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The headlights shrouded this space like the ceiling of a stadium, and everyone's field of vision... instantly widened.

With the support of the lighting, everyone can see the world at the door clearly.

This is a huge island, but it is enclosed.

Why do you say that?

Because around this island can see a pure white vaulted ceiling.

It's huge, but it's clear at a glance.

When everyone discovered that this seemed to be a blocked space, the people who were still standing on the Penglai + Long Island section spread out one after another to find out whether there was an exit in another direction.

Those who don't intend to act rashly have stepped into this island, looking for something to eat.

There is no way. It has been tossing for several days, and what happened suddenly happened. Many people's materials were forgotten in the original earth during this wave of unexpected toss.

It’s a human being who needs supplies, so this body can’t be temporarily safe, but starved to death because of being timid, right?

By this time, the benefits of spirits and monsters who don't need to eat, such as gods and beasts, have been revealed.

At the very least, don't be too aggressive in the early stages.

Just like this duo with a lot of equipment, they are the kind of people who don't bring much food.

Gu Zheng and the Green Turtle looked at each other, and after waiting for half an hour, they packed their bags and got ready to leave.

But before setting off, he still had to take up the position of his own life.

The golden thighs of the Xuanwu ancestors, they must always hold firmly.


Hearing the request of the two little cubs, the good-tempered Xuanwu naturally nodded. The little tortoise, who was still a cute pet, stuck out a small paw and drew a circle in front of him: "Don't worry, you guys. My juniors, ancestors, I will shelter you."

"Have you seen it? This is your habitat. As long as you come back to sleep, you will never be taken away by others!"

Both Gu Zheng and the Green Tortoise saw the faint yellow light around the circle, and understood that the Xuanwu Little Tortoise must have blessed the spell for the two of them. If you find a rare seafood, you must use it to try it out for your ancestors."

Although the big tortoise may not look good, what if the things produced in this magical place are also very magical?

Besides, the attitudes of these two children are so gratifying. Xuanwu, who turned into a money turtle, nodded with satisfaction: "Well, filial piety is good. Let me bless you and resist. There is absolutely no problem with an indiscriminate attack."

After saying this, the sharp claws of the little tortoise tapped in the direction of Gu Zheng and the Green Turtle Man twice, and the two small ocher dots melted on the two people.

For people like Gu Zheng who cheat through the system, this small golden point is simply a big tonic. He resists the desire and stores this small group of energy in the space of Laughing and Forgetting Books.

As for the Green Turtle who stood by, he was half uncomfortable and he didn't feel it. He nodded in doubt, but he still thanked him very well.

At this time, the two talents steadily left the original section and formally stepped onto the unknown island.

The dense dense forest vegetation here makes everything full of unknowns.

Gu Zheng and the Green Tortoise were walking in tandem, but they walked for one to twenty meters. After opening the map, Gu Zheng discovered that there might not be other living creatures in this area.

In the radar provided by Xiao Wangshu, apart from the yellow dots from a planet that represents neutrality, there is actually no living punctuation.

This is a bit bad.

If there are no animals, let’s see if these unrecognizable plants can be eaten.

Subconsciously, he touched Gu Zheng, who was a small purple fruit on the side of the road. As soon as he started with the plant, he realized that it was actually a virtual thing.

Because during the data scanning of Xiao Wangshu, the berry he held in his hand collapsed into a little bit of dregs and dissipated in his hand.


An ear-piercing reminder sounded beside everyone. It was not a laughing or forgetting book, but a sound belonging to other systems that made Gu Zheng very familiar.

‘Turn on commentary mode, turn on commentary mode...’

‘The space accepts the task of alien intelligence races completed, and a total of 11,223 earth creatures (with bodies) are received. The follow-up mission can be activated... The follow-up mission is active...”

‘The second step of the mission, the placement of the earth’s people...Please pay attention to those who have come here in the main **** space. ’

‘This space is one of the tools responsible for regulating the planet and making it more balanced. ’

‘You guys were drawn to this carrier center by the main **** space because they affected the steady development of the planet Earth in Parallel Universe 404. ’

‘As a space with a beginning and an end, we will provide you with a suitable new planet as a place for your continued survival. ’

‘Because of the degree of the planet’s tolerance and the maturity of the plane, a planet can absorb 1-an infinite population of uncertainties. ’

‘If you want to get the qualification to go to the new planet, to survive the selection, you need to find the essence of the planet on this island. ’

‘When the number of planet essences reaches a certain level, it will automatically open the door to a new planet plane. ’

‘The information related to this new planet will also be sent to people on earth who want to enter this door when the door is opened. ’

‘I hope that the people on earth who come to the island of the Lord God can search hard and merge them into a new door that suits them. ’

‘Then, the second phase of the mission is officially launched... The mission time will be until all the planet’s essence is found. ’

‘Good luck everyone. ’


After the last sentence was over, the not-so-beautiful voice fell again, as if it had never appeared before.

"This..." After hearing all Gu Zheng and Green Turtle looked at each other, even the few big men who had closed their eyes and rested on Penglai Island stood up one after another.

Is this time to rest?

This is the rhythm that puts everyone on the opposite side.

Besides, what kind of manifestation is the so-called essence of the planet?

In what way can it be obtained?

For people like Gu Zheng and Green Turtle, it's better to give a piece of bread first.

It's a pity that everyone is standing on the same starting line.

"Gu Zheng, what do you think is the essence of the planet?"

When the Green Turtle approached, Gu Zheng pointed to the plant that had just dissipated in his hand and speculated: "Maybe it is a substance that will not dissipate, right?"

"In contrast, I hope we can find something to eat next, otherwise I would think that the ultimate purpose of this space is to kill all of us, rather than transport us into different parallel worlds. "

Speaking of this, Gu Zheng communicated with Xiao Wang Shu in the Sea of ​​Divine Consciousness again: "Xiao Wang Shu, is there any connection between you and this system space?"

"Are you also one of the systems born from that so-called main god?"

Hearing the laugh and forget the book here is a rare serious one: "No, it is definitely not a product within the system."

"I don't know why, I feel a little uncomfortable with this sudden appearance."

"Balance the planet, self-regulation, this system intervention is too big."

"If I can return to the main planet, I will definitely follow the above reflection."

Is this an existence stronger than its main brain?

Do not! Laughing and forgetting books will never exist.

Looking at this space alone, there is no response to it and the existence of so many systems. This is not where the high-end is.

But these people with extraordinary abilities are actually trapped in this place, so this space may be extremely extreme and only designed for trapping people.

Laughing and forgetting the book here was relieved again, turned his head and went to worry about the so-called planet essence.

Since it is a different existence, you can try some dumb ways when you have no clue.

That is the same as in the spiritual world, just pick it up and scan it in the same way.

Thanks to the Xiaojunsao system, when she and Xiaowangshu were torn between each other when she left, part of the inspection function was assigned to Xiaowangshu, otherwise it would really become one of the Mao's non-systems now.

After wiping a cold sweat and forgetting the book, he quickly explained its function to Gu Zheng, and its master Gu was really unambiguous, and he moved his hand towards the very unusual vegetation in front. After walking over, he swept towards the densest place.


This time, as soon as he started, Gu Zheng felt a different feel. The plant in his hand seemed to be spiritual and struggling vigorously... trying to escape.

There is a door, this is the essence of who and who said it?

Gu Zheng, who gave Green Turtle a wink, immediately let the upgrade system attach himself to himself, and his teammates consciously blocked the opposite of Gu Zheng after receiving the unspeakable signal. Two next

The flanking attack actually uprooted this frantically struggling grass.

After losing the cover of the surrounding environment, ‘pop’... this mass of grass dissipated as if it had lost its energy.

A green bead the size of a peanut lay quietly in the palm of Gu Zheng's hand.


A voice that only Gu Zheng could hear sounded in his mind.

‘Congratulations on finding the essence of primitive planets (1/3). After collecting all three, the planet's data will be released soon. ’

‘I hope that the people on earth will continue their efforts and find the right door to their planet. ’

This announcement sounded in the minds of Gu Zheng and the Green Turtle. When they looked around vigilantly, they found that no one else nearby seemed to be able to hear the sound. At this time, these two talents were at ease. .

Since you can get what you need from the vegetation, and their location is on the edge of the dense vegetation, then try a little bit in this direction.

Therefore, after Gu Zheng and his team looked at each other, they automatically separated by a distance of 2-3 meters, followed the movement of parallel lines, and began to go deep into these dense forests.

Don’t say, the discovery in the shrub community really did not lead them in the wrong direction. When they passed this piece of shrubs that had only curved legs, they transitioned from a vegetation community with a height of one or two people. They found the essence of the second planet from a special-looking vine.

I don't know if it was because of the influence of this essence that the hunger of the two of Gu Zheng was also alleviated a lot.

It's just that this essence is really not easy to handle, the kind of vines from which they obtain the essence is very powerful and aggressive.

It seems to be able to know... If the essence of the body is taken away, it will face death... Struggling to attack Gu Zheng and the past, but under the strong power gap, it can only catch it with one's hands and finally transform it. Ashes for the helpless light.


The Green Turtle holding the second ball, listening to the notification in his mind, just about to share this essence with Gu Zheng...when the door will appear, he heard them. There was an unharmonious voice behind him.

"Yes, coming here, I feel a few different breaths..."

As the voice sounded, the Green Turtle, holding a small ball, hurriedly stuffed this essence into his equipment bag, and looked behind him with a trace of vigilance.


This wave of movement was not small, as the dense vegetation was pulled away, and a group of people walked over.

They are actually a combination of female superhuman beings headed by Poison Ivy.

After seeing the appearance of these ugly masters, both Gu Zheng and the Green Turtle took two steps back together.

Just kidding, killing is invisible, and it can also control plants. This kind of environment is simply the home of the poison ivy girl.

Gu Zheng clearly knows that most of the things here are fictitious, but he can't deny that the plants with the essence of the planet are real.

Without knowing how high the vegetation coverage rate is, Gu Zheng will definitely not be in this environment... conflict with the Poison Ivy Girl.

Therefore, he just relied on each other with the Green Turtle, watching the next move of the group of women vigilantly.

And the team on the opposite side, after pulling apart such a hidden dense forest, saw two men standing here, and also showed great surprise.

After seeing the traces of the fighting in the field, the Poison Ivy Girl who knew very well about plants could see that the two of them must have got what they wanted from the dense forest.

Ha ha……

The Plant Girl sneered when she picked her green lips.

"Take things out?"

This is not a request, but a threat.

After the Plant Lady said this sentence, the female bat behind her, the black canary, and six or seven other women, started to stare at the two men with their waists in their waists.

This is the rhythm of the fight if you don't agree.

Gu Zheng squeezed his fist slightly. At this time, his palm was full of sweat from tension...

There is no way, the difference in strength is really too big.

However, let him just hand over the essence of his hand, but he was not reconciled.

Just when Gu Zheng was thinking about whether to try sexual hands first, and if he couldn't beat him, he would immediately pretend to be a grandson.

There was another noise from the other direction.

"I felt the call of my companion..."

The vegetation was separated, and it was actually a few very gorgeously dressed men and women who appeared in front of these two groups of people with a fragrant fragrance.

The face of the East, the demeanor is so beautiful, but it has no less affinity than the plant of the Poison Ivy.

You can see the identity of this team without Gu Zheng's careful consideration.

Essence, strangeness and immortality formed by the spirits of flowers, plants and trees.

As soon as their wave of people appeared, Gu Zheng knew that it would be impossible to find some missing fish from the plant classification.

But Poison Ivy, who is extremely sensitive to plants, is like an enemy.

She has already transferred most of her hostility from the two rookies on the opposite the relatively powerful Eastern sect.

This made Gu Zheng who was staring at him finally breathed a sigh of relief, and took advantage of the two groups of people who were too busy to take advantage of him, and stepped back again.

The Plant Girl took a breath and spoke first: "Girls...Is anyone here?"

The flowers and trees in the east were really unambiguous, and then he continued: "So what? It's not your yard..."

Hearing this, Gu Zheng knew that has a door, as the so-called same-sex repulsion, the two of them are running...steady.

As soon as these few words fell, there was a tit-for-tat confrontation in the field.

Gu Zheng and Green Turtle took this opportunity, and it was Sa Yazi who started running.

Thanks to their decisive action, when the Green Tortoise propped up the shell...just when he evacuated from the vegetation zone, the battle in that dense forest...was completely started.

Accompanied by the screaming and cursing of a group of women, various spells are flying all over the sky.

Let that piece of dense forest west area, which had been the least concerned, completely reduced to the main battlefield of those two groups of people.

"Woohoo... it's dangerous."

Gu Zheng and Green Turtle looked at the front with lingering fears. After confirming that there is no vegetation in the next area, they continued to explore the front.

The second plate area they entered is completely different from the vegetation area.

This place is like an evil prison, one by one, either tattered or sophisticated, of different sizes. Inside the box, there are one or a group of beasts whose names Gu Zheng can't name.

Some of them look like human beings, while others are in shapes that even words can't describe.

Gothic cages are piled up here in disorder, as if they were abandoned by the universe.

Let Gu Zheng and the Green Turtle, who saw this situation and scene, be very careful.

Compared with the calm and calm before, it looks...too weird here.

When Gu Zheng took a step forward subconsciously to feel that this was not his own illusion, the dribbling reminder... it rang again.

"Abandoned ethnic areas have been discovered. I wish the people of this earth a rich harvest."

With a lot of questions, Gu Zheng subconsciously asked: "What is an abandoned race?"

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