After coming to the campus, the "military masters" wearing green military uniforms were already walking on the street in twos and threes, and were rushing towards the playground.

Chen Hongyu also integrated into the green army.

However, his slender figure and fair and handsome face made it difficult for him not to attract attention.

Faced with cautious gazes, Chen Hongyu had no choice but to press his hat and strode away.

When I came to the playground, the large and small phalanxes had been assembled.

Chen Hongyu followed the array information released on his mobile phone and came to the position of the first computer shift.

Most of the people in the computer class have already arrived.

The instructor who had distributed military uniforms before saw Chen Hongyu walking towards their team, nodded to Chen Hongyu, and motioned for Chen Hongyu to go in.

Chen Hongyu randomly found a side seat and stood in.

After more than ten minutes, several more students came one after another.

It wasn't until half past six that the chief instructor above began to shout that the preparatory military training exercise Xi begin.

Then the instructors below began to clean up the number of people.

"Start counting in the first row and the first column!" shouted

the instructor of their class.


shouted the boy standing in the front row.

It was Chen Hongyu's turn to 27, on the far right of the third row.

Good guys, they don't know if they don't count in class, and when they count and are startled, there are four girls' voices in total.

Although not everyone has arrived for the reason for the preparatory military training, the ratio of men to women is indeed a bit desperate.

At least Chen Hongyu heard the desperate complaints of some boys in his ears.

I thought that I would study hard in high school and Xi go to college to get rid of my singles, but now I suddenly despaired.

However, Chen Hongyu didn't have these thoughts, because he wasn't ready to find a girlfriend, and of course he didn't have the idea of finding a boyfriend, he wasn't a.

I am bound to the system, and I am destined to live alone alone, even if my parents can only give benefits silently, if I want to find a partner, I ......

Ordinary earthlings still forget it.


As the last male voice sounded, the number of people present was also announced.

The instructor in front nodded and stepped aside.

"Report to the squad leader, there should be forty-one people in the first computer class, but the report is completed to 37 people!" the

instructor shouted loudly as he saluted a female instructor next to him.

"Received, please come back!" the

female instructor replied with a salute.

Then their instructor returned to the front of their class.

"Do you remember the military posture of high school?" the

instructor in front of them shouted to them.

"Remember!" a

few classmates replied sparsely.

"Just a few people answered? Then the rest just won't be? Who won't, stand in front, I'll teach one by one!"

Seeing that the response was not enthusiastic, the instructor said.

But not a single one went to the front.

"Not a single one, it seems that it will be! Then why don't you answer? Do you like to pretend to be cold? Are you a male god or a goddess?"

the instructor said with a smile.

"Will, then stand up for me! Stand in a military posture!" the

instructor suddenly changed his face and said loudly.

Everyone looked at the moody instructor and suddenly stood up in a military posture.

"Are you in a military posture or are you taking a break?" bring my heels together and spread my front feet forty-five degrees apart!"

the instructor looked at the posture of the crowd as he walked.

"Laugh, laugh, and report to me next time! Otherwise, I will be out of the queue and squat!" said

the instructor, turning his head to look at a snickering classmate.

The classmate immediately stopped laughing.

"Report to the instructor!" suddenly

called out one of the students.


the instructor responded

, "I want to laugh......"

the boy said with a hippie smile on his face.

"Don't laugh, hold it for me!"

the instructor replied, and the boy's face suddenly turned pale.

Looking at such an instructor, Chen Hongyu couldn't help but smile, don't look at this instructor's words and deeds are very strange, but this just happens to be able to train a few military regulations in the shortest time.

And he is also very humorous, and he is also a very cute instructor in high school military training, but he is a little old.

"Where's your belt?" said

the instructor, looking at a chubby boy.

"Report to the instructor!," the

fat boy shouted.

"How can it be small? Didn't you report the size yourself?"

the instructor asked curiously, but the boy just blushed and couldn't speak.

"When you're small, remember to buy one yourself, the military training uniform is not elastic, and your pants fall off when you don't train. The

instructor whispered to

the fat boy, "Yes!" and

the fat boy replied loudly.

"Don't shout so loudly! I'm deaf and ask for medical expenses!" Hearing

the fat boy's shout, the instructor immediately covered his ears and said.

Basically, if everyone has any small mistakes, clothing problems, the instructor has to talk about it, even if there is no problem, he will take care of the hat, and he will get acquainted with everyone.

And finally, he also walked in front of Chen Hongyu.

Looking at Chen Hongyu's standard military posture, his slender and upright figure also made him speechless.

Chen Hongyu smiled confidently and joked, his military posture was praised by the instructor in high school.

The instructor circled Chen Hongyu twice, but he really didn't find any mistakes.

So he pressed Chen Hongyu's hat to show embarrassment, but this time he pressed the hat, and he found something wrong.

"Boys, don't rub grease and powder. The

instructor pressed his hat and said.


!" Chen Hongyu shouted without squinting

, "Speak!" The instructor said, "I didn't smear the grease and powder, I was born so white!"

Chen Hongyu

said, "Natural?" You see I believe it or not, other little girls are not as white as you!"

The instructor seemed to not believe it, and said with a smile.

"Really natural?" the

instructor looked at Chen Hongyu's serious face and asked hesitantly.

"It's more real than gold.

Chen Hongyu said

, "Okay, wait until the military training is over, see if you are black or not~"

The instructor nodded, this natural beauty brother with skin whiter than a girl he remembered.

At this time, the chief instructor above also began to speak, and the instructor immediately stood outside the queue and stood in a row with Chen Hongyu.

Then it is the beginning of military training, I hope the students will persevere, and what kind of chicken soup for the soul.

Then at the end, the performance was over after standing for fifteen minutes, and the chief instructor walked down from the stage.

"Keep standing! Stand up straight!"

shouted the instructor, and began to patrol again.

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