The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 1369: Oriental Fantasy (8)

Gu Zheng, who was regarded as a prey object, was stunned on the spot for a while, while Gu Feibao, who was always watching his son, was about to pounce on Gu Zheng when the blood-forming beast was about to pounce on the beast. Xingxue Mist kicked it to a smash.

Following the sturdy foot, the fierce beast let out a stern cry like a baby crying.

After trying to condense the body again to no avail, he was finally unwilling... dispersed in the air.

And the dispelled blood mist returned to the top of the pillar that was used to detect blood veins. After all, it condensed into a small crimson beast pattern, so that the pure white mist returned to its original appearance.

Until this time, Gu Feibao, who had already held Gu Zheng in his arms, had the intention to look at him carefully.

Gu Feibao can be said to be a know-how in the family because he has been rushing west all year round and has seen too many rare and exotic animals.

He frowned, but after looking for a few breaths, he exclaimed in disbelief: "gluttonous!"

"It turned out to be gluttonous!"

"So, no wonder, no wonder!"

After Gu Feibao recognized the body of this fierce beast, he couldn't even care about Gu Zheng in his arms. He suddenly jumped to the side of the pillar and put his hands on the pillar in disbelief.

"Isn't this the top fierce beast bloodline that only people in the middle domain can have?"

"It's the existence of the bloodline of the sacred beast that is difficult to compete with."

"Not only rare, but also overbearing..."

"I understand, I understand...hahahaha..."

"No wonder Rouniang is always hungry. It's not that Gu Feibao is incapable of supporting his wife and son."

"It's the entire Kunyuan Continent, no one can support my soft lady."

"Don't say I'm alone, it's a family. No, the Gu family can't do it. Even the Feng family of Luan Bird who is closest to the bloodline of the beast in Kunyuan Continent, the Peacock Kong family is also difficult."

"Rou Niang, I finally got your clues, but you, why are you like this?"

"You let me now, should I laugh or cry?"

Listening to Gu Feibao's gaffe, Gu Zheng had too many questions.

In order to prevent his father from being overly sad, Gu Zheng asked them one by one.

"Father, I have also seen the name of gluttonous food in the Anecdote and Yizhi Record. The types of divine beasts, fierce beasts, and different beasts are clearly marked on the top."

"Why are the warriors who have awakened the blood of the sacred beast basically in the middle domain, is it so difficult to support a warrior of the blood of the sacred beast?"

Hearing his son's question, Gu Feibao cried even more sadly. With his two sleeves, he could not stop his nose and tears from flying. He stared at this pitiful picture and howled loudly, "Your mother is What!"


"The fierce beast is the bloodline type that is the most difficult to control, and this gluttony is still the most edible branch of it."

"If it is to raise a **** blood warrior, it will cost me 30% of the Gu family's accumulation."

"But if it's gluttonous and fierce blood, it's just three family members, I'm afraid it won't be enough for your mother to eat."

"Do you know that there is a legend in the middle domain?"

"That is the vast expanse of the central region, rich in resources, and the gluttonous family owns 30%."

"And the gluttonous family, with only a small number of people, has become the poorest group in the entire Zhongyu ethnic group."

"Not for anything else, just to eat!"

"So son, we have to think about it, and think about it."

"Fortunately, you still have three years of blood, and you don't know what your mother thinks. Maybe you are really hungry and confused."

"He didn't tell me the age of the most famous devouring supernatural power."

"Also let me have a good preparation, lest you just start your magical powers, because you are not prepared to face the tragedy of starvation!"

Gu Feibao didn't cry anymore, instead he was hitting his palm with a hammer, spinning around in a hurry.

Compared with the horrible fact that he is about to go bankrupt, his son's life is more important.

At this time, Gu Zheng was not afraid of being exposed. His mother used to talk to him when she was a baby before she left, and said that his racial supernatural powers were generally only aroused when he was twenty years old.

Before this, there is another premise, that is, smoothly inheriting the blood of gluttonous.

Gu Zheng's test this time only confirmed one of the conditions.

By the time he reaches ten years of age to formally cultivate, he, a dad who has already prepared, hasn't he recovered a large amount of materials in the past three years?

At that time, according to his father's genius, he would have broken through the shackles of King Martial and became the youngest Martial King in Dagan.

Travel to a country, take a pool of untapped resources, and supply him for squandering.

Gu Zheng, who was at ease in his heart, wanted to speak out these words, but who thought that the strange animal totem pillar with their backs was strange at this time.

On the side of the little blood-red statue that had solidified into a gluttonous glutton... there was a little red dot that had never blended in.

After the initial bloodline test was completed, it turned into the original pink blood mist again, floating out of the pillar, and relying on the attraction between the bloodlines, it was about to return to Gu Zheng's body.

This time, because the power of blood is scarce, the two father and son, who had turned their backs and walked out of the martial arts venue while crying, did not notice any changes here.

When Gu Zheng turned his head in horror because of the call of blood, it was too late.

A small glutton the size of a thumb, under the horrified gaze of Gu Zheng and his son, suddenly plunged into Gu Zheng's back, and was absorbed by Gu Zheng's body as if it had dripped into a sponge.

"not good!!"

"The bloodline of the sacred beast is alive, and it will automatically activate the blood! Hell! Is this gluttonous bloodline so overbearing?"

After witnessing the whole process, Gu Feibao didn't care to explain to Gu Zheng, he hugged Gu Zheng in his arms, and ran to the inner courtyard where the last ancestor belongs to the family madly.

In the process of running, Gu Zheng, who felt that his father was a little over-stressed at first, his body reacted.

The blood that he couldn't feel at the beginning turned out to be like boiling water, and it began to burn his blood vessels and meridians all over his body.

Gu Zheng's originally fair skin changed from white to pink and from pink to red.

In the end, it was as if it was burning up, and it turned into a ripe purple-red.

Because of the pain, the young people's blood vessels should have been bulging and swelling.

The entanglement is intertwined, like a terrifying network, densely appearing on the surface of the whole person.

As for Gu Zheng's body, because of the swelling of blood, it actually expanded twice in the process.

The weight is still this weight, but the head is as big as an inch.

This violent expansion is like the pain of being slowly torn apart from the inside out.

Rao is a person with such perseverance as Gu Zheng, after all, he couldn't bear this kind of pain.



It is too painful.

The pain was so painful that his eyes were slightly convex, the teeth were broken, and the skin around his body was bulging and falling, and the bloodline movement was like a porcelain bowl thrown into the fire, banging and banging. Became full of cracks.

From these tiny skin cracks, tiny drops of blood came out.

These oozing blood vessels always seem to have a small amount of blood, but because they are spread all over the body, they are dense and even, so they can be seen from the outside, and they seem to be infiltrating like a blood gourd.

With such an image, when Gu Feibao disregarded the family's rules and broke into the ancestors' clean repair ground for the second time, holding his screaming son, he started to cry.

"Grandpa Grandpa, help, grandpa, great-great-grandfather! Help!"

After speaking, he took off his cyan robe, and placed Gu Zhengping, who had been bleeding, in this mysterious inner courtyard. He was kneeling under his son's head, and he turned his head there desperately. The ground made of sapphire slabs struggling to knock off.

Probably because he is the younger generation most loved by these old men in the Gu family, and because he has done a shameless thing in the backyard seven or eight years ago, Gu Feibao, who has come in again with his true ability, simply I freed myself, added this crying sound into Gu's Xiaotian technique, and headed straight for the building complex where the ancestors lived in the house.

The group of old men and old women were so scared that they exploded three medicine furnaces, damaged nine seals, and disturbed a few rare treasures. After they came back to their, they were all bitter. He stomped his feet endlessly, and floated like flying to the compound where almost no one came to visit during the day.

Sure enough, when he fixed his eyes, it was the familiar face.

It's still an unchanging formula, or that familiar gesture.

Since the inner courtyard, no matter what, it's just howling.

It's just that when these old men and old ladies were about to show their disgust, they smelled the violent blood in the air.

The group of well-informed old monsters immediately put on a serious face, and put their eyes on the **** child with disordered breath.

"Who is this! How did this happen?"

The person who was talking was a middle-aged man who looked like a middle-aged man. He pointed to Gu Zheng's body, but his eyes were fixed on Gu Feibao: "Don't tell me that this is your seven-year-old son. I am not like you. Stupid great-grandson!"

"It's so stupid to take a child under age for a blood test!"

Hearing the duties of his great-grandfather, Gu Feibao, who was sad and upset, was even more shocked. He cried out injusticely: "Great-grandparent! Unknown grandson!"

Where am I stupid? If I were stupid and switched from civil to martial arts, I would not make breakthroughs in a short period of seven years.

Seeing this expression on Gu Feibao, or the youngest great-grandfather speaking, he laughed angrily: "Heh! Don't you know? If you run into the blood of a divine beast, it will be as powerful as a totem pole of a divine beast. If the concentration and purity can not be contained, the spiritual blood on this pillar will automatically stimulate the blood of the beast in the tester's body to achieve the first blood enlightenment process?"

The book is in the belly of the dog!

...... The third one is 3000 words, and the ten thousand is completed

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