Li Yang was silent for a long time, and suddenly asked: "Why did the Taoist priest tell you this?"

Yun Youzi sighed: "Because I think you are qualified to know the truth."

"More importantly..." He looked at Li Yang meaningfully.

"You may be the only one who can prevent the disaster from happening."

Li Yang was about to leave, and suddenly felt dizzy.

He stood up suddenly, but found that his legs were weak and he could hardly stand steadily.

"What did you... do to you?" Li Yang asked with difficulty.

Yun Youzi said faintly: "Sorry, Master Guoshi... This is a necessary measure."

"You need to rest for a while. When you wake up, you will understand everything."

Li Yang wanted to resist, but his body was no longer obedient.

He blacked out and fell heavily to the ground.

At the last moment before he lost consciousness, Li Yang vaguely heard Yun Youzi say:

"Sleep well, when you wake up, the game will begin."

Li Yang slowly opened his eyes and found himself in a strange room.

The dim candlelight cast a swaying shadow on the wall, and the air was filled with a faint smell of medicine.

"You're awake." A familiar voice sounded.

Li Yang turned his head and saw Yun Youzi sitting by the bed, holding a cup of steaming tea in his hand.

"Where is this?" Li Yang sat up with difficulty, feeling a little dizzy.

Yun Youzi handed him the tea: "Drink some tea to dispel the lingering effect of the medicine."

Li Yang took the teacup and sipped it carefully.

The warm tea flowed into his throat, making him feel much more comfortable.

"I'm sorry for using this method," Yunyouzi said, "but it's necessary for your safety."

Li Yang frowned and said, "What do you mean? Your safety?"

Yunyouzi sighed, "You have been involved in a dangerous game, Li Yang."

"If you didn't do this, you might have been killed."

Li Yang looked at Yunyouzi warily, "Who do you want? Why do you want to help?"

Yunyouzi smiled slightly, "You are just an old Taoist priest who has seen through the world."

"As for why I want to help you...because you are the key."

"The key?" Li Yang asked, "The key to what?"

Yunyouzi said mysteriously, "It's so key that it can change the fate of the entire Daxing."

He stood up, walked to the window and opened the heavy curtains.

The sun poured in instantly, illuminating the entire room.

"Look," Yunyouzi pointed out the window and said, "This is what we are fighting to protect."

Li Yang walked to the window and found that they were actually on a high tower.

From here, you can overlook the entire capital, the bustling streets, the bustling crowds, everything is in sight.

"Beautiful scene, isn't it?" Yunyouzi sighed, "But under this peaceful appearance, undercurrents are surging."

Li Yang thought: "Are you talking about the Poison Dragon Sect?"

Yunyouzi shook his head: "The Poison Dragon Sect is only a small part of the story."

"The real threat... comes from the person who controls [Heavenly Secrets]."

"So... who is that person?" Li Yang asked slowly.

Yunyouzi did not answer directly, but asked back:

"Do you still remember the incident in the palace that year?"

Li Yang was startled, then frowned slightly, with a look of doubt:

"How do you know..."

Yunyouzi looked at him meaningfully:

"Because of that incident, everything started."

Just then, a burst of hurried footsteps came from downstairs.

Yunyouzi's face changed: "No, they are coming!"

Li Yang asked vigilantly: "Who is coming?"

Yunyouzi said quickly: "No time to explain, we have to leave immediately!"

He pulled Li Yang to the other side of the room and pushed open a hidden secret door.

"Quick, go from here!" Yunyouzi urged.

Li Yang hesitated for a moment, and followed Yunyouzi into the secret passage.

Just when the secret door was closed, the door of the room was kicked open by someone.

"Search! We must find them!" a cold voice ordered.

Li Yang and Yun Youzi held their breath and moved forward quickly in the dark passage.

Finally, they came to the end of the passage.

Yun Youzi pushed open a small door and the two of them went out.

Li Yang looked around and found that they had come to a forest on the outskirts of the city.

"It's safe here for the time being," Yun Youzi said, "We have to hurry."

Li Yang took a deep breath and recovered his breath:

"Okay, now can I tell you what happened?"

Yun Youzi nodded:

"It all started with a baby who was born suddenly 20 years ago..."

At the same time, in a luxurious mansion somewhere in the capital.

The mysterious young man paced back and forth anxiously.

"Why is there no news yet?" he asked sharply.

One of the men replied cautiously: "Sir, calm down. We will search the whole city. I believe there will be results soon."

The young man glared at him fiercely: "If you let them escape, you will all be buried with them!"

The men broke out in a cold sweat when they heard this.

Just then, a man in black rushed in.

"Sir, there is news!" the man in black said anxiously.

The young man's eyes lit up: "Speak!"

The man in black reported back: "We found suspicious traces on the outskirts of the city, which may be their escape route."

The young man sneered: "Okay! Pass the order, and chase them with all your strength!"

"We must catch them before dark!"

"Yes!" Everyone responded in unison.

The young man looked out the window, and a trace of fierceness flashed in his eyes: "Li Yang, let's see where you can escape this time!"


In the woods, Li Yang couldn't calm down for a long time after listening to Yunyouzi's story.

"A baby who is different from others by nature wants to change the world according to his own ideas..."

Li Yang muttered to himself, always feeling that this routine sounds a bit familiar.

Yunyouzi nodded:

"Yes, the man who claims to control [Heaven's Secret] is very wild."

"He wants to overturn the order of the entire Daxing... and even the world, and establish a new world dominated by him."

Li Yang frowned and said:

"So, can he really do it?"

Yunyouzi shook his head:

"That's natural... He believes that only under his rule can true balance be achieved."

"In his eyes, the world is out of balance."

"And he is the messenger who corrects this imbalance."

This world is indeed unusual.

But as a native of this world, it is quite rare to be able to perceive this.

Li Yang raised his eyebrows in surprise and murmured:

"This... is also quite remarkable..."

Yun Youzi sighed: "It's a pity that such a person has extraordinary power."

"If he is not stopped, the whole Daxing will fall into disaster."

Li Yang was silent for a moment, and suddenly asked:

"What about Zhang Hui? What role does he play in this whole incident?"

Yun Youzi said with a complicated expression:

"That young man... He is a victim of a tragedy, nothing more."

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