The Country Life of a Rich Dad

Chapter 508 Do you believe that I destroyed the Murong family?

Li Chen didn't bother to pay attention to the calculations involving the Li family.

Now he has the ability to flip tables.

Even if you are sitting here, you can control the distance.

The water between the major families in the capital was still very deep, but he had enough reasons to believe that he could settle it. ❋

Regarding the scheming head of the Murong family, Li Chen's senses about him were really not that good.

If Li Donglong hadn't always wanted to stay there to investigate something, he really didn't intend to leave Li Donglong behind.

At present, the Li family's great revenge has been avenged. Although the main instigator has still not been executed, Li Chen is too lazy to take action himself.

If his father and mother are really still alive, Li Chen believes that if they can survive until now, they must have the ability to save their lives.

While thinking about it, a voice finally came from the other side of the phone.


Murong Hongze's voice sounded, still as loud as ever.

"Father-in-law!" Li Chen's voice sounded, with a gentle smile on his face.

It's not yet time to officially break our skin, so Li Chen won't deny him face.

"Is it you?" Murong Hongze's voice was calm, as if he had expected Li Chen to call.

"Do you want to take over Xiaolong's family?"

Li Chen said with a smile: "Yes, the child is so old, but he hasn't come back even once, so he has to come back and have a look."

There was silence on the other end of the phone.

There was about twenty seconds of silence before Murong Hongze said: "Xiaolong is afraid that he won't be able to lose weight."

Li Chen's smile froze slightly, and then he stood up straight, his voice becoming colder: "What do you mean?"

"It means Xiaolong can't leave now!" Murong Hongze said: "Of course, I can understand your feelings as a father, but you should also know that Xiaolong is the descendant of whom I have devoted a lot of effort."

"He is the future successor of my Murong family, and he is also the one who will take over and rectify the Murong family."

"Letting him take your last name is a huge concession."

The air pressure around Li Chen's body was extremely low, and his voice was extremely low as he said, "What do you mean, father-in-law, you don't want to let me go?"

Murong Hongze said without any hesitation in his voice: "Yes!"

"Reason?" Li Chen asked.

Today, he is no longer the young boy he used to be.

An old silver coin like Murong Hongze must have a reason for doing things.

He couldn't just let Xiaolong go just because he trained him. This was not in line with his style.

Murong Hongze suddenly laughed: "Li Chen, how smart are you? Why not take a guess?"

"Murong Hongze, do you believe that I brought all of your Murong family into one pot?"

At this time, Li Chen's tone was fierce, and his anger could no longer be concealed.

He was discussing things seriously with Murong Hongze, but he never expected that Murong Hongze would still be here teasing him and playing riddles.

Do you really think that he, Li Chen, is still the same person that he could be manipulated at will?

"I don't believe it, please." Murong Hongze smiled and shook his head.

Li Chen frowned, why is Murong Hongze acting weird today?

Is this old guy planning something again?

There's no way he doesn't know what's happening here in Chengdu, right?

But since he knows, why does he do this? Li Chen couldn't figure it out.

Li Chen knew that the families in the capital were deeply hidden. Even if there was a Celestial Realm person in charge, he absolutely did not believe that every family could have a late-stage Celestial Realm person in charge.

If that were the case, then the capital would have been turned upside down when he made such a fuss.

"Murong Hongze, I'll give you three days. If you don't let my son go, the fate of the He family and the Zheng family will be the fate of your Murong family." Li Chen didn't bother to guess, and threatened: "I know you may be related to What deal did my possibly-not-dead father make?"

"You're plotting against you, don't mess with me. I've done everything I need to do. If you include my children in the plot, don't blame me for flipping the table."

Murong Hongze was still smiling.

"Murong Hongze, if it weren't for Xue'er's sake, I would have done away with that person hidden under your Murong family."

Murong Hongze's expression suddenly changed.

"It's just the Heavenly Realm. You don't really think that this is the confidence for your Murong family to be so arrogant, do you?" Li Chen snorted coldly.

On the phone, there was a sudden silence.

Perhaps, this time, Li Chen's words hit Murong Hongze's heart so directly that Murong Hongze was not ready for a moment.

"After three days, if Xiaolong can't come back, Murong Hongze, I will definitely go to the capital. Even if the person from the inspection department comes, he can't protect you." Li Chen's voice was filled with infinite coldness. Meaning, "Xue'er owes you, I have already repaid her."

Toot toot!

As Li Chen hung up the phone, Murong Hongze's face turned particularly ugly.

He squinted his eyes and looked in one direction, and finally looked underground at his home.

After a sudden change in his expression, he suddenly smiled again.

"In the late stage of Heavenly Realm?"

Li Chen held his mobile phone and looked into the distance, thoughtfully.

Immediately, another number was dialed.

"Director Li!"

Shen Yanqing's cold voice sounded with a hint of excitement.

"How is the company doing now?"

Shen Yanqing immediately said: "The company's current profit status is very good. The fifteen KTV branches that have been opened have basically achieved excess profits and have occupied a huge market share."

"In addition to the KTV, the companies cooperating with the Pan family and the Pei family also have very impressive profit data."

"In addition, Chenxue Film and Television is very good. Because of the large investment and production, almost all well-known actors now hope to cooperate with us further."

"The company's account funds are about 15 billion."

Is 15 billion a small amount?

It's really not a small amount.

After all, Li Chen's companies started very late.

"In addition, the companies headed by General Manager Yang Ming have also entered a steady reconciliation stage, and will start a new round of expansion next."

"Okay." Li Chen did not ask any more questions, but said: "From now on, set up a special team to allocate funds. I will pay close attention to any movement in the capital."

"I want to know any disturbances and any information. Don't be reluctant to spend money. All expenses will be solely responsible by me."

"Yes!" Shen Yanqing never asked why.

Since Li Chen arranged it this way, there must be other intentions.

"Also, pay special attention to the Murong family and learn all the trades and professions of the Murong family. If possible, use our own people to infiltrate them."

Shen Qingyun looked solemn. This job was not easy at all.

But since Li Chen ordered it, she had no choice but to take the job.

"Also, everyone in the company has worked hard during this period. Each person will be given a reward of 1,000 yuan, which will be paid on the spot. Then they will be given two days off to let them adjust themselves and work again after the rest. You too."

Shen Yanqing nodded with red eyes, "I understand."

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