The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 1384: Oriental Fantasy (22)

The second examination room, said to be a small square, is actually a shooting range.

Even though these hundreds of people are all literati, the shooting range is definitely farther and bigger than the real world, and the target is smaller and more floating.

On this shooting range, the closest target was also two hundred meters away, and the one with the farthest distance was almost a mile away.

If it weren't for the five senses of the martial artist to be many times higher than that of ordinary people, I'm afraid that even the location of the target would be indistinguishable.

The long-range target is dead.

But the target at the closest distance was actually a living bird, fluttering in the cage, waiting for the arrival of death.

"This is……"

Before Ye Liangchen's expression began to distort, the people in charge of leading the way retired. The invigilator of the previous level had already withdrawn from the second level, and closed the gate connecting the first and second levels from behind. .

Only an inconspicuous side door was left to prepare for the dingy retreat of the eliminated students.

At the end of the handover, a man with a wide shoulders and a slender waist came out from the side of the shooting range, with strong arms and a huge bow behind his back.

If it weren't for him to wear a gentleman's cap, and say that he is a warrior who uses bows and arrows, some people would believe it.

As soon as he spoke, it explained the content of the test.

Starting from this level, the achievements of more than one hundred people can be put together with the achievements of the talents of the five countries they want to challenge.

Because for the six arts of gentleman, shooting is part of it.

Among them are Yasha, and naturally there are Wusha too.

Come here one ring and another, and pass the standard line of three small levels before you can enter the next link.

Similarly, the achievements of celebrities from various countries that have been challenged by this invitation will be announced fairly.

The challengers who finally passed, if they can be suppressed, they will surely gain their own reputation, and it will be a good talk to let them go.

It's just that this small third ring is not a challenge.

Sure enough, the first challenge is that one-third of the people will be difficult.

"Five hundred steps away, the arrow hits the target, the top ten is five for the pass, the six is ​​good, and the seven or more is good."

"Want to suppress the people you want to challenge? If you don't have seven out of ten, let's give up as soon as possible."

After finishing speaking, the instructor didn't talk about the second ring, and waited for everyone to pass the first ring first.

This huge shooting range, with 30 target positions, can test all of them in just four rounds.

As the two people at the forefront, Gu Zheng and Ye Liangchen naturally also stood in the positions of No. 1 and No. 2 closest to their instructors.

After Gu Zheng squatted the bowstring prepared by the people on the field, he shook his head in disgust, turned his hand to the instructor, and made an unbelievable request: "Sir, this bow It’s too light. I think I should use the one on your back. I should be able to take advantage of it."

What a big tone.

Ye Liangchen on the side thought that when Gu Zheng was about to be thrown out by this extremely ugly gentleman, the murderous gentleman smiled grimly and unbuckled the bow on his back.

"Okay, if you want to try it, just try it, but if you can't even pull the bow, hum... Then you have to be careful, I haven't seen human-shaped prey on the hunting ground for a long time."

I'm going, brother, you are dead for your wealth and life.

However, Gu Zheng ignored all the strange gazes around him, and stretched out his hands frankly towards this gentleman.

When he formally took the opponent's bow and arrow, the boy who looked a little fatter but his eyes changed and his vigor opened. Ye Liangchen's hair was messed up on the side of the shock, and his clothes were blown open.

"Fuck! Forget it, this kid is still a martial king!"

The scholars with the best grades closest to Gu Zheng have never been so embarrassed. They covered their cheeks with their big sleeves, and Gu took three steps back.

And this young man who was climbing steadily, opened a horse with a big step, pulled the string with one arm, and pulled the ten-stone beast tendon bow into the shape of a full moon, and the sharp iron **** arrow flickered in it. With the sharp cold light, before everyone had watched it carefully, they were wrapped in the whistling sound, and Gu Zheng let them go.


At a distance of five hundred steps, the arrow sound was as long as a whistle pigeon. When everyone swiped their heads to the target position, there was already a clear click.

"I hit the target!"

"It's really pulled away, he doesn't seem to have aimed at it!"

"Marksman! Even if this kind of person enters the army, he is also a good player in all of them. With such a skill, why do you want to win the first prize in these five levels?"

"I am weak and ordinary, so I had to switch to writing. If I had Gu Zheng's skill, I would have been known as a martial artist. Why should I struggle here?"

Seeing that everyone was talking more and more sour, the tutor standing aside coldly opened his mouth: "In the old days, Wen Dao was the leader. The mainland hero is not from Wen Dao."

"They can afford bows and arrows when they go up, and when they get off the horse, they are the arrogant generation of both civil and military."

"It's because the civil and military double repair is too demanding for qualifications. In order to expand rapidly, everyone is getting more and more biased."

"Except for the geniuses cultivated by the big clans themselves, who are not born in the world, there are fewer and fewer civil and martial artists walking outside."

"Why do you think that the realm of martial artist always encounters a bottleneck? That is because the state of mind has not yet reached, the thoughts are muddy, and they have not been transparent."

"Then why did this happen? Isn't it because there are fewer books?"

"Those of you complaints, you should be grateful to the sage Wen Dao for leaving you with a way out. As long as you concentrate on studying, you will have the ability to protect yourself."

"But if you can't even read books, people like you, even if they are rations for my mounts, I will dislike this meat as sour and rotten!"

The scolding was not cruel, and everyone looked at Gu Zheng with a bit of anger.

Don't say that reading is more knowledgeable and capable, the more scholars are less pitiful.

In a word, hypocritical.

It's just that even the most hypocritical people don't dare to speak too much in the process of being crushed by absolute strength.

Because even though there was a lot of discussion around, the movements in Gu Zheng's hands did not stop. He drew arrows one after another from the arrow basket, drew the bow, and shot it. When everyone was shocked by his movements, When the chatting ended once, all the ten arrows behind him were shot.

The people who looked at the circle around him were stunned without any follow-up actions.

The boy who was in charge of looking at the target leaned in with a special eye-catching price, and pulled the arrows off the target one by one.

As the child waved the flag again and again.

The recorder standing behind the instructor was working hard to write down Gu Zheng's results.

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