The country asked you to farm, you planted corn cannons

Chapter 43: Sneak attack! Li Yang attacks with his beast!

Li Yang's gaze began to shuttle through his talent space.

After a while, he found the ones he needed among the vast number of branches.

The charm mushrooms he handed over were actually only about ten units.

But a few of them were lucky enough to fall into the mouths of some leader monsters.

Social monsters that live in groups tend to follow their leader.

Therefore, Li Yang can even directly control the herds of these Warcraft leaders 껣떘 by controlling those leaders!

It looks like there are only a dozen charm mushrooms, but it can control almost a hundred monsters.

In terms of combat power, it's not that strong, but it's more than enough to disgust people.

A large number of controlled magical beasts shuttled through the forest, and the amount of information they brought to Li Yang was simply terrifying.

"System, help me organize these things and find the location of those little cherry blossoms."

After several days of research, Li Yang has almost figured out the urinary properties of this system.

Ask it any random thing, and it may not answer you.

But the attitude is a little tougher and I directly ask it to do something.

There is a high probability that it will all turn out to be 녌.

[껥organizes available information for you and automatically moves it to your field of vision]

Sure enough, following Li Yang's order.

A large amount of useless information in the talent space has been eliminated.

There are only less than ten perspectives of Warcraft that are moving quickly.

Choose to establish a connection, one second...

"Baga, it's still a step too late!"

"Those Chinese career changers have already started to attack the second BOSS, and they crushed it all the way! If they keep going like this, they will be the first team to defeat the final BOSS!"

"Damn it, if we follow this pace, everything will be over!"

A burst of vulgar curses came from the perspective of a certain Warcraft.

Li Yang controlled the wolf-shaped monster to push aside the grass, hid in the dark, and observed quietly.

Other magical beasts around were also in position. Before the Sakura job transfers were aware of it, they gradually surrounded the forest under Li Yang's control.

"Sasaki-kun just sent back new information from there. According to his follow-up investigation, there is a very powerful plant summoner in the Chinese team."

"And the reason why the Chinese team successfully conquered the dungeon this time was because of the help of the summoner."

The scout in the team turned around and said seriously.

As the captain, Yuji Fukuhara frowned slightly: "A powerful summoner? Could it be a special person sent by China?"

"If we leave it alone, whether it is to seize this hidden dungeon or compete in the 놇녡 world-level dungeon in the future..."

"The existence of such special people will bring great threats to us!!"

At this point, he paused, took a deep breath, and shouted solemnly:

"Even if we are not official people, we still have the determination and courage to work hard for the empire!"

"Let those stupid Chinese job transfers see the strength and determination of our Sakura job transfers!"

After saying that, the guy let out a slightly hoarse laugh.

Although he couldn't see it at all from a distance, Li Yang seemed to be able to see the manic smile on this guy's black mask.

A fat guy next to me also chimed in and boasted:

"And that Sasaki-kun is a professional ninja officially hired by the Sakura Military through our connections!"

"Unlike civilian job transfers like us, that guy's level is the highest limit for this dungeon, level 60!"

"It will be a crushing match against everyone in this dungeon!"

"Such a powerful ninja, coupled with our team..."

"I am bound to win the first prize in this hidden copy!"

The team member next to him bowed slightly: "Master Fushihara, please inform Sasaki-kun to start taking action?"

Fukuhara Yuji nodded:

"Let him prepare first and continue to observe the movements of the Chinese job transferees."

"Waiting for our orders. After we are in position and make some noise, let him act in harmony and attack the plant summoner directly."

"Also, if feasible, have him perform some disruption work."

"We can no longer let China's strategy go so smoothly."

The other team members quickly straightened their backs and nodded heavily to Yuji Fukuhara in the middle: "Hi!"

The Sakura Country team began to take action, and it seemed that they were bound to win this time...

See this scene.

Li Yang held 떘뀧 in his hands, and the expression on his face gradually became serious.

From the words of these Sakura people, he has learned two things.

First, this group of Sakura people want to grab the first pass of this dungeon. To this end, they will use any means, and even plan to find opportunities to attack China's large forces.

Secondly, they plan to take advantage of this opportunity to attack themselves.

Originally, Li Yang just wanted to intensify the apparently contradictory conditions and slightly rectify the little cherry blossoms.

Unexpectedly, they have already made plans for themselves?

I'm so crazy that I can no longer distinguish between the big and small kings.


Then no need to wait any longer!

Li Yang's eyes flickered, and he controlled the monsters that were ambushing 놇눁 Zhou to launch an attack.

In the blink of an eye, several unlucky guys standing on the edge of the Little Sakura team were drowned by the monsters that surged like a tide and disappeared without a trace.

"Quick! Prepare to fight! Everyone prepare to fight!"

"Damn, we are ambushed!!"

"These monsters are not even of the same race, why would they work together to ambush us? This is unscientific!!"

It must be difficult to wipe out these job-changers from the Sakura Country with more than a hundred monsters.

But facing the sudden ambush of monsters, these guys will bleed a little, and even one or two people here will be killed.

"Hehe, before you take action in the future, consider whether you are worthy of it."

Li Yang muttered, interrupting the connections.

At the same time, his crusade against the second copy BOSS was also coming to an end.

As several corn pitchers threw huge butter blocks again, the Dawn Reaper who was tightly locked in the pumpkin head cage finally ushered in the end of his life.

[Congratulations to Li Yang, the Chinese job changer, for successfully killing the BOSS Dawn Reaper]

[The second route of job changer Li Yang, leading to a deeper air wall, has been unlocked. Job changers on other routes are requested to speed up the progress...]

A new prompt appeared, and the blocked road was completely opened.

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