and they completely attracted their attention.

The group of figures belonging to the Protoss system in the Eastern faction all focused their attention on Gu Zheng's body, and unscrupulously started a discussion about Gu Zheng's identity.

"Hey? Isn't it an old illusion? I just felt the power of Thunder Lord's blood on the body of a weirdly dressed kid in the West."

"No, no, your old man's feeling is right. Although that kid is weak and okay, what he sent out was an accurate Eastern Lightning."

"Oh, this is weird. As far as I know, the heaven has been independent of the earth for countless tens of thousands of years. Except for us who did not leave it for various reasons, most of the gods are no longer there. Survived on earth."

"Looking at the child's age in his early twenties, how did he inherit the blood of Lei Gong?"

"Furthermore, this person has been among those superheroes in the West just now, right?"

"Don't you say that Lei Gongfeng has flowed into La Niu's territory to the west. This is a bit too absurd."

Several people discussed it all at once, and the degree of gossip was no less than that of the old ladies living in Chaoyang.

And the only eight-tailed spirit fox who cultivated the number of tails has opened a new window for everyone.

"Maybe it's not from Lei Gong? Why don't you suspect that it is Dianmu? Those who are so afraid of his wife may have made some mistakes under high pressure, but compared with that, Dianmu has more conditions for automatic activity. The reason for living with Shunxin, right?"


When the Dongfang fairy people who heard of this possibility looked at Gu Zheng again, it was all kinds of sympathy, melancholy, and gloat.

And the expression in his eyes was too naked, so that the Green Turtle Man who stood in front of Gu Zheng dullly, like a little tortoise, felt it.

Under the gaze of the big guys, he couldn't help but straighten his chest.

The tortoise ancestors on the opposite side also slowly raised their front paws and waved them slowly in this direction: "Come on, the two lads over there, come here."

Why are you here? Have a chat?

Hey, this makes Green Turtle very excited.

He is not like the few sewer turtles who are so resistant to the little turtles on the opposite side.

His favorite animal is the tortoise.

In his opinion, this auspicious animal is his lucky charm.

He couldn't count how many times the danger passed without the protection of the tortoise, and how many battles were supported by the support of the tortoise shell.

Now, a more powerful tortoise ancestor is summoning himself, what else is he thinking, rush to it.

The happy Green Turtle pulled Gu Zheng and ran in the direction of the east wave. At this time, there was no racial slowness. The skating ice surface, even if it was spinning... Fast.

Waiting for the two of them to stand in front of this group of gossiping spirits, the old guys were too embarrassed to gossip about their previous topic, so they took their fingers and pointed to the Green Turtle first. , First talked about the super power that happened to him.

"Look at your ability. This is the bloodline of the tortoise family with the largest number of tortoises and the most complicated race classification, right?"

"But isn't the golden turtle the favorite pet of the East? Are you not all the flame turtles in North America? Isn't it the world of eagle-billed mud turtles?"

Just when the Xuanwu Turtle ancestor felt strange, the Green Turtle, who had already been impatient with love from the bottom of his heart, did not care about the danger of revealing his identity. He excitedly pulled his hood down, just like a cute pet. His tortoise revealed his true face.

"The **** tortoise is really a **** tortoise, the ancestor of all tortoises, I am a Chinese American!"

"Regardless of nationality, I am of pure Chinese descent."

"My family is not talented, and I run a small business in North America. My ancestors worshipped the God of Wealth and worshipped Guan Gong for generations. The pets they raised were all money turtles and goldfish, a native Chinese species."

"The purpose is to prevent the juniors in the family from forgetting that I am an authentic Chinese."

Having said this, the Green Turtle was actually overjoyed, and he sang a song that was too old to lose his teeth.

"The rivers and mountains only linger in my dreams

The motherland has not been close for many years

But it can’t be changed anyway

my China Heart……"

Embarrassing Gu Zheng, he covered the mask on his head more tightly while standing behind.

Inexplicably ashamed.

Not because Pan Enxiao sang the song on the spot, but because he didn't sing a single line in the tune.

But the heart of the Green Turtle was felt by the people on the opposite side. They saw the sincere feelings of this young man, and because of the natural closeness of blood, this group of Eastern sect practitioners faced the Green Turtle. At that time, it’s not as distant as it is when dealing with Westerners.

Only one appearance and one song allowed the Green Turtle to successfully mix with the half of the East. When he finished singing, he was greeted with many kind applause.

"Thank you, thank you all for your support."

"Actually, my teammate is also my closest partner, he is also Chinese!"

"Come to Gu Zheng, show your true face to everyone, and sing a song to everyone by the way."

"Ah, I don't know what oriental songs you can, but you can always sing a song that we all teach in our Chinese calligraphy preschool."

"Come on, you can sing to everyone, I love Beijing Tiananmen Square."

"Come and follow me, I love Beijing Tiananmen Square... The sun rises on Tiananmen Square... Sing! Great leader..."

Yes, Gu Zheng, who drove the ducks to the shelves, was out of tune by Pan Enxiao.

After Gu Zheng barely finished singing the song, Gu Zheng, who showed half of his yellow skin from the black tights, was also accepted by the group of people from the East.

Since you are your own, let's talk better.

This group of spirits, who were already curious and scratching their hearts and lungs, didn't squeeze anymore, and they asked their hearts out very straightforwardly.

"I said Gu Zheng, right? Why do you have Lei Gong's blood?"

Gu Zheng who asked this question was also confused: "What is the blood of Lord Lei? I'm just an ordinary person?"

"Oh, are you asking why I used lightning power just now?"

"The matter is actually very simple. All of you present are cultivators. I don't know if you know the existence of people like goddesses or psychic people."

Gu Zheng's words made people here suddenly realize.

In the face of the other party, Gu Zheng continued to add: "As for me, I will actually only ask God to possess my body."

"We people in the east are not very superb in terms of the time to invite gods or the ability of gods and Buddhas because of the limitation of spiritual power and physical stamina."

"There is no systematic cultivation system for the profession of goddess, and there is no corresponding way to improve oneself apart from communicating yin and yang."

"So they can only invite certain fixed gods. Even if they successfully invite gods, they are all small gods in the countryside. In fact, they are just low-level spirits."

"In front of you all, it's simply not worth mentioning."

"It's not as good as the Taoist's leverage, using magical runes or opening altars to borrow a part of certain gods' powers to achieve the result of subduing demons and demons by themselves."

"But I don't know why, the development of superpowers is all about using supernatural powers."

"Not only can I use the fame skills of Thunder Punishment of Grandpa Thunder, I can also get the ability of Shunfeng and clairvoyance in the Heavenly Court, and I have also invited Guan Erye's Wu Sheng martial arts to bless..."

"In short, please God's miscellaneous has never heard of it before. The time is long enough to be as long as 38 minutes."

"So seniors, what's wrong with my situation?"

You ask me, who am I going to ask?

The group of people present looked at each other. It was the first time they saw Gu Zheng's situation.

this? Why is it so interesting?

Among them, the white tiger, who was afraid that the world would not be chaotic, flicked his beard and spoke first: "It's so amazing? Then you first ask a **** to try it?"

If Gu Zheng had been a little worried before, then he really wasn't very scared now.

Because he was already standing in the middle of all kinds of immortals and fairies in the East, his laughing and forgetting book and his book container were not detected by this group of people.

Therefore, Gu Zheng, who was so requested, was not necessarily persuaded. On the contrary, he was possessed by a generous dramatist, and once again performed his systemic upper body tricks.

It was the original Lei Gong system. After switching freely and by the way and releasing the simulation state of Lei Gong's famous weapon, Gu Zheng returned to his original ordinary appearance.

However, what he showed was not a simple one, and it was praised by most people in the Eastern faction.

They don’t know if it’s for self-boasting or they really think that Gu Zheng’s ability is very powerful. Some are embarrassed.

And just as he and the Green Turtle were mingling with the people in the east, attacking the representatives of the fruitless Western superman, the irritable brain finally calmed down, and everyone got together and murmured again. After that, I finally found a representative with high IQ and strong personality to communicate with these people from the Oriental Fairy faction who watched the excitement.

The person who came here is sitting in a wheelchair. He is not too young, but he looks like a kindly neighboring grandfather. This person is also familiar with Gu Zheng. The spiritual leader of the mutant, Professor X, followed him at the same age. Magneto.

The two of them came to the position of the human monk, pushing one by one, and they talked about friendly cooperation and resource sharing as soon as they opened their mouths.

In fact, although the people from the east arrived a little earlier than the people from the west, they were still at a loss as to the occurrence of this crack and the location behind it.

But through the mysterious deduction of mathematics, the people in the east found a little clue in the mist.

These things are not too important to the cultivators who are relatively peaceful and have long been detached from the mundane world.

Naturally, there is nothing to say.

Therefore, a San Xian'er dressed as an old Taoist said to the two old men on the opposite side: "The number of people who are proficient in deduction for divination against this incident is almost the same every time."

"That's the end of the Dharma era is coming."

After finishing speaking, this San Xian'er looked at the two old men opposite, twisting his beard as if he was there.

Magneto Wang and Professor X were shocked. They used Westerners' rather exaggerated facial expressions to move towards Sanxian and then back: "What is the era of the Da Mo Fa era?"

With just this sentence, the fairy with the beard is shaking. It is because the body of the fairy is already mature, and the basic fighting ability has been strengthened. Otherwise, this question will cause the beard to be torn out.

No wonder Yu Xianren would react in this way, but anyone in the Eastern Immortal Cultivation System didn't know the things of the Age of Dominance.

A few decades earlier, these surviving figures from the last Dharma Doom era had hidden their abilities, hibernating and hibernating in every corner of the world.

If it hadn't been for one day that the planet suddenly began to breed spiritual energy, they wouldn't dare to come out after being killed.

Because in the end of the law, the magical powers that humans can master are extremely limited. Those cultivators will find a way to train their bodies if they die. As for the cultivation of immortals?

It is impossible.

You can't find a trace of aura that opens up meridians, and you're still repairing Mao's fairy.

But this time, the time of the aura recovery was too short, and it was about to go to the ground in less than a hundred years, and this time, the result of the joint calculation of several great powers was... From then on, on this planet. There will be no recovery.

This is a call for exhaustion of aura.

From then on, this planet will be on its way to a technological power, relying solely on the autonomous development of the intelligent race living on it.

There are no special channels to acquire abilities or abilities beyond ordinary people.

This may be the result of the self-regulation of this planet, and it is also a fairer form of expression for ordinary people.

Gu Zheng was very happy about this immortal's statement, but for Dr. X and Magneto, who were accustomed to superpowers, he was a bit disappointed.

These two old men are still good. They can maintain their demeanor. After thanking the Taoist chief, they retreat to their group of people and share the news that they have just received with everyone.

But for some people who would die without superpowers, it is really not good news.

What exactly does this spiritual power contain?

You must know that in the West, it's all-encompassing.

Infected, poisoned, and transformed, there are not a few normal ones.

If after the spiritual power is taken away, it has no effect on this kind of person, then why are they still struggling to come here?

The real headache should be the people from the east, right?

Thinking of this wave of people in the central area, they calmed down from the initial panic, and even a few people showed smirking expressions.

But as time went by, when the two huge continents finally revealed their true colors, the first group of people who arrived saw no fewer than a thousand people among the two large plates, so they squatted here. Among the continents, it actually drifted over along with the sections.

Looking at the past from a high altitude, the area of ​​the two islands split is basically the same, but now the number of people standing on the plate where the forward momentum is gradually slowing down is obvious.

The people living on Penglai Fairy Island are neatly lined up, and they are densely packed with their heads.

On the other hand, the people on Long Island were listless, as if they had experienced a bitter war, their spirits and spirits were all weakened.

This surprised and suspiciously seen the heroes who stood before them. They were actually suspended in the air, and they dared not go down to investigate the situation.

In the end, there are a few high-tech talents who have put in a few small communicators and talked with people on the Long Island plate. There are several big villains who have been hidden when the earth changed greatly. It was when the calls of the two groups were just connected, and they started to cry bitterly.

This year, there are still two or two nails in the broken ship, and even the bad guys have two or three friends. Those bad guys who watched most of the superheroes leave and wanted to make trouble, finally tasted the bitter fruit of their own brewing.

On the first day they left the island, they were preparing to make a few big events to show who is the real king, only to find out that they were proud of all kinds of super routines when they started to deal with ordinary people in the city. All the methods are quickly losing their effect.

This discovery is very terrifying.

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