The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 1428: I never know how to fight in the palace (10)

After speaking, Gu Zheng slowly raised his eyelids, looked at a dumbfounded minister and general in the inner study, and raised the corners of his mouth.

"I don't know, my strategy is feasible?"

"But it doesn't matter, even if it is not feasible, I am afraid it is too late."

"As long as the Governor General Feng in the northwest thinks it is feasible, as long as the three major defenders stationed in Wei Yuancheng, Wei Fengcheng, and Wei Lincheng think it is feasible, as long as the vanguard officers in the assault camp near the outskirts of Beijing think it is feasible, this plan... It's feasible."

"As the drafter of this plan, I am here to give you good news."

"Because just last night, this plan has been 30% completed, and the general of the Pioneer Camp in the suburbs of Beijing, who has obtained my handwriting and a detailed marching route map for the Xiyue raid, has agreed to my plan."

"If my guess is correct, now he has obtained a more detailed supply point along the way that I sent out, and he will leave the camp and set off."

"As for the purpose of my other two handwritten scripts, based on the expedited speed of 800 miles, within three days, I can know whether the remaining 60% of the plan can be smoothly supplemented, and finally make the whole plan smooth. Implementation."

"I don't know how the courtiers felt when they heard such exciting news?"

When I heard this, there was silence in the huge imperial study room.

More than a dozen civil and military ministers were petrified on the spot.

Where is this?

Who am I?

Sitting opposite is His Majesty the Emperor of the Great Wei Kingdom?

Or a courageous evildoer?

The civil servants were so horrified that they didn't know where to advise, and only shivering.

The trembling of the generals is completely different from that of the civilian officials.

Their eyes are like copper bells, shining, and their faces are like red roses, and they can't help themselves with excitement.

"Your Majesty, the final request, as the vanguard officer of the Pioneer Battalion, followed the fire cavalry team, and served for the Great Wei Kingdom's campaign!"

"Your Majesty, no! Your Majesty, choose the final general. The blind king next to me can't do it. The final general Kong Wu is powerful and the best at riding and shooting. The final general does not ask for the right of soldiers, or even the position of vanguard. He only asks for the position of a small soldier on the battlefield. , I am willing to be a **** for your majesty!"

"The end...!"

"The end!"

Excited saliva of these generals flew, dancing with their hands, vowing to show their faces in this battle that can change the annals of history.

In response to the crowd’s reaction, Gu Zheng just pressed down with his hand, put the horse whip used to point the map on the table, and turned his head to the man next to him and said: "Go, there will be Bring the red-checked paperwork."

When Mr. An put his hands and feet in front of Gu Zheng's case swiftly, Gu Zheng divided this small pile of documents into three parts.

"This is the **** route for military supplies on the border. They are all reported by the Ministry of War. In this place, I still need a general who has strong overall planning ability, is not afraid of power, and has a high enough status to sit in for me."

"And this one is a repression plan to prevent people from foreign nations who often live in the capital of Wei state from rebounding after the case of Xiyue State, Zheng Xu Benzhao of Dali Temple."

"As for this last share, it is the plan to send additional troops to several sporadic small countries around Xiyue State, which serves as a deterrent to the opponent when our army attacks Xiyue State.

"I don't know who is willing to automatically ask Ying to do these things for me?

You know, there are only a few opportunities to participate in this battle. "

When the emperor’s voice fell, the generals who had been fighting for blushing and thick necks rushed forward. After remembering that this was in the emperor’s inner study, they changed to kneeling. Two of them... leaned their heads and stretched out their eager hands towards Gu Zheng.

"Your Majesty, it's okay to see me at the end."

"Yes, your Majesty, will finally be responsible for suppressing the rebels in the capital!"

"Your Majesty, at the end you will be familiar with the deployment of the forces of the princes in the West."

However, in a few words, these people assigned their respective tasks, and without any further effort, the remaining military deployment to be resolved was taken over by someone.

For these generals who have not seen the battlefield for a long time, these jobs are more suitable for them.

"Gong An..."

Under Gu Zheng's sign, An Gonggong handed these three documents to the self-recommended general.

When they opened the pocket of sealed documents with excitement and trembling, they were surprised by the empty inside.

"This, Your Majesty?"

Seeing the surprise on the face of the opposite person, Gu Zheng smiled particularly touchingly; "I know that all the generals are talented people."

"As the saying goes, the suspects don't use them, and they don't use them. I know that you will be able to do these little things properly."

"Things belonging to the Ministry of War will naturally be supplemented by the generals."

"After the deployment of personnel and the distribution of soldiers, the generals have completed the drafting, they will put the documents in this bag, and then they will be handed to my desk by a special person."

"If there is no serious problem, I have decided to let several generals handle it."

This remark made these big bosses tears in their eyes.

Gu Zheng's remarks are a great recognition of a military commander.

Yes, they admitted that before this meeting, they all had their own cautious thinking.

But after this meeting, the person they most admired and wanted to be loyal to them was only one from then on, that is, the current emperor of the Great Wei Kingdom, Situ Jingming!

No changes.

To be so trusted by a suspicious king, as a military commander is really dead and no regrets.

The few people who were originally intestines leaned down deeply at this time and bowed their most sincere respect to Gu Zheng.

As for Gu Zheng, who sat on the head and accepted the other's allegiance calmly, the breath from the bottom of his heart also relaxed a little.

The time is still too tight, the incident happened suddenly, and the time he can control is so limited.

How could it be possible to deploy so many troops in such a short period of time.

He is not a god!

These minutiae, left to these generals to do, are the same.

Gu Zheng is comfortable here.

During this process, the military commander group's attitude of completely excluding the Wenchen group from the outside was to anger this group of not-so-great-minded old-man groups.

After the other party had discussed the marching plan, they opened their mouths in the direction of the upper dragon chair with a little anger.

"Your Majesty, please think twice!!"

"The Great Wei Kingdom has not used foreign troops for 26 years since the first emperor."

"Now that His Majesty the emperor makes a rash start and provokes a war between the two countries, it is not the blessing of the people, nor the blessing of the soldiers stationed in the frontier."

"Such a great battle will cost countless amounts of gold, silver, food, and grass. The treasury and silver accumulated by Wei Guoanmin's policy over the years will also be exhausted!!"

"Yes, Your Majesty!" When I saw Master Wang Shoufu, he spoke first, and the Hubu Shangshu on the side also quickly responded: "Although the Huhu has a small balance each year, the past five years have been smooth."

"But your Majesty, if there is a case for such a war, it will be dragged into a protracted melee. The required military expenses and military supplies will be continuously supplied. The taxes paid by various places are afraid that it will not be able to support it. At that time, the national treasury Void, if there is a catastrophe in the territory, the situation at that time may be difficult to end."

"That's right, Your Majesty, the repair of the Grand Canal dam, the construction of the South China Sea Wharf, the reclamation of the extreme north, all policies cannot be abandoned halfway."

"Your Majesty, you need to be cautious when you use troops. Think twice."

Well, it really is the person who understands the situation has the most say.

If it was on weekdays, when the ministers heard such quarrels, the unanimous objections would still be unanimous. In order to avoid leisure and make himself lose ugly, Situ Jingming would inevitably adopt a posture or retreat posture to confuse this issue.

But now, Gu Zheng is sitting at the top. He wants to let him know from the experience of Hai Gu Duzheng that after an excellent leader makes a decision, whether it is right or wrong, the people behind him will inevitably do it for him. This decision has made plans and rushed into battle. It is bound to take the realization of this goal as its own responsibility.

To complete this goal as the final task.

With the support of this belief in victory, even a wrong decision will become a very correct choice in the end with the cooperation of all strategies and efforts.

What's more, Gu Zheng rarely fights uncertain wars.

The army hasn't moved, how can he not understand the principle that food and grass go first?

As a result, the people underneath were noisy and dry. After Gu Zheng drank a cup of Kung Fu tea that was made just right during this period, he used the sound of'Dang Cang...' thrown on the table... Interrupted the repeated chanting of this group of civil servants.

"You ministers, I know what you are worried about."

"Your quarrel did not hit the subject of this time."

"Isn’t Hu Bu Shang Shu strange? I just said that the 50,000 light cavalry from the Cavalry Pioneer Battalion in the suburbs of Beijing had already set off first, but I never reached out to your Hu Bu. Isn’t Mrs Gong not curious about my military expenses, Where did my batch of grains come from?"

With just this sentence, Gu Zheng plunged the huge Yushufang into a dead silence.

Those military commanders who had no economic consciousness themselves just scratched their heads, but those civil servants who knew too much about money, food and people's livelihood... were completely plunged into chaos.

Yes, how much does it cost.

Where did your Majesty get so much money?

Thinking of the Hube Shangshu here, he was trembling all over. He was like a cramped official robes with a convulsive posture that was smashed in by a mouse, and he put his hand at the obscene trousers inside him. The current panties... explored the past.

After groping for a very delicious pair of cards, the face of Tobe Shangshu showed a relaxed and obsessed expression.

He had forgotten that there were his colleagues around him. Holding this pair of cards that looked like a key, he took a close look at it and sniffed the smell affectionately. After confirming that he hadn't been compromised, he He smiled triumphantly at Gu Zheng.

"Hey, Your Majesty, the opponent's Treasury of the ministers and the opponents of the Inner Reserve Official Silver Warehouse have never left."

"So, this grain and grass must not flow from the minister's household."

"Your Majesty wants to deceive the ministers. I'm afraid it's impossible to do so."

"Could it? Your Majesty, you opened your own private library, Neiku, and used your wealth to fund the cavalry army of this vanguard battalion?"

"But as far as the minister knows, your majesty's internal inventory is limited, right?"

"At the beginning of the year, when your Majesty wanted to renovate the summer resort, Xianlai Mountain's palace, didn't he cry to the minister and wanted to embezzle part of the money from the Ministry of Households."

"At that time, the ministers ruled out the public opinion, resisted the pressure of all parties, tried hard to stop, and did not give the money to the emperor for your luxury and enjoyment. In the end, the repairs of the palace will not be over. ."

"Your Majesty, you are not rich, so don't waste money."

"After all, you smashed the pots and sold iron to take out the wealth of the royal family of many generations of emperors, and you can only support the soldiers and horses on the outskirts of Beijing to march first."

"But your Majesty, you forgot that there are two more expensive routes in your war plan."

Looking at this handsome man in the fat world, the miser who holds the money of a country, Gu Zheng couldn't help laughing.

"Master Gong, Master Gong, my family is really good for you."

"My Laodier has been touched by Master Gong clearly, so how can I not know how much money is in the current Treasury of the Ministry of Households?"

"Relax, Lord Gong, I will definitely not mess around with flowers."

"Public Ann?"

Father An who was mentioned on the side sighed involuntarily. He bent over and nodded towards Gu Zheng first, and then a tall man rushed towards the slightly fat Lord Gong.

"Ah! What are you doing? The **** robbed the money!!! Where is the law of heaven? Where is the king of law!!"

In the angry roar of Lord Gong, Mr. An aggressively kicked the donkey. Not only did he use the reaction force to **** the card from Mr. Gong's hand, he also took the lovely fat man who had been engaged in clerical work for a long time. ...Gave a somersault.

The grunting... just rolled under the skinny Wang Shoufu's feet.

After a while, Lord Gong felt as if he had received a huge blow. Holding his backbone, the only thing in the court that could control the lower leg of Gu Zheng's King Shoufu, he cried aggrievedly.

"Oh, Lord Wang, the emperor is too dark, he ordered the **** to beat me, he grabbed my money."

"That's what Gong Aicai has worked so hard for decades and saved every cent for our Great Wei State."

"Since the twenty-sixth year of the first emperor, there has been no end to the natural and man-made disasters in the Great Wei Kingdom. It was my old Gong. He grew out of nothing, gritted his teeth, and squeezed desperately to make this poor man almost impossible. The dynasty of being a short pants has been supported."

"At that time, His Majesty the Emperor had just ascended the throne, so that other countries would not be insulted by the emperor’s young age. What do you think of our great Wei Guozheng? The ministers exhausted their efforts and dedicated themselves to the entire world. A money-saving enthronement ceremony."

"Master Wang, Master Liu, and General Feng, you all experienced the enthronement ceremony. You said, is it particularly gorgeous, special long face, and special atmosphere of a big country?"

"At that time, the treasury was so empty. Didn't Gong Aicai make it?"

"Disaster relief, land reclamation, road construction, canal digging, as long as it is a matter of business, does the minister ever get a penny from the court?"

"No! The minister hasn't!"

"But now? Your Majesty wants to use troops for such a possible failure to grab his own treasury."

"Emperor Xian!! Open your eyes and take a look!! Your children and grandchildren are so capable!!"

After talking about this, the fat man let go of Lord Wang's calf, regardless of his image or manners of being a high-ranking official, and he rolled directly on the ground.

"I don't care, the old minister doesn't care, you pay back the match card of the minister, you pay back my money!!"

Because Hubu Shangshu is very fat and it is difficult to turn into a complete roll, so, at this time, Mr. Gong can only curl his knees and turn up half a circle to the right, and then return to the original point due to inertia. Turning half a circle to the left, cyclically, like a **** turning up on the shore... helpless self-salvation.

The emperor who was sitting behind the case laughed loudly, and stopped the continuation of this farce with a single sentence.

"Okay, Lord Gong, I will not empty your treasure treasury this time."

"I only use half of my deposit. No matter how far the battle is, I will not use the remaining half."

"I know that 40% of this deposit is for the construction of the last section of the Nanjiang Canal."

"The remaining 10% is for the preliminary disaster relief funds for sudden disasters. I will not use these funds."

"After all, I started this war to make money, not to use military force and to waste national power."

"Don't worry, I am not a faint monarch."

Hearing these words, Master Gong immediately let go of his knees, and got up from the ground with all his strength, and by the way, he used his cuffs to snot his He was hung with two lines of tear stains. , Looked at the emperor on the dragon chair pitifully, and asked with some hesitation: "Really? Your Majesty is not a minister?"

Gu Zheng said with a hahaha smile: "Yes, don't lie, I even have how much money I have in the treasury, Master Gong plans to figure out how to spend it, so why bother to lie to you."

"After all, the Ministry of Household is still under the supervision of Lord Gong, and I also hope to use Lord Gong's careful calculation and superb efficiency to provide the strongest guarantee for my front-line soldiers."

"The distribution of grain and grass, the coordination of various parties, the cooperation of localities, and the economic and people's livelihood in the process, I still rely on Lord Gong to comfort me, pressure, and mobilize. Although I have the right card, the ultimate goal is The implementer is still Lord Gong."

"Master Gong, as a full participant, is there anything to worry about?"

"If Lord Gong finds out that I have broken my promise, I can pinch from the middle link and come to this imperial study room to ask for an explanation for myself."

"Don't you think, my Hubu Shangshu?"

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