The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 1379: Oriental Fantasy (17)

He doesn't like cash cows, even though a person as noble as he has been shaken for a long time by the wealth of the cash cows.

But when he was half full and finally had enough blood to flow into his head because of food to cushion his hunger, he abandoned the unconscious thought.

Yes, Sima Showa is the entire capital city, no, it should be said that he is the first rich princess who resounds throughout the five countries.

It's a pity that she didn't earn money through her own means, but through the attributes of an extremely wealthy fan...

Her reputation for love of money has even been heard of the strange beasts of the Great Wilderness.

For such a woman, money is more important than life, so how can she be willing to share her wealth with others?

If you marry such a princess, that would be bad luck.

You stand among a pile of gold and silver jewels all day long, and you can only see and can't touch it. That would be a terrifying thing.

Therefore, the current Gu Zheng has only one theme, and that is to take advantage of the princess who is desperate for money, and strive to eat it until it hurts.

"Hurry up, this braised pork knuckle with fresh bristle is really delicious."

"Oh, the Hundred Flower Cakes on the Huachao Festival are indeed well-deserved. This trip to the capital is really right."

Not only did he eat it by himself, but he also wanted to eat with Gu Aotian.

It's just that Gu Aotian, the militant next to him...has already jumped into the field at this time. As the first defending member of the open battlefields, he has already battled with the same anxious family children. A group.

Seeing Gu Zheng here, he could only shook his head, but it made the Showa princess who had been staring at him looking for faults a little impatient.

"Hey! Gu Zheng from Fufeng City, why don't you play?"

Gu Zheng, who had to lift his eyelids, touched the tip of his nose with his fingers, and shook his head contemptuously.

Everyone can understand the meaning, that kind of disdain, that kind of solemn arrogance, and Showa, who is regarded as a princess, hates his teeth.


"Sister Huang, why is this person like this? Do you know that no one dares to challenge him and just eat and drink so unscrupulously?"

Zhaoyi on the side took another look at the people in the distance. It was actually leaning forward with a mellow look, and said to the next Gu Zheng: "This brother of the Gu family, every time we set up a ring, anyone who successfully defends the ring can get the silver medal. Qianliang's lottery."

"I don't know..."

The words under Princess Zhaoyi hadn’t been finished yet. Gu Zheng, who was sitting around the desk a few times holding a hundred-flower cake and gnawing fiercely, carried the oversized high ice plate specially prepared for him, and lifted his body to make a decision. , Rushed to a field that had just ended the battle and was vacated because of both losers.



When everyone saw the people coming, they were all in an uproar.

The person who was least likely to be on stage stood on the stage of the defending side.

This is a few years younger than the princess, and everyone thinks that there is only a cultivator in his life, an unexplored kid, what do you want to do now?

He will wipe out everyone's limelight just by fighting against each other.

Isn't this bullying?

As a result, the voices of the people watching by the side were getting louder and louder, but no matter how dissatisfied, on the stage where Gu Zheng was, still not one person plucked up the courage and challenged him.

From the moment Gu Zheng stepped onto the field, the **** on the sidelines burned the incense of the time. It has been burned for more than half of it, but it will be completely exhausted in a few breaths.

Just when everyone was embarrassed by their guts.

A black shadow suddenly flashed out of the crowd, and with a swish... it landed on the empty arena.

‘Wow! ! ! ! ’

'Wow! ! ’

'NS! ’

Everyone has no scruples now. It's a true temperament for the warrior who is looking for death to lose his attitude and shout.

When the figure stopped, his face appeared, but the person standing in the audience looked dumbfounded.

Who is this?

They originally thought that the one who dared to go to this stage was not the Sixteen Lang of the Sima family who was ranked second in comprehensive strength, or the Jian Wugui of the Ling Xiaozong who had understood the sword intent and fur.

Whoever thinks, the bold challenger is actually a nameless person who looks very faceless.

This group of aristocratic children inquired, connected in private, and inquired about each other, and finally came to an astonishing conclusion.

This dear friend turned out to be the representative of the 18 small clans alliances sent from the northernmost and most desolate city of Mobei in the Dagan Country.

This is no wonder.

There are no outstanding talents in poor rural areas, and the top-notch figures among a group of small clans can easily be praised.

But fortunately, if you come to the capital of a major country and suffer setbacks, you will not suffer any more when you encounter life and death events in the future.

Everyone who wanted to understand had sympathy in their eyes.

Only Sima Showa, who was sitting on the high platform, noticed something wrong with this person.

Because her most stable sister in the daytime, after this person appeared, she stood up from her seat.

With a little excitement and little emotion, all eyes were placed on the hillbilly.


It's a bit wrong. The chicken thief's Showa eyes rolled around, and she pulled Zhaoyi's robe with her hand with a big ring: "Sister, who is this person? Isn't it amazing?"

Zhaoyi, who had put all her mind on that unknown boy, casually replied, "Of course it's amazing!"

With only these four words, the joy of joy in them was heard by Showa.

She put her eyes on the rather unfamiliar challenger, looked at her height, and made a bold decision as soon as she gritted her teeth: "Brother! I want to buy that kid...Five thousand two wins!"

"By the way, what is the kid's name? What are the odds?"

Sima, who was in charge of the opening, responded with ease: "Mobei Zhao Ritian! The odds are 38!"

"Okay! It's him, such a domineering name, there must be something unique!"

No matter how surprised everyone in the audience was, there was no such amazement at Gu Zheng at this time.

He couldn't hold the pastry plate in his hand, blinking his eyes desperately...want to see who the person was.

Isn't this what Tiandao raised with him in his dreams when he was young?

Now he is only fifteen years old, and it has been five full years since he was full of blood. Why did this one appear?

Gu Zheng, who frowned slightly, slowly placed the plate in the hands of the **** next to the stage, shaking off all the cake slag, and looking at the tall, handsome man on the opposite side, arching his hand towards him: " In the next Zhao Ritian, I have heard about the reputation of the little brother Gu, and I take this opportunity to challenge him on stage."

"Look for a showdown."

Hehe, Gu Zheng twitched the corner of his mouth, arching his hand in the same way, and stretched out his hand towards the court: "Please!"

The two of them set aside their positions and met each other.

At this moment, what thoughts were there in the audience to watch the fighting of others? All the onlookers, including the couples who were discussing, stopped the fighting, held their breath and stood solemnly, all of their eyes fell on Gu Zheng’s. Body.

And this young master, worthy of the name of a genius, after the two men's ceremony was over, he actually opened up the Martial King realm and pressed his full energy toward Zhao Ritian.


Relying on his breath alone, Zhao Ritian was forced to retreat three steps, and a single depression caused the opponent's legs to bend slowly.



I thought it was such a great strength, this was so unbearable just at the beginning...

Just when Sima Showa almost rolled his eyes, Zhao Ritian, who was forced to an inverse angle, showed an expression of unwillingness to surrender.

"Awesome... the number one martial arts genius, really well-deserved... but just this is not enough!!"

At this moment, Zhao Ritian also let go of the breath, and with this, the audience that had been quiet as a chicken once again slammed.

"Martial Master! Tier Nine!!"

"How is it possible! I have never heard of this person!"

Of course, there are also unharmonious voices.

"What about Tier Nine, you must know that the difference between King Wu and Master is a big realm! Gu Zheng has accumulated a lot of knowledge, and has never used foreign objects to forcibly upgrade his realm, and upgrades all rely on water milling skills. Upgrading from the small realm in front is as easy as drinking cold water."

"What about Tier Nine? In three months, my brother will be able to rise to Tier 3 of King Wu!"

Gu Aotian said all this big string of words.

As a young genius, he was always practiced abnormally, and he had already stopped fighting for victory with Gu Zheng.

But Gu Zheng is the only one indisputable.

What is that Zhao Ritian! Hehe, how does it compare with his genius in the care of the family?

No matter what others say, it is the two who are fighting on stage.

When Zhao Ritian was at full strength, Gu Zheng sensed a considerable sense of violation from him.

The power of the bloodline in the opponent's body is quite strong, faintly echoing with his own blood.

However, Gu Zheng could feel the threat and pressure only by his blood, not Zhao Ritian himself.

Logically speaking, on the Continent of Alien Beasts, animal blood has been compatible with the human body for thousands of years, and there shouldn't be such a sense of dissociation of the plasmosphere.

What caused it?

Gu Zheng instantly found out the dream that he was about to forget many years ago.

In the dark place where Zhao Ritian landed, what kind of animal was that divine beast? By the way, it is a unicorn.

The jasper gourd on his waist seemed to melt the blood of a unicorn and forcibly poured it into the comatose Zhao Ritian's body.

It is blood, and these blood are external forces, not his own blood that he should activate.

No wonder there will be violations.

This powerful blood of the beast perfectly suppressed his original blood of the beast.

Because the amount of blood of the sacred beasts is quite fixed, if you want to use the blood, you must continuously refine and replenish the blood with powerful energy to live in the Qilin sacred blood to stimulate the vitality and energy in it to maintain Zhao Ritian's own high-speed cultivation. speed.

No wonder it's not as practical as ordinary people.

Thinking of this, Gu Zheng attacked the past first. He didn't need his own treasure or the most convenient hidden weapon. Instead, he opened the mountain and divided the sea with his big fist toward Zhao Ritian's. He slammed his head away.


The first punch knocked Zhao Ritian down to half an inch of the ground. This kid evaded him, and half of his ankle was stuck in the arena of the martial arts arena.


Before the other party could react, Gu Zheng's second fist arrived as expected.

This time, Zhao Ritian, who was reflected in time, carried it over.

But this kind of shock is the main thing, and the strength is actually a fist that is not light or heavy, which makes Zhao Ritian's heart and blood tremble, and blood surges up. If it is not suppressed, he is afraid that a mouthful of blood will gush out of his mouth.

What frightened Zhao Ritian the most was that the blood spewed out was not his own blood, but the blood of the unicorn beast that was fused in his blood because of the jasper gourd.

It was probably because Gu Zheng's aura was full, allowing the sacred beast Qilin to feel the gluttonous aura of the beast on the enemy.

Since ancient times, the sacred beasts and the fierce beasts have been fighting all the year round, and they have never stopped dying.

After feeling the enemy, how can the blood be tolerated, on the contrary, he started to move around and became active again.

"Not good!" Zhao Ritian thought Daling. He has been fusing the blood pool of unicorn monsters for nearly eight years. He has refined the blood of thirty-three powerful alien beasts in the beast pit to purify his own blood. Transform into powerful energy to help him improve his martial arts realm.

Because the Qilin bloodline is the most unreliable, Zhao Ritian wanted to wait for him to reach a higher level, so as to refine and absorb it more safely.

Whoever came up with it, in this great king capital, he encountered an existence whose blood was higher than that of the unicorn in his body, and whose concentration was stronger than that of the beast blood essence of his body.

This is troublesome now!

Standing on the ring, Zhao Ritian's complexion was already purple at this time, and he has long since taken the stage as calmly as when he first took the stage. Under Gu Zheng's hammering and pressing offensive, this white-faced handsome man's face looked like It's as ugly as a purple eggplant.

"How can this be?"

Showa, who was about to make a fortune, pulled Zhaoyi's sleeve and shouted: "Sister, didn't you say that Zhao Ritian is very good? Do you know his details? Could it be that you are after Gu? Zheng, did you deliberately cheat your sister for him?"

Gong's scheming is not as deductive as you.

Zhaoyi, who said that, hurriedly stopped panicking, and took Showa's hand to cheer herself up: "No, every day is very strong! Really strong!"

"I was attacked by two monsters in the realm of Wuwang in the hunting ground outside the city a few days ago. The surrounding guards were not around for some reason. It was Zhao Ritian who beat the two beasts and killed them and saved my life."

"Why is Gu Zheng of the Martial King Realm, how can he be troubled?"

Showa's heart is all about money, because he has been fighting wits and courageously to make money all the year round, and he immediately found the flaws in it.

"I said, sister, are you stupid? Can beasts be like people?"

"Have you forgotten the gossip that the emperor father received? Then Gu Zheng seems to have the blood of the beast that can only be awakened by the people of the Middle Territory!"

Hearing that the Sima imperial children who had been following the sisters around here were all around, asking: "How is it possible!"

"The blood of the beast has not appeared in Outland for many years! How can this kind of thing that is not among the billions of people happen to us."

The great powers are not the strongest in the outer domain. None of the most powerful countries close to the middle has ever appeared. In the area ruled by the Sima family, how unlucky is there will be one?

Just when everyone absolutely didn't believe it, because of Gu Zheng's hard work, Zhao Ritian finally got an abnormal situation.

In fact, this unyielding soul has undergone tremendous changes in his family since he was a child. In fact, it is all inferiority that has been carefully concealed by him.

Forcing such a person, the end result is to make him all his cards and bet desperately.

In the process of being suppressed by Gu Zheng from the realm to the bloodline, Zhao Ritian finally decided to take the risk and separate a trace of the unicorn blood in the body that he did not dare to refining, and take it out for refining, hoping that the energy in it will come. Forcibly break through the barriers of the realm of the other king of martial arts.

He couldn't use the level of the blood of the sacred beast to suppress it, but could only raise the martial art realm, and the two talents had the same power.

Zhao Ritian's plan to break the boat is exactly what Gu Zheng wanted behind his strong suppression.

What he was waiting for was that the other party couldn't help but mobilize the disharmonious bloodline of the beast. At that time, it was the best time for him to completely solve the hidden danger of insecurity on the road.

Pretending to be reckless, Gu Zheng showed arrogance and pride. The fist he hammered down again brought a bit of carelessness.

Seeing the people outside the field was so angry that the fragile self-esteem of the people on the field collapsed, and they completely lost their sanity.


"Zhuzi! Too much bullying!"

Zhao Ritian finally mobilized his blood to the cavitation bottleneck and his aura gradually changed due to the breakthrough process.


"An immediate breakthrough, another immediate breakthrough after Gu Zheng!"

"This is also the worldless genius of my leading country. Although he is older than Gu Zheng, he is a top-notch existence in my generation!"

Zhao Ritian's transformation of momentum is naturally not hidden from the people at the scene.

Just when everyone was overjoyed for this breakthrough and thought that they were about to see a battle between the dragons and tigers, Gu Zheng, who had been fighting with Zhao Ritian in a big way, turned his hand and tapped the two acupoints under the other side's ribs.

No one saw Gu Zheng’s fingertips with two fine needles made of special materials. When his fingers touched Zhao Ritian’s clothes, they rubbed out from under the belly of the fingers at a speed that the naked eye could not detect. He pierced the opponent's skin, and with the same swift speed, he shrank back, and disappeared without a trace.

A tiny drop of blood that even Zhao Ritian would not be aware of appeared on his body. Just such a small blood hole was enough to achieve Gu Zheng's goal.

After so many years of reading a group of books, the results of the self-collection of laughing and forgetting books, drinking wind and eating soil, are all reflected at this moment.

An ancient isolated copy of "The Secret Record of Different Blood Vessels" once recorded the method of restraining each other between blood vessels.

Because the method is too domineering, after many years, very few people know what they have learned.

There is a secret book in this, which can suppress the provocation by the bloodline.

In the course of the fight, and the moment when the enemy is facing a breakthrough, it has a miraculous effect.

But now, Gu Zheng will use this secret book, Zhao Ritian is sorry.

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