The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 1364: Oriental Fantasy: Live for a full meal (1)

When he returned home happily and planned to perform his boyfriend’s basic obligations, he discovered that the law of the basic obligations of the Gu Zheng Family Court...has been temporarily banned by Comrade Leng Shuang, President of the Supreme Court. NS.

Gu Zheng, who resisted ineffectively, not only lost his right to real estate, but also lost his own bed.

Now he is wearing big blue plaid pants, holding a roll of cool quilt, grieved and went to sleep in the study on the second floor.

Because compared with the lobby on the first floor, at least the study will not be ashamed to be thrown at the neighbor's house.

Thanks to Gu Zheng who went to the study, otherwise he would not see the full ugliness after the upgrade of Xiao Wangshu.

Because he lost his vigilance in the corner of the study, he started turning somersaults after he was upgraded. He simply forgot to check the surroundings.

Because of the low risk of the real world, let it forget that there is still a person in this world who can control it.

No, when it turned to the third circle in the study under the golden light that didn't know the convergence, a paper tube made of old books and newspapers was split from the top of its head.

'boom! ’

Steady and ruthless, Xiao Wangshu was like a fly with inflexible legs lying on the ground. ..

"Who! Who attacked the young master?"

"Could it be that I traversed on my own? Can't it?"

When Xiao Wangshu lay on the ground and saw the pair of flip-flops that made it so familiar, it knew that the most terrifying thing in the world had happened.

It disturbed the sleep journey of the horror king.

There is no need for Gu Zheng to roar in anger for the next second.

Laughing Wangshu, sticking to the surface of the floor like chewing gum, screamed for self-help: "Master Gu! You woke up early enough! Are you going for morning exercise?"

"Don't, I have finished upgrading, Master Gu, I am now an i7820!"

"Because of the huge energy of the previous world, I completed the small jump upgrade for the first time."

"After the i7720, it has directly become the hot model 820 in 2008."

"It guarantees the entire maintenance of the world below, but also adds a lot of practical new functions."

"For example, the inspection of animals and plants, and the subtle analysis of the theory of environmental composition."

"There is absolutely a vital guarantee for you to open the door to the new world!"

"Master, don't kill me! I was really wrong!"

Gu Zheng, who was disturbed by the dazzling golden light of laughter and forgetting his sleep, was completely awake amidst the cry of the other party's hissing lungs.

Now he is completely sleepless, looking at the pointer at four o'clock in the morning and the big star outside the French window of the study is speechless for a while.

Since you can't sleep, let Xiao Wangshu make up for it.

Gu Zheng, who had just woke up with a hoarse voice, said, "Then continue wearing it."

"Go to the next world to see, I guess I will be able to sleep when I come back."

Just this sentence made Xiao Wangshu quiet down instantly.

This small ball, which has been in a flat sheet state, is also unambiguous, filling his body with gas with a ‘bang’.

It floated from the ground into the air like a soap bubble.

After the computer display screen that was ready to go to the table started to glitter on its own without charging, the yellow folder was opened again.

A flashing white card is just behind the many opened cards in front, flickering and dimming.

Like the seductive Medusa, it seduce someone to open it.

Seeing this, Gu Zheng took a deep breath, without hesitation under his hand, with two beeps of the mouse, the card representing the new world was opened.


The star shifts at a glance, and the mountains and rivers change at a glance.

Gu Zheng, who was planning to open his eyes from the endless darkness, found that he was clearly awake, but his eyes seemed to be held down by someone, and he couldn't open them.

A miserable cry has been around his ears, Gu Zheng can tell through the cry that this is a young woman.

She speaks an ancient and somewhat awkward Chinese, and talks about her emotions to the person she wants to cry.

"Gu Lang, my concubine is really reluctant to let you and the child..."

"Although the Patriarch is your father, but the Gu family has a lot of work, how can you be the third son who can't be the Patriarch in charge?"

"What's more, in the eyes of your Gu family, my identity is a helpless, powerless orphan, and it is a great kindness to be able to give birth to your Gu family."

"Now that the child has landed, and my body is in such a situation, I am afraid that I really can't hold it anymore."

"You don't want to find me the medicinal material that lasts for me, it's wasting the contribution points in the family."

"I only hope that you can take care of your children. If you follow the arrangements at home and marry a woman who can remarry in the future, you will send my Dalang to the branch you want to inherit and divide the family. Whether it’s his blood, it must not get in the way of the new lady’s eyes."

"I just want to save my child's life, so I want nothing else."

This woman's cry was sincere and sincere, even a cold-hearted man like Gu Zheng couldn't help being softened.

What's more, the young man who confronted the woman directly was young and vigorous, when his heart was soft and pure. For a while, he was choked with tears and choked with a few words from the woman: "No, you don't want to say that, Rou Niang. ..."

"This was my choice. I never regretted acquainting with you, let alone rebelling against the family to marry you."

"You have given birth to me and raised children and performed housework. You have truly fulfilled the duty of a wife."

"It's me that is so useless, I can't even support my family, so you can't make up for it during pregnancy, and you are weak and give birth."

"It's me Gu Feibao is useless! I'm useless!"

"You must not be afraid, Rou Niang, I will go to the inner courtyard where my ancestor is located, and I must bring you the reversal soul pill to save your life!"

Speaking of this, Gu Zheng's ears heard...Dang wailing...Several rather firm voices to go out, as well as the woman's suppressed voice of persuasion.

It's a pity that this house is probably really dominated by a man. The woman's crying did not stop the man's footsteps. On the contrary, after a clicking sound fell, in the slightly lonely courtyard... there was a footstep. The sound of fading away.

Immediately, this woman was the only one left in the house.

Probably the yard where the woman gave birth was too secluded. After the woman stopped crying, the surrounding area turned out to be quiet. Gu Zheng, who could not hear the sound or receive the information, moved her body a little nervously.

Whoever thinks, he discovered more abnormalities in this activity.

His body was so uncontrollable that he couldn't even complete such movements as raising his hands and kicking his legs.

Moreover, his body seemed to be wrapped in a layer of cloth, tight and warm, and as the woman moved further, he was lifted up.

"Zheng'er, my Zheng'er..."

With this gentle voice, a warm cheek pressed against Gu Zheng's face.

Has he become a little baby?

The most terrible thing finally happened.

Wearing it into an infant and toddler period when the king and Laozi can't protect himself, his mission in this world is too easy to fail.

There is no way that Gu Zheng can only close his eyes and endure.

According to his speculation, the body he traversed was probably just born, and belonged to the kind of person who was born without opening his eyes.

He can only collect information about the world by listening.

Thanks to this woman, I was afraid that her life was not long, and because there was no one else in this room, she began to talk about her motherly heart to the closest person to her blood.

"Zheng'er, I'm afraid I won't be able to accompany you..."

"Your father doesn't know that the Gu family's reversal soul pill, which is the foundation of the clan, is only a mysterious eighth-grade pill..."

"It's your mother who can't cure this...sickness..."

"It's not that my mother doesn't want you, my son, mother... I'm going to starve to death!"

"If my mother stays at this Gu's house again, I am afraid that you will have to let your grandpa come all the way to collect the corpse!"


What style is this?

Well, teary eyes whirling, where is the soft white face of the Virgin Mary?

What about the weak orphan girl who was bullied and suppressed by the big family and beat the mandarin duck?

Not only did the painting style change drastically after the silly father left, it also gave birth to a grandpa.

Listen to the words, this Gu family is also a remarkable family, tell will starve to death in this family?

Are you lying to the little baby not to speak?

Gu Zheng was very angry when he thought of this, and wailed... and started kicking his legs.

It's a pity that the swaddle of this big red cotton cloth is quite tight, and Gu Zheng, who has small arms and legs, is really not the opponent of this bundle of cloth.

However, this change of his caused the mother's attention, and after changing her weak aura, she actually laughed at Gu Zheng who was struggling and wriggling.

"Oh, it's really the blood of my gluttonous clan, I've been lively since I was a child."

After this woman seemed to think of something again, her tone paused again: "I just hope that the blood in your body will explode later..."

"Don't be like your You can't even live a comfortable life."

This sentence was a little sad, and the movements that made Gu Zheng struggled became a little weaker, and then the warmth of his mother on his forehead was posted again: "Your grandpa is right..."

"How can a family in a small place marry the blood of that sacred beast?"

"Even with the power of the whole clan, I am afraid that it will not be able to provide a bloodline of a divine beast..."

"Fine, I have lost ten years of skill and gave birth to you, which will save you worry-free for 20 years."

"If after you are twenty years old, you have stimulated your bloodline supernatural powers, come to me in the middle of the field..."

"With the guidance of the family's **** jade card, you will not lose your way."

After saying these words, the woman Gu Zheng should be called a mother panted out with a bit of pain in her voice, which made Gu Zheng, who had heard the content of the words, worried involuntarily.

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