The Country Life of a Rich Dad

Chapter 570 Li Donglong's inexplicable confidence

As Yu Chuxiong asked, many dog ​​king owners looked at him.

Li Chen has rescued several dogs now. It is strange to say that many dogs could not stand up at first, but with Li Chen's treatment, these dogs were able to stand up again.

As a result, everyone looked at Li Chen even more differently.

Who can train a dog king like Doudou and know how to treat dogs? If such a person says he doesn't love dogs, who would believe it?

"See? The dog kings have all realized they were wrong."

"This is the charm of my dad. A person who knows how to be a veterinarian may not necessarily really love dogs. But if you don't love dogs, you will definitely not learn to be a veterinarian. At least now I believe that my dad is loving."

"Yes, I said before that Daddy Li snatched small animals. Now I seriously doubt that you are just stirring up trouble."

In the live broadcast room, countless people were fans of Li Chen.

Because everyone is not blind, everyone still has a certain ability to judge what is going on.

Li Chen had already treated all the dogs and said, "I don't care if you are here just to challenge me or if you have other things on your mind, I have no intention of spending time with you. "

"Today's challenge is over, so I won't give it away. Please help yourself."

Having said this, Li Chen waved to Xiao Wu, and Xiao Wu immediately rushed towards Li Chen.

Finally, Li Chen hugged Xiao Wu with both hands and lifted her high.

"Shall we go home?"

"Fat family, fat family!" Li Beiwu excitedly waved his fist: "Doudou, pull the cart for me."

Doudou rolled his eyes, the little master was really getting lazy.

But thinking that this little car didn't weigh much, Doudou jumped up happily again.

The little master has indeed gained weight recently, and Doudou can no longer pull her. She is held by the master, so she can play by herself.

"Tuantuan!" Li Donglong squatted on the ground and shouted to the slightly larger tiger cub.

The names of the two tigers are Tuan Tuan Yuan Yuan.

It means family happiness and happiness.


With a milky voice, he immediately rushed towards Li Donglong with small steps.

Tuantuan's temperament is more out-of-the-box and lively.

Yuanyuan is more like a girl, relatively quiet, and usually hides in Li Donglong's arms.

After being picked up by Li Donglong, Tuantuan immediately put his little head on Yuanyuan's head, which made Yuanyuan very dissatisfied.

But Tuantuan likes to bully his younger brother very much.

Li Donglong was also amused by the two brothers and laughed from ear to ear.

Li Xifeng was holding the shivering little wolf, followed by little Xiaohei who was obedient and well-fed, and everything was fine.

"Xiao Xiaohei, hurry up."

Bang Chi Bang Chi!

Xiao Xiaohei has a small body and short legs. At this time, he can only run to catch up with Li Xifeng's long legs.

Li Xiaoqi and Li Xiaowen smiled at everyone, and then quickly followed.

"Damn it, Doudou is showing off his tricks again."

"Damn, my scalp is numb. I've been skateboarding for all these years, and I'm not as nimble as a local dog playing with a child's toy car."

"Is this really a case of IQ crushing? Anchor, help me ask, this native dog...ah, are these Chinese pastoral dogs still for sale?"

"Same request!"



In the live broadcast room, many viewers began to get angry.

Li Xiaoqi did not respond, she knew that these netizens were making a prank.

As for the group of anchors who stayed behind, the anti-counterfeit anchors, and the owners of the dog king, they all fell silent.

"I don't know what you think, but I personally feel that Li Chen is not the kind of person who can create hot spots." Lingzhou Dog King said seriously: "I want to get to know Li Chen seriously, just simply The fact that he has dogs makes him worthy of my friendship.”

"Yes, that's what I meant." Nicholas Zhao Wu also said: "How many veterinarians can do this with just a magical medical skill? This person is definitely not simple. After all, it was us who caused this matter to him troubled, we must also apologize and admit our mistakes.”

"I also want to see what this village is like. Everyone, the mountains and rivers raise the people. From these external environments, we can also understand Li Chen." Qi Rui laughed and said: "I'll go first. See you at the hotel tonight. ”

"Yes, I'm going to post a video and a notice. From now on, the title of the number one dog king in the country will belong to Li Chen's beloved dog Doudou!"

The group of people laughed.

For dog lovers, the purpose is not complicated.

When Li Chen's dog crushed their dog without suffering too many fatal injuries, they already understood that Doudou had reserved his hand.

Otherwise, they should be like those foreign dogs, which have been bitten to the point of dying.

As a result, there were many more dog walkers in the whole village. They became humble and polite, and became experts in social arrogance.

Of course, Li Chen didn't have time to pay attention to this, because he still had to go home and take the children to prepare tomorrow's loving breakfast.

The potato starch has been completely evaporated by exposure to the sun.

Some of the sun-dried starch accumulates together and forms small lumps.

But with just a light touch, it turns into powder.

"Daddy!" Li Beiwu opened his big round eyes, leaned on Li Chen's arm, poked Li Chen's arm with his meaty little finger and said, "Are you worried?"

"This is starch."

"Electronic hybrid?"


"What's the matter with the electric hybrid department?" Xiao Wu tilted her head.

Li Xifeng on the side was speechless and looked at Li Donglong.

"Why are you looking at me? I can pronounce my words accurately!"

Li Xifeng: "..."

Li Chen: "..."

Li Xiaoqi: "..."

Li Xiaowen, who was holding the camera, was stunned.

Who gave the young master of the Li family the confidence to make him feel that his pronunciation was standard?

Please explain the word standard first!

Li Beiwu smiled and said to Li Donglong: "Big pot, you are awesome!"

"Of course!"

Li Donglong also smiled proudly.

Li Chen said with a dark face: "Don't broadcast this part!"


"I'm really dying of laughter. I finally found the answer."

"I can't take it anymore. Tears are about to come out of my eyes. I said that Daddy and Xue'er didn't have accents, but why did Xiaowu's accent sound weird? Could it be that Brother Long got off track?"

"Brother Long: That's right. My beryllium copper hair is so accurate!"

"Hahahaha... I can't laugh anymore. This kid's confidence is unparalleled."

"To be honest, I'd rather watch the three babies at Daddy's house than those people fighting dogs, not to mention there are so many cute pets."

"Yes, yes!"

The live broadcast room suddenly became happy.

"Come on, I'll teach you how to make potato flour today." Li Chen stood by the big table and put Li Beiwu directly on the high chair. The little girl stuck out her little butt, lay on the table, and stared at Li Chen with relish.

Li Donglong and Li Xifeng sat opposite, also learning.

Li Xiaoqi knows how to do this, so she is also very interested. Li Xiaowen continues to record the video.

"Dad, it's a starch block!" Li Donglong pointed.

"Nonsense, of course it's a starch block." Li Chen said: "Just crush it."

"Okay!" Under Li Chen's instruction, the three little ones easily crushed the starch block.

Li Beiwu was in a playful mood, making a layer of starch on the table.

"Daddy, there are so many Feifei!"

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