The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 1373: Oriental Fantasy (12)

A dazzling light lit up, and these corpses laid on the bottom of the cliff, which had not rotted for many years, turned into a pool of blood like the melting ice in spring.

And these **** waters became more and more, in the end, Xiao Ritian was wrapped into a blood-colored silkworm cocoon, floating in this huge natural blood pool.

A ritual of blood enlightenment different from Gu Zheng's was started.

'Snapped! ’

At this time, Gu Zheng, who was sitting in his pool, opened his eyes all at once.

This scene is definitely not something that the system under the resolution of Xiaowangshu can put it out.

This picture is like Gu Zheng standing behind Xiao Ritian, witnessing his words and deeds as truthful.

This is the first communication of autonomous consciousness in this world.

It seems that the person he needs to pay attention to is his classmate Ritian.

When he reacted from this scene, he realized that the clothes on his body were stained with blood, but the blood under him was like the water of a lake, and the red color had long since receded.


Gu Zheng subconsciously pushed his fists out, only to feel that his muscles were vigorous and energetic.

Look at the arms standing in front of you again, they are actually a whole thicker than before Xue Qi.

No, it's not just that. Gu Zheng started to swim in the pool. When he reached the wall of the pool, he compared his hand with the top of the wall.

It was nearly ten centimeters higher than he had just been thrown into the pool by his father.

Amazing, amazing.

Look at the face reflected in the pool... It's over... It's still the original bun.

The weakest part of the blood's transformation of the whole person turned out to be this face.

It’s also thanks to the fact that he only completed the span from seven to ten years old. If it were a little longer, wouldn’t he become a muscular mascot?

Gu Zheng shuddered himself and quickly crawled out of the pool. Accompanied by this behavior was the opening of the Land of Blood and the rush of a crying snot and tears.

"My son, are you all right!"

Gu Zheng, who was confused, patted his father on the shoulder, and the little mouse that bulged himself up showed him: "Father, it's okay, but it's great!"

"You see my whole body is full of strength, I always feel that there is nowhere to use it?"

What this said was a reminder to Gu Feibao. He raised his head and looked around. Looking at this huge pool, he gasped, "You water in the tenth pool..."

Before he finished speaking, he saw two traces of blood slowly wading from Gu Zheng's nostrils. Gu Zheng felt itchy and touched it, and then he looked at him blankly: "Father. ?What's wrong with me?"

Just when Gu Feibao was so shocked that he forgot to say what to say, Grandpa Zeng, who rushed over behind him, pulled Gu Zheng out of the pool with one hand, pressed it on the ground on the spot, and quickly gave instructions.

"Quickly, boy, do as I say."

"Sit cross-legs, palms up, calmly, and follow the meridians and collaterals I drew for you luck!"

After all, Grandpa Zeng walked away with his fingers on Gu Zheng's back, and Gu Zheng, who had been free of distractions, was really a genius among the people beside him, and he felt a hot air in his pubic area without much effort. Miao'er, using the inexhaustible force in his body to promote this new breath, walked around the trend given by Grandpa Zeng, and this breath became a bit bigger.

Since Gu Zheng calmed down, the breath on his body was repeated, and both Grandpa Zeng and Gu Feibao who finally reacted let out a sigh of relief.

They knew that Gu Zheng's sense of aura was generated smoothly, and the danger of his body exploding and death was smoothly removed. All that was left was to transform the blood power in his body into a working breath that the warriors could use.

As for the extent to which Gu Zheng can rush to the next stage of the blood, it is not outsiders who can help.

At this time, Gu Feibao fell into deep regret again.

If he can be more vigilant, then his son will not rush to learn this luck technique.

If it weren't for the son's high savvy and timely communication with the world's vitality, I am afraid that even if he has survived the process of blood enlightenment, he will be in pain and waste all his energy and blood.

It seems that the curriculum in the family still needs some changes.

Before the blood test, students should memorize this qi-seeking method to avoid unexpected situations like Gu Zheng's happening again.

While Gu Tianbao was thinking about it, the aura around him changed, and even his gaze turned to his son's body.

"This, this is a breakthrough?"

This is a slight appearance of a martial artist with a sense of anger breaking through to the second order, but he can't walk three times, and it takes only a moment... but it is quite terrifying.

For fear of disturbing Gu Zheng, Gu Feibao's feet moved three steps behind him. When he had just let the group of people who had come in to replenish the blood pool temporarily withdraw, his son completed the second to third level. breakthrough.

What a hell!

It takes longer for others to break through, so why is this kid different from others?

Not only does it do the opposite, but also eats!

Others need a day's work, he only needs half a moment, then the rest of the matter will be big.

Thinking of Gu Feibao with this, he couldn't take care of Grandpa Zeng who was happily beside him. That was when Sayazi started to rush towards her courtyard.

No way, don't think that being promoted from a martial artist to a martial artist is just the simplest obstacle in the world of martial arts.

But still half of the people are stuck on this level because of their aptitude or poor family.

Every big realm has an optimal period of cultivation.

If this period has passed, it will be difficult to break through, or there will be no hope of breakthrough.

Calculating according to the enchanting degree he has repeatedly broken through the bottom line of his own son, he is afraid that when he is ready for the blood needed to break through the realm, it will be the time for him to break through the great realm.

Returning to the courtyard, Gu Feibao turned over the cabinets. When he squeezed all the useful things that he could take out into his arms and ran to the Hall of Blood Qi, he found that the land of Blood Qi in the inner courtyard was actually The outside is closed.

In the courtyard, the person who was still standing watching the excitement walked away clean, leaving only Grandpa Zeng sitting outside the courtyard, holding a drawer of steamed buns in his hand, and sweating all over his head.

"This is? Zengye, where is my son?"

The ancestor, who was holding the bun in his mouth, tilted his head toward the inside and gave the answer: "The ancestor made a simple cleanup, saying that it was temporarily sealed off before Gu Zheng completely digested the cultivation."

"Except for the necessary water and rice, idle people are not allowed to enter."

"Have you seen me? From now on, I will be your son's face protector."

"That is to say, I have come across the door, and I need to work hard to break through the bottleneck, so that I can shoulder the responsibility of protection."

Having said this, Zeng Ye swallowed another bun and continued: "Are you worried about your son's future cultivation, right?"

"Don't worry, the ancestor said, until the samurai, the inner courtyard can provide you with this breakthrough."

"When the heaven, material and earth treasures needed later become more demanding, then you can use the opportunity to find suitable materials."

After speaking, Master Zeng glanced at the small porcelain bottle that Gu Feibao was holding in his hand. After recognizing what it was, he pushed Gu Feibao's hand back into his arms with the exhaled breath.

"This is the Leopard Blood Jackal Qi Pill, you keep it, if your son can break through himself with his ability, he really won't need such a low-end pill."

After that, regardless of the frustration of the young father, he pushed the remaining buns in the cage in front of Gu Feibao: "Eat, wait."

"The ancestors said, your son can't say it, he can really make breakthroughs in one breath!"

"What are we supposed to do? Just wait for his news."

Up to now, it can only be so.

Gu Feibao is at ease, and he has waited for more than half a month.

When those ages are up, the 19th-period teenagers who are ready to go have all completed the blood enlightenment ritual. According to their own abilities, they either opened up their vitality or broke through to the second-order martial arts in one fell swoop. Even the most powerful of them, Gu Feibao, has already begun. When there are regular free activities, the closed door is pushed open from the inside.

Inside the door, Gu Zheng's eyes were bright and scary at this time, but his body was weak and afraid of others.

He couldn't even turn over the threshold that was only half an inch high. He just stretched out his hands and trembled toward the door.

This made the great master who was responsible for protecting him very puzzled. While rejoicing at the breath that the child showed at this time, he wondered what he wanted to express.

"Are you going to hug Zeng Zeng? Hey..." Grandpa Zeng shook his head disgustingly: "I have never embraced my own son.

Just when Zeng Ye was guessing himself, he finished his work in the clan, and Gu Feibao, who routinely turned around, discovered the difference here.


He saw Gu Zheng lying on the ground, within the threshold, and ran towards his youngest son with tears in his eyes.

But after running in, after seeing Gu Zheng's current state, he stopped with an awkward pace and ran out of the courtyard as soon as he turned his head.

After seeing the great grandfather he was always getting rid of, the smile that had just appeared froze on his face. After waiting for a while and realizing that the person was really gone, he sighed, and a slightly disgusted general. Gu Zheng hugged him.

"alright, you win."

"Grandpa Zeng I haven't held anyone yet!"

A thin old man with a height of only 1.7 meters, hugged a seven-year-old doll with a height of 1.4 meters because of the blood draw.

The stiffness was like hugging a door panel, and with that strength, Gu Zheng almost turned aside.

When this Gu genius started to roll his eyes, the dad who escaped immediately led a large number of servants and returned to the inner courtyard formidable.

"Hurry up, put everything in place. Yes, open the lid."

When he saw clearly that there were two people in front of him instead of the large and small door panels, he jumped back in a very exaggerated manner: "Master Zeng, what are you doing! I know my kind is so cute, but you too Can't do this, put my son down quickly!"

"My son doesn't want you to hold him, he is hungry!"

Hearing this answer, Grandpa Zeng's eyes with only one slit opened instantly.

Looking at the color on Gu Zheng's face, he was a little sceptical, and he loosened the hands holding Gu Zheng in a particularly obedient way.


Let his great-great-grandson fall a big horse.

If it weren't for Gu Tianbao's wailing voice and stuffing a meat bun into Gu Zheng's mouth, it would take a few seconds for the genius child to shut his breath.

Since the food entered Gu Zheng's mouth, he didn't stop.

The little master didn’t know where he had grown a few stomach bags, and where the food was eaten. As the servants carrying the plates came in and back out one by one. For a whole day.

According to incomplete statistics from the post-kitchen steward, Gu Zheng ate three bags of flour in one bag of 50 catties, 10 bags of rice in one bag of 10 catties, and 50 catties of meat from birds and beasts, and fruits and vegetables. More than thirty vegetables.

Thirty-nine chefs in the back kitchen had cramps in their hands, and fifty-two handymen were shaking all over.

This surprise shocked the entire Gu family.

One hundred and eight boring tribesmen watched from the sidelines during the eating process.

Seventy-six people took their meals to Gu Zheng's side to eat with him.

In the end, they all fell.

After a meal, Gu Zheng became famous.

Even after overcoming the Gu family, it only took half a month to rise to the ninth rank of the martial artist, and only the last superman who was able to break through to the first rank of the martial artist was left.


Dad, this braised three-tailed rabbit meat is really delicious.

Now Gu Zheng has eaten 80% full, but the chef who cooks for the ancestors is really amazing, and because there are always rare ingredients in the inner courtyard that are not commonly found in the outer courtyard, Gu Zheng is really Don't want to stop talking.

Even when Gu Feibao, who was faceless and skinless, felt a little embarrassed, he saw his son holding a bunny head and suddenly stopping.

"My son, what's wrong with you? Are you choking?"

Just when Gu Feibao was about to pat Gu Zheng's back, the doll, who was reluctant to let go, took the rabbit's head in his mouth and once again assumed a cultivating posture.

"Father, I am going to break through!"

After Mu Lulu said these words, a breath of warrior spread over Gu Zheng's body.

Gu Feibao, who was stunned on the spot because of this behavior, laughed out loud immediately.

"Hahaha, okay! Breakthrough in eating, really is a genius."

From this day on, the rice bucket Gu, no, is the symbol of the name of Gu Zheng, the God of Cookery.

It was also the beginning of frightening his enemies.


Eight years in a blink of an eye

The next eight years were the most pleasant time for Gu Zheng.

In addition to training, one is eating, sleeping, eating, and staying in the inner courtyard. The days when he is bored to the bone marrow, he has really polished Gu Zheng's temperament to be plain and simple, and he has entered the realm of a retired veteran cadre ahead of time.

Coupled with the fact that there are fewer peers and more old men surrounding him, his style has entered the realm of retirement early.

If it weren't for eight years, Gu Zheng had broken through two great realms one after another, twenty-six small realms, and had reached the final standard line for traveling alone in the clan and going out for missions, fearing that he would still be able to live in the inner courtyard for three years.

Today’s Gu Zheng, who has just turned fifteen, is already a martial artist at the top of the ninth rank. Even the most unmotivated Zeng Ye in the inner courtyard can’t stand it, so he was thrown into the contribution hall of the Gu family outside courtyard. NS.

Gu Zheng carried the waist card that represented the elite children in his hand, sighed, and very consciously chose a relatively satisfactory place to visit.

"Which one should I choose? I said laughing and forgetting books, how are you collecting information about this world?"

During most of Gu Zheng's practice, Laughing Forgot Books showed a state of acting alone.

It is not only the copy of most of the materials in the Gu's book, but also half of the corresponding books in Daqian's country.

Because of the sudden awakening of Gu Zheng's blood, the mainland Chinese literary test that was thoroughly soaked, it also helped Gu Zheng to join in a lively event.

In the process of this examination, Xiao Wangshu did not forget to collect the secret collection of the Sima family, the royal family of the great kingdom.

Now, what is shown in front of Gu Zheng is a panoramic view of Kunyuan mainland.

Except for the mysterious middle area in the middle, and the boundless wasteland at the periphery.

The existing places with traces of human activities are marked with Xiao Wangshu.

Let Gu Zheng, who compared the task of selecting this map, can be clear at a glance.

"It turns out this world is a circular distribution."

The middle domain is a circular black unknown area, just like a high-level copy, you can't see the truth inside.

However, the circle around the middle area is clear, and the boundary of this circle is unexpectedly smooth, like a self-arrangement in the dark, like the same emerald jade laid on the map. Above.

As for the boundless wilderness, they are all yellowish-yellow, misty and shrouded by unknown auras, and they are constantly changing and retreating.

Every day, the boundary of the wasteland changes slightly, or it is thoroughly explored and conquered, or a rich treasure is discovered.

Novelty, excitement, and getting rich overnight are all its attractions.

Xiao Wangshu originally thought that Gu Zheng would choose this unknown great wasteland, and make his own territory like the previous world.

But after reading this map, Gu Zheng, rubbing his fingers, firmly clicked on a place that the entire Gu family was familiar with.

It turned out to be the capital of a great country, ask Tiancheng.


Now it's the warmth of spring and the flowers are blooming, asking Amagi to spend the year on the girl's festival.

In the task bar of Gu's family, there happened to be a task related to this festival.

That is, on behalf of the Gu family, to present the Hinamatsuri, the youngest princess of the Sima clan, Princess Showa...and also the task of birthday gifts.

At that time, all the family children of Dagan Country who are good enough to send congratulations will gather in Wentian City.

There are tests for comparison, and there are also friends for making friends.

I have been living for so many years, and I always have to go out to see and see.

Gu Zheng would never admit that he was greedy. I didn't even see Wen Tiancheng's spring specialty Baihua Gao at all.

Yes, he simply wanted to go.

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