As if the gods had returned to their places, several cosers gathered together and played to the familiar background music.


と その次と towards the countless next station


draw a long straight line

次のdestination を destination を描くんだ

outline my next destination

destination treasure island that is treasure island]

As the music sounded, they also began to dance confidently.

The magical background music and confident expression made Chen Hongyu couldn't help laughing.

And the president Zhang Ziqi is holding a small camera to shoot professionally.

Several dedicated macho men who danced the new treasure island first showed the fairy to guide the way, followed by a group of high-level dance steps such as baboons scratching their heads.

Finally, it is the powerful Qin King who sweeps Liuhe.

Finally, it is finished by the main C's antelope leap.

Although the new members were confused, they couldn't help but clap their hands.

Their unruly souls were deeply felt by all.

After a dance, the atmosphere of the scene suddenly became cheerful.

One program after another was showcased.

Those who passed the punishment for not answering also began to muster up courage and perform with red faces under the encouragement of the crowd.

Invisibly, the distance between everyone has also been shortened a few points.

And Zhang Ziqi, who is the president, naturally can't help but be embarrassed.

I don't know where to get a guzheng.

I sat in the middle and started playing.

The rapid sound of the piano was flying, and it was a song of ambush on all sides.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Ziqi, who is the president of COS on the surface, has practiced his piano skills behind his back.

It's unexpected.

"Is there a show for the junior to perform?"

the song ended, in the applause of everyone.

Zhang Ziqi walked to Chen Hongyu's side with a smile.

"Cicada ......"

Chen Hongyu suddenly put the Spring and Autumn Cicada in Zhang Ziqi's hand.


Chen Hongyu smiled and touched the little guy, and the Spring and Autumn Cicada calmed down.

"What are you bringing!" Zhang

Ziqi said angrily, "Big baby~

" Chen Hongyu said with a smile

, "You scared me, go to the stage to perform a show, otherwise I won't forgive you, be careful I ask a counselor to put on small shoes for you!"

Zhang Ziqi said


, "Uh, ......

". Chen Hongyu was stunned for a moment, he really didn't expect this stubble, he still thought about having a good relationship with the senior sister and asking the counselor for leave, but he didn't expect to offend the senior sister as soon as he came up.

Touching the aggrieved Spring and Autumn Cicada, obviously this little guy is so beautiful and good-looking, why can't they understand it......?"

Senpai, let me put on a show.

Li Berry looked at Chen Hongyu, who was embarrassed, and volunteered very understandingly.

"Then, junior sister, come on.

Seeing that Li Berry could volunteer, Zhang Ziqi nodded.

So, Li Berry walked towards the middle of the clearing, while Zhang Ziqi sat next to him.

"How's the progress between you and Li Berry?" Zhang

Ziqi said with a gossipy face

, "What's the progress?"

Chen Hongyu looked confused.

"Don't tell me you two haven't started yet, right?" Zhang

Ziqi said with a look of surprise

, "You misunderstood, Li Berry and I are just friends, and we just met."

Chen Hongyu explained

, "But...... You should be able to tell that Li Berry likes your house, right?"

Zhang Ziqi said

...... I don't see it.

After being silent for a moment, Chen Hongyu said lightly,


Zhang Ziqi was also silent, but it's a pity that the plum berry is so beautiful and licked on this wood.

But it's hard to say anything, after all, whether it's Chen Hongyu or Li Berry, they have just met, and they don't know what the specific situation is.

In this way, the two of them watched Li Berry perform in silence.

This time, Li Berry didn't dance, but stood in place and began to sing in love.

"My broken wooden box

is full of withered flowers

, I can't put down light and soil

and fresh wishes

, if I can fly

, go to a high place

, cast a dream net, collect the

echoes of love",

a very familiar song.

Li Meike's soft and cute voice perfectly matches the background voice of the little grass god.

All of a sudden, everyone seemed to see the real little grass god, singing alone in the temple of wisdom.

This poor god, despite all the suffering, still has a good heart for the world.

The world hugs me with a kiss, and I hug the world with a song.

"Are you also listening

, lonely child

, don't be afraid, don't be afraid

, the night won't be too long

, let me pick the

flowers on the cliff

for you" Everyone seemed to feel the fraternity of the little grass god, and the selflessness of the god couldn't help but move.

Even at the bottom of the dark cliff, they yearn for the light.

After singing in the first district, Li Berry can bow deeply.

Under the incandescent lights of the classroom, plum berries shine like a real grass god.

Suddenly, everyone present erupted in thunderous applause.

Li Berry also smiled knowingly and returned to his seat.

Just about to say a few words to Chen Hongyu, Chen Hongyu had already stepped forward.

"Brother, can you borrow it?" Chen

Hongyu said to a coser.

Although he didn't know the name of the character, nor did he know the name of the coser, it didn't matter, the important thing was the sword at his waist.

"Good ......"

The club member was slightly stunned, and after a while he reacted and handed over the sword in his hand.

In front of this cold and deep ancient style coser, he didn't dare to say the words of refusal.

Chen Hongyu took the long sword and flicked the sword body lightly.

The alloy blade has no blades and is rough but ......

Barely enough.

Chen Hongyu carried the long sword on his back and walked forward.

Everyone looked at the cold man in the center and was stunned.

The next moment, Chen Hongyu moved.

The sword that had not yet been bladed could shine with a cold glow, and when everyone looked at it, there was actually a bit of pain in their eyes being stabbed.

Or a thrust or an upward adjustment.

The long sword in Chen Hongyu's hand was like a swimming dragon, constantly stabbing out from all over his body.

Chen Hongyu is like a swordsman, and like a dancer, obviously wielding a sword, but it is more beautiful and pleasing to the eye than dancing.

It's just that the cold light that pierces from time to time makes people dare not look at it.

From time to time, the sound of the blade cutting through the air shocked everyone.

Everyone seemed to see that thousands of years ago, in the ancient empire, one after another swordsmen killed one person in ten steps and did not leave a thousand miles ......

For a long time, the sword stopped, and the people stopped.

Chen Hongyu stopped the sword body steadily, and the sudden stillness actually made the sword hum.

Everyone was stunned and forgot to applaud.

This made the coser who lent it to Chen Hongyu stunned, he bought this thing to pursue sturdy and durable, and tried his best to buy light and sturdy, how could it buzz like a real sword.

You must know that his unopened prop is ...... five centimeters thick

"Thank you.

Chen Hongyu returned the long sword to the coser, thanked him, and walked to his original position.

"No thanks......

" the coser said sluggishly

, "Wow! You were so handsome at sword dancing just now!"

Chen Hongyu immediately began to boast when he arrived at his seat.

Chen Hongyu just smiled faintly, with a little alienation on his face.

Suddenly, Li Berry suddenly lost and did not speak.

Chen Hongyu came to the seat, the Spring and Autumn Cicada came out of the desk, Chen Hongyu touched the little guy, put it on his shoulder, and watched the performance.

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