The Country Life of a Rich Dad

Chapter 539 One million and a half million, overestimating your ability?

The style of Li Xiaoqi's live broadcast suddenly changed.

Everyone thought that this was just a wild live broadcast with a big gimmick and a unique style.

Who knew that the style suddenly changed.

Creatures that looked like wolves and dogs appeared, and the saliva in their mouths almost dripped onto the ground.

The key point is that two wolves were injured, and as the wind blew, the fishy smell was pungent. ❂

For a while, all the viewers in the live broadcast room were worried.

Love live broadcast!

The newly promoted supervisors and staff stood up nervously.

"It's over, we met wolves."

"How can we still meet wolves in this era? My God, how primitive are the mountains behind you?"

"It's over now, Li Xiaoqi and the others won't die there?"

Everyone panicked.

"What are you panicking about?" Qu Liangkang, the only calm one, shouted, "Replace the eye-catching title for Li Xiaoqi right now. The more eye-catching the better."

"Also, start to tilt the promotion resources now, regardless of the cost."

In the office, everyone looked at Qu Liangkang with shock.

At this time, isn't it because you want to save people first?

At the very least, you should call the police!

How did he do it? He helped Li Xiaoqi promote at this time?

Is he crazy?

Now the number of online viewers of Li Xiaoqi is stuck at 600,000, and it has not moved for a long time.

But once the video of the encounter with the wolf is taken out, the result will be different.

If you know it but don't report it, you will have to bear the consequences.

"Do what I say right now. I will take the responsibility if something goes wrong." Qu Liangkang shouted.

The rest of the people were lower than him in position, so it was inconvenient for them to refute.

Qu Liangkang stared at the screen, and he was also very worried in his heart.

But he was willing to take a gamble.

If the bet is won, then this time Li Xiaoqi will reach a new height and get rid of the previous path in one fell swoop.

Perhaps, the long-dormant wilderness survival will become popular again.

Perhaps, Li Xiaoqi can become a supernova anchor who combines food and wilderness survival live broadcast.

Since Mr. Shen said that he wanted to promote Li Xiaoqi, it cannot be just a simple promotion.

Guessing the intention of the superiors and striving for a step-up, this is what Qu Liangkang has to do.

It cannot be just a simple promotion, but it must produce an immediate effect, so that it can be reused.

Therefore, the publicity and promotion department came up with several shocking titles in a row and recommended them quickly.

All the channels that can be used to fight GG were used.

And the homepage of Ai Shang Live also began to push horizontally.

Since it is to be promoted, use all resources to recommend it.

The effect is undoubtedly significant.

In this short period of change, Li Xiaowen saw the popularity of the live broadcast room rise horribly.

The number of viewers went from the initial 600,000 mark to 700,000 and 800,000!

The number rolled over as fast as a lottery.

Li Xiaowen was dumbfounded. She had no idea what was going on.

After all, she didn't know about the personnel changes on Ai Shang Live yet, and she didn't expect the platform to give a super recommendation.

"Oh my god, is there anyone who was attracted by the title like me?"

"Beauty and the Beast? Really?"

"I was also attracted by the shock department label, my damn right hand!"

Countless messages rolled.

"Oh my god, there are really wolves."

"Damn, are these wolves injured? Their eyes are too fierce, right?"

"It's over, it's over, such a beautiful girl, she's not going to die, is she?"

A large number of new users poured in, causing the number of people on Li Xiaoqi's side to instantly reach 1.2 million.

It was really just a blink of an eye.

And this data is still rising.

And it was reposted by many people who were shocked by the major platforms.

It can be said that the number of people instantly reached the 1.5 million mark.

Li Xiaowen was so scared that her legs were shaking, but her good mental quality prevented her from throwing away her armor on the spot.

Li Chen held the machete in one hand and began to tame the beast.

These five wolves were extremely ferocious, and he could read their emotions.

How could a wolf suddenly get injured in a good wolf pack?

Did they encounter a more ferocious bird of prey, or some other danger?

The divine-level beast taming technique was performed, and a huge divine thought enveloped it. The five wolves bared their teeth and walked towards them.

"Damn, why are you still standing there like an idiot? Run!"

"What a stupid anchor, you don't even run, are you waiting for them to surround you?"

"I give up, you won't die if you don't commit suicide."

"The people above are really smart, facing the wolf pack, you actually want them to run? Leave your back to the wolf pack and be torn apart? You have no common sense, and you are still shouting here."

"You guys, you are shouting, do you really understand the common sense of survival in the wild? Wolves are creatures that are stronger when you are weaker. Now there are two wolves injured, and they are so hostile to humans, maybe it was done by humans, if you really run, you will die."

"Standing in place, showing a fierce look, or making an open fire, this is the wisest, but this is a forest, once a fire is lit, it may be completely finished, so... we can only pray for them to take care of themselves."

The discussion on the Internet exploded.

No one had ever thought that a food anchor suddenly had a whim to do a live broadcast in the wild, and encountered a wolf pack just one and a half hours after the broadcast.

This is incredible luck.

Most of the audience were so frightened that they were incoherent.

After all, whoever encounters this situation may not do better than the anchor and others.

Li Beiwu stared with big round eyes, showing no fear.

It was also the first time she saw a pack of wolves. Instead, she stared with big innocent eyes, stretched out her little hand and said, "Are you a dog?"

"No!" Li Xifeng's hair stood on end. Even though her cultivation had already reached the level of dark energy and she would become a half-step master, she still felt extremely nervous.

Li Donglong clenched the knife in his hand and swallowed.

Although he has no experience in this area, he still knows how ferocious wolves can be.

Dad is alone in front. Is it really okay?

"Li Chen!" Li Xiaoqi looked anxiously at Li Chen who was slowly walking forward, and immediately shouted urgently and quietly: "Don't go there, it's dangerous."

"Wori, is daddy crazy?"

"Although this man is very responsible for standing up, you have to act within your ability. Do you think you are a Super Saiyan when you duel with a pack of wolves?"

"I bet this man won't survive five minutes, the countdown begins."

In the live broadcast room, countless people began to worry.

In particular, Li Chen's fans, including his whole family, were even more worried.

If Li Chen really had an accident, they couldn't believe it.

"Didn't anyone call the police?"

"It's too late to call the police. By the time someone comes, all the bones will be eaten."

"Someone is shouting deep in this mountain, but the people below can't hear it."

"Li Chen, don't go there, you will die."

"Haha... This is the first time I see someone who likes to seek death so much. Do you really think you are a master because you have become an internet celebrity?"

"Hey... this man is hopeless. He still has a chance to stand still and fight against the wolves. If one person wants to fight five wolves alone with a knife, he still thinks too much."

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