The country asked you to farm, you planted corn cannons

Chapter 97: Everything is ready, waiting for the right time

In the following time.

Without the disturbance of various trivial matters, Li Yang and Bai Zhi devoted themselves to the experiment of abundance and hybrid plants.

At that time, Li Yang almost understood the characteristics of his new talent.

The Herb Seed Box can indeed save the hybrid plants transformed by Bai Zhi into plant cards.

The price and cooling time of hybrid plants are a little more expensive than ordinary plants, but they will have the characteristics of two plants at the same time, which can be regarded as an enhancement in a sense.

As for those plants strengthened by abundance...

It is not that they cannot be preserved, but the plant cards after preservation are disposable props.

The abundance state is very strong, so it cannot be easily reproduced, which Li Yang can understand.

Although it is a little regrettable, it is actually a big problem.

In addition, in order to facilitate Li Yang to use the abundance skill anytime and anywhere when he is around.

Bai Zhi specially packed the fertilizers that she had processed and gave them to Li Yang.

Of course, the effect of these fertilizers produced by her was naturally worse than that of her own work.

The only difference was the speed and duration of the fertilizers.

It did not have much impact on the strength of the rich plants themselves.

In terms of anti-combat power, there were already terrifying things like cherry cannons and pepper pitchers that could be called the limit.

There were still a few days before the expected dungeon raid.

Li Yang planned to take advantage of this time to stockpile more hybrid plant seeds.

Accumulating more firepower would be of great help to the raiding team.

Before he knew it, it was the last day to enter the dungeon.

Li Yang specifically asked Jiang Xiaoxiao to come over and gave her the hybrid plant seeds he had just obtained and a large number of regular plant seeds.

Li Yang was too lazy to classify the various hybrid plants, but just told Jiang Xiaoxiao to use the identification technique to scan them before using them.

When mentioning the damage of plants, he also emphasized that she should not use them, so as not to accidentally blow up the entire copy.

Hearing this, Jiang Xiaoxiao said happily that with the plants provided by Li Yang, she could justifiably play the copy this time.

After the copy is cleared, I must treat Li Yang to a big meal.


At the same time, on the other side.

A strange-shaped airship landed above Tongxuansi.

Some familiar faces walked out of the airship one after another.

"Bai Feng, Master Bai, nice to meet you."

"Let me introduce you, this is the person in charge of Tianfu, Mr. Luo An."

"Mr. Luo An, this is the strongest fortune teller in China today, Bai Feng, Master Bai."

Dongfang Changming stood outside the airship's gangway, helping the two parties to introduce each other.

The silver-haired Bai Feng took the lead in bowing and greeted Luo An with a smile.

Luo An also returned the gift, saying politely: "This dungeon strategy is very special. It is our first attempt to form a team of all special job changers. Its success or failure is crucial."

"I hope that Master Bai can be smart and give us some advice."

Bai Feng nodded gently:

"Of course."

"Daughter Qiao is also in this operation. I am also very concerned about whether this trip will go smoothly."

Dongfang Changming made a "please" gesture:

"We have packed up the place. Master Bai, please come this way."

Bai Feng nodded and waved his hand.

The followers behind him walked down from the airship with big bags of things and followed them into the interior of Tongxuansi.

In fact, Bai Feng was also called by Luo An.

In order to confirm the success or failure of this trip, Luo An made full preparations.

He not only asked someone to get all the previous records of the strategy of the Dead World City, but also investigated all the monsters that could be encountered in the dungeon.

He also made a detailed battle plan based on the characteristics and abilities of the members of this strategy.

The responsibility originally assigned to Du Shengding by Jiang Xiaoxiao was unexpectedly perfectly solved by this big guy from Tianfu.

It really made Du Shengding feel ashamed.

After he read Luo An's battle plan with his own eyes, he was even more shocked.

What Luo An mentioned in the plan was not only the various matters that each member should do in the dungeon.

Even when some members were unable to participate in the battle due to accidents, how to fill the vacancies was taken into consideration.

It is said that this big guy Luo An was a famous military commander before he became the head of Tianfu.

Now it seems that there is no doubt about this.

As for why...

According to Luo An himself.

This time, the only country that has made a new plan for the dungeon attack is China.

The neighboring Ugly Country, the Sun-Setting Empire, and the Sakura Country all used their own unique skills.

The possibility of the world-class dungeon being completely conquered this time is low.

If China puts all its efforts into it, the ownership of this world-class dungeon will definitely fall to someone.

This is the first dungeon of such a large scale since the world was gamified.

According to the experience of conquering ordinary dungeons and rare dungeons in the past.

After clearing the world-class dungeon, in addition to being able to stop the beast tide crisis that spreads across the entire blue planet.

The country or region that successfully conquers it should also be able to get some unprecedented huge rewards.

This will definitely change the pattern of the world.

This is a huge temptation and a reason to go all out.

"It's better to wait until later!"

"Array up and open the altar!"

Bai Feng obviously understood the importance of the matter.

As soon as he arrived at the place and rested, he ordered his subordinates to help him form an array.

Professional props were placed on the ground. Bai Feng held a vellum ink pen in his hand, dipped in bright red dye, and drew patterns on the ground.

After cleaning up, Bai Feng slightly flicked his sleeves, looked at the sky, and said slowly:

"Next, to watch the sky, you need to wait until dark."

"If 놊 does mind, during this period, I would like to see what's going on at 께女's side."

Dongfang Changming naturally had no objection. He quickly bowed slightly and said:

"Of course I mind. Bai Zhi and Li Yang should be at the scientific research area. Master Bai, please come with me."

Luo An on the side also nodded: "Then I will go to see the situation on the Raiders team one last time. Please help me learn from Li Yang."

"I will visit him in person later."

Several people leaned forward to say goodbye and left immediately.

The followers of the Bai family stayed in place, and the formation protecting Bai Feng was disrupted.

On the way to the scientific research area, Bai Feng also habitually counted Bai Zhi's fate with his fingers.

At present, most of the Bai family members have a bad life.

Only Bai Zhi, with an ordinary career, can do some earth-shattering things, but she is the most stable and stable.

Good luck and bad luck accompany each other, but with Bai Feng's guidance, he can continue on the road of good luck.

Bai Feng's divination has always had this result, from...

Until now.

Bai Feng expected that Li Yang's appearance would change Bai Zhi's fate, but he didn't expect...

Ever since Bai Zhi left the Bai family with Li Yang, her fate has been obscured.

It is no longer an ordinary person's destiny that Bai Feng can easily calculate, but it is tightly tied to some huge existence.

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