said that Doctor Leng just wanted to reply, and Gu Zheng, who was sincerely concealed, pushed out the door.

When Gu Zheng's car started, Dr. Leng lit up the tens of watts of large light bulbs above his head and the rows of street lights that went out soon because of the dawn, and asked slightly jokingly: "Is this still dangerous?"

   "It's early in the summer, you can really make excuses for yourself."

   "Forget it, men, always have their own little secrets, I don't ask, if you want to say something, you will naturally say a few words."

   The dialogue between the two ended perfectly.

After arriving at Fuwai, Gu Zheng handed back Dr. Leng’s car key. Instead, he didn’t take any means of transportation. Instead, he wandered the streets of the newly awakened Capital City, watching the increasing crowds and vehicles around him. I lost my thoughts.

   Gu Zheng's spirit, as if with the breath of fireworks, once again integrated into this society.

   For the first time, Gu Zheng is fortunate that he has a heartlessness that is stronger than others, and this has made him never lose himself in the journey again and again.

   is also thanks to his righteous identity, knowing that he is a small ordinary citizen, and has never become incompatible with this society because of his success in other worlds.

   After all, this is where he belongs.

   This is a real life like a dream.

Gu Zheng, whose mood improved again at this time, laughed. He unethically used his powerful running ability and superhuman power... He won the battle for the morning peak taxi and arrived extremely punctually. Where to go to work.

  Whoever thinks, as soon as he set foot in his field office, he was stopped by Fu Sheng, who already had a separate desk, sitting opposite him.

   "Gu Zheng, wait, don't rush to patrol first, Director Li on the second floor is looking for you."

   "Huh?" Hearing Gu Zheng's doubts here, he approached Uncle Fu, lowered his voice and asked, "Uncle, what's the matter?"

   As an old person in the bureau, he naturally has a set of sources of his own.

   Fu Sheng looked around and saw that no one was coming again, he lowered his voice and exhorted: "It is said that it was the big case you discovered last time, and the whole process was solved."

   "The public security system has transferred your award to our sub-bureau through the top."

   "It must be a good thing. Come and go with your heart."

  Oh, that's good, Gu Zheng relaxed, climbed upstairs in two or three steps, and knocked twice at Director Li's office.

"Come in!"

   "It's you, come sit here, look at the things on the table, and tell me what you think after reading it."

   After saying these few words, Director Li started to process the files on the desktop and the feedback information of the municipal units that had to be browsed every day.

   Leave Gu Zheng alone to ponder the problem he is about to face.

   Seeing Gu Zheng here, he picked up a dozen pages of paper on the coffee table in front of him, and flipped through each page.

   The red-headed essay in front is very formulaic. It briefly and concisely talks about the good cooperation that Gu Zheng played in the last important case, and fully affirmed his achievements.

   Then, in the second document, he reiterated his credit.

   This second award of merit was issued from the Capital City Administration of Municipal Administration. It is a real honor that needs to be recorded in the archives.

   Then, seeing this, Gu Zheng also felt the problem.

   is rising too fast, at least in the land he is currently in, there is no room for Gu Zheng to ascend.

   As for the back, Gu Zheng held his hand tightly to his eyes, and it turned out to be a proposal regarding the transfer of positions.

   The transfer order from the General Administration was given, saying that it was a suggestion, and the person who was issued the document may not accept it.

   But the final result is that Gu Zheng is struggling in the Fengtai branch, waiting for the people above to transfer to the Grand Canal or the old cadres to retire, and then he has the hope of being promoted.

   is not only slow to say, but because of this, it will be named in the General Administration.

   gives the leader a bad impression.

   Can't endure hardship, responding to the call of superiors, suspected of slack off work.

   Therefore, Gu Zheng can completely ignore the suggestions in the document twice.

  There are only two other choices in the file that are placed in front of Gu Zheng.

   One, it was transferred to Daxing District, which is adjacent to Fengtai but the administrative region has been directly downgraded by one level, to take over the post of Director of the Daxing District Urban Management Comprehensive Administrative Law Enforcement Supervision Bureau.

  Because Daxing District is at the level of districts and counties under the capital municipality directly under the Central Government, the level of directors of urban management bureaus in a district is half a level higher than that of district directors of ordinary cities.

   is equivalent to the level of the senior department level that can eventually be promoted to the deputy department level.

   If you ignore the unfamiliar and marginalized areas, this is a clear promotion.

   Another option is to be transferred to the Capital City Urban Management Committee, which is regarded as an administrative unit under the municipal government, and is engaged in administrative affairs. This is a minor change from Wu Zhuanwen.

   At that time, Gu Zheng's job responsibility will not be to deal with small vendors, but to deal with the administrative departments of various units, and more to mediate and coordinate the work between people.

So, after reading these documents completely, Gu Zheng clicked on the line of the director of the Urban Management Bureau of Daxing District, and looked up at Director Li's location: "Juju Li, really want to adjust? "

   Li Ju, who knows the truth well, put down the file in his hand, raised his eyes and looked back at Gu Zheng, "What do you think? I am at your age, and I have long been happy to see such a good thing."

   "Why are you still hesitating now? Why can't I see half of the joy on your face?"

   "Little comrade, calmness is an advantage for a young man, but if it is too calm, it's a little turbulent, and it's easy to miss a great opportunity."

   "Don't worry about our colleagues. After all, you are transferred to Daxing District. Apart from belonging to the same system as me, you are no longer a colleague in the true sense."

   "Of course, if you are afraid that you are too young, after landing in the Daxing area, it will be difficult to convince the crowd, I understand this kind of thinking."

   "But don't be afraid, because your transfer is not only about squeezing out the opportunities of others and rushing up. It is the establishment of the sub-bureau over there, because the diversion of personnel has caused some trouble."

   "The older generations are all retiring, the new generations are not qualified enough, and the middle-level personnel are missing. This is a big problem in the county-level area over there."

   "So, your transfer is an upright road, and it is one of the most effective ways to solve the other's urgent needs."

   "Oh, don't worry, you are a good comrade of our Fengtai branch after all. Just when the leader of the municipal bureau came to talk to me, I heard this and recommended two more people to them."

   "Go with you."

   "As for the candidate, you must be happy after listening to it, and there must be no such resistance."

   "It's Fu Sheng, who took you into the industry. Like you, he will serve as the deputy director in charge of personnel affairs."

   "You are in charge of field work, and he specializes in personnel management."

   "With one skill and one weapon, two people can still be good partners."

   "Also, it makes sense for me to arrange this way. Because there is an old director above you who has never retired and left."

   "Even if your age is a little bit eye-catching, as long as there are no major mistakes in your work, this old director who is waiting for stability and over-preservation will not cause you any trouble."

   "Thinking about it this way, it is very beneficial for you to start work as soon as you get there."

   "Don't tell me, you really know how to choose a place, and thanks to my understanding of your temperament, I made this plan."

   "If you really want to do the work of the municipal committee, I don't have the ability to squeeze Fu Sheng over."

   After finishing talking, Director Li lifted the glasses on the bridge of his nose, and blinked his eyes narrowly: "That's what happened. I will go through the process and report to you."

   "When the city-wide system conference comes, our position will be equal to sitting on an equal footing."

   "In another two years, when the old director over there retires, hey, this little comrade is even more amazing. You can call me brothers and sisters!"


   said that Gu Zheng's desire to survive instantly burst, and immediately took out his ability to coax Grandpa Zeng, immediately sat up from the sofa, straightened his body, and almost saluted the director.

   "Report to the chief! No matter when and where, you are the old leader who supports me, cares for me, and takes care of me like a father and a strict master!"

   "From now on, even if I become the director of the Capital City Urban Management Bureau, you will always be my leader!"

Director Li laughed hahaha, holding a finger and kept pointing towards Gu Zheng: "You, you are really amazing. I was hesitating just now. There is no young people's keen interest. Become so arrogant now."

   "When you really get to that point, I will see your performance."

   "Okay, what else do you stare at? Do you think you are particularly handsome today?"

   "I'm telling you, this position hasn't been officially transferred yet. You are still my captain when you are in my Fengtai branch for a day. Go, now the time has come, why don't you hurry up to patrol me?"

   said wow, Director Li seemed to wave his hand at Gu Zheng disgustedly, and drove his favorite subordinate out of his office.

   When Gu Zheng yelled: Immediately complete the task, turn around and leave.

   Director Li sighed at the empty office.

   Alas, a good subordinate just can't stay.

   This situation can only be counted as Gu Zheng.

   In just one year, he made several big moves that affected the city and even the whole country.

   has established a credit that others could not get in their entire career.

   It is also because of him that he has repeatedly appeared in various social media and various conferences of the same system in the bureau, so that everyone around can see the momentum of the Fengtai branch, and even if he breaks his head, he has to find a way to squeeze in.

   But those people don’t want to think about it. Who is it that makes a branch office with a mediocre standard of work and average business ability radiate its vitality?

   After Gu Zheng left, I was afraid that those people would understand.

   Li Ju shook his head, and after thinking about the householder who was still in the utility room, he sighed.

   In the future, there will always be a day when they regret it.

   Director Li felt that the job was not very good.

   Gu Zheng, who went downstairs, seemed to have opened up the two lines of Ren and Du, and he became inexplicably happy.

After he ventilated Director Li's intention with Fu Sheng, the old uncle who was more than his age grabbed Gu Zheng's arm in excitement and pulled him to the patrol junction between the two. In a relatively hidden pavilion.

   "Gu Zheng, what you said just now is true?"

   Gu Zheng nodded very sincerely, and then returned: "Yes, uncle, the director personally told me that you have some plans in your heart."

   Hearing this, Fu Sheng patted Gu Zheng on the shoulder, smiling like a wretched middle-aged man: "Hey, don't worry about this. Can I take it seriously?"

   "I know you are busy, so don't worry too much about the follow-up. If your uncle is staring for you, you can do your business with peace of mind."

   "It just so happens that I still have a few classmates and friends in Daxing District, all of whom have been in old relationships for many years. Let them help me inquire and pay attention from the side."

   "Wait until the official transfer order comes down, let's go straight to it."

   "It's just..."

Thinking of Uncle Fu here, he showed a wry smile: "I am transferred to Daxing District, I am afraid that I will sleep in a single dormitory. Although the subway and city rail are all convenient, it is really a troublesome trouble every day. It's a child."

   "What about your kid? What are your plans? I heard that your girlfriend is a doctor in Fuwai."

   "You can't let her toss back and forth, right?"

Hearing that Uncle Fu changed from worrying about himself to worrying about him, Gu Zheng comforted him nonchalantly: "Uncle, it's okay, I still have a villa over there, oh, there is a separate horse farm behind the villa. "

   "Although the use area of ​​my villa is not large, but let me tell you, the horse farm hey...huh? Uncle, why did you get up and leave?"

   "Sit down for a while, uncle, I haven't finished talking yet!!"

   What can Fu Sheng, who feels so heartbroken, say?

He just waved his hand and put it on his back. He used his chin to touch the surrounding environment of Nu Pavilion, and found a place to vent his sour gas: "Well, there are too many mosquitoes this summer. The area around the broken pavilion is full of grass. ."

   "I'd better walk on patrol, the sun should be getting bigger in a while, so why are you doing it!"

   After that, Fu Sheng walked so fast, and after a while, no one was traced.

   Gu Zheng, who was dismissed, pouted, wondering if he would go home after get off work to make up for a nap, the phone that he used for work contact rang on weekdays.

   Flipping through the screen, it was Jiang Yue’s number. Gu Zheng, who felt that he hadn’t seen it for a long time, laughed when he answered, "Why do you think of calling me? I think we haven’t contacted for a long time?"

   Jiang Yue, who was sitting in the International Trade Office with the phone, looked at the calendar card on the desk with some confusion. It has only been less than half a month since Gu Zheng returned from Jiayuguan. Why hasn't it been a long time?

   It was only three times that he sent Gu Zheng the past second-half schedule and related documents through his assistant.

   Gu Zheng was so excited that he still missed him.

   Just as Jiang Yue was meditating on the other side, his best athlete on the opposite side murmured to himself the good news about his upcoming transfer.

   "What? Go to Daxing?"

   "Are you serious, Gu Zheng? Then I have to find a way to apply to the head office, and set up an office around your office, and let your assistant stay there."

   "By the way, since you have nothing to do recently, hurry up and shoot the commercial that you promised at the beginning, right?"

   "The other party's scripts have all come out. Let me tell you that the commercial shooting this time is magical. It is inspired by the most popular fantasy dramas today."

   "Did you know that because you are the protagonist, did you become the most brilliant character in the entire advertisement?"


   Gu Zheng’s interest came up: "What role?"

   "A big boss that everyone can't surpass!"


   At this time, Gu Zheng couldn't drink water, so he choked on him and almost got out of breath.

   He doesn't say anything else, for his future image, he must also go to China World Trade Center to take a look at his script.

   As a Valkyrie, one's fame cannot be destroyed.

   Thinking of Gu Zheng here, he greeted Uncle Fu Sheng, and started running towards his villa with his long legs.

   Until he proposed his Cayenne, and galloped to the building where Jiang Yue positioned him.

   realized that the advertising company he was going to join was more congested than Jiang Yue’s office.

   Obviously it was noon, and it took more than an hour for Gu Zhengming to squeeze in.

  Who makes a wealthy family? It's behind the International Hotel, in front of the Ritan Hotel, and the second one can't be in the inner city of the second ring road.

   Not only is the parking space strenuous, there are also various driving rules that need to be paid attention to.

   was buried in a trap accidentally, fined and deducted points, without knowing it.

   So, Gu Zheng, who was so upset by this place, was taken to their VIP lounge by the receptionist. The anger was quite unsmooth.

   When the person in charge on the opposite side brought a stack of advertising shooting plans that were completely inconsistent with his expectations, this anger reached its peak.

   "Is this the fantasy scene and plot you designed?"

   "Isn't it said that Qianshi Coke is one of the two giants in the entire Coke world?"

   "Why do I only see special effects for five cents?"

Gu Zheng pointed to a sample of an advertisement made with virtual imaging and game restoration on the big computer screen in this luxurious He couldn't help but slapped the table. opened.

   "Do you have any illusions about fantasy, I advise you to be more dedicated."

   "If you have time to read more, although online literature is just toilet literature in your free time, it is also an alternative way of expression!"

   "The kind of illusory world is constructed in the biggest brain hole, and is presented to readers like a real world."

   "This kind of ideas and words that can provide a virtual world for scholars is not just as simple as online literature."

   "Since you want to take advantage of other people's east wind, please restore it faithfully."

   "If it's so perfunctory, it would be better to go back to the roots, learn from the simplest advertisements, yell at the camera twelve times, Cheess Coke, drink and drink! Chess Coke, smoothly!"

   "Look, here, the vindictiveness emanating from the fantasy world is so and so, and this channel, it should be like that."...


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