The third set of tests, fifty centimeters in diameter, is equivalent to the size of two basketballs placed together.

Everyone is looking forward to this ion beam because they want to see something cool.

Just before the test, Jiang Yi suddenly said

, "Wait a minute, I want to put some materials on the iron ball."

After speaking, Jiang Yi gestured, and nano matter flowed out of the ring, about the size of Yu'er's fist.

Don't look at it like that, if this is exchanged for money, it is enough for ordinary people to squander it for a lifetime.

"Academician Jiang, don't you want to put nanomaterials there for experiments?" A scientific researcher said in pain.

Flipping the ball in his hand, Jiang Yi pursed his lips and said

, "If you want to progress, you have to experiment with the original thing, although the performance of this substance is very good in all aspects, but I don't want to stop there."

Everyone understands this truth, but this emotion is really distressing.

Jiang Yi didn't seem to feel distressed, and he looked like a scientist who was striving for perfection.

"Here, spread it flat on the iron ball, make sure the high-speed camera is recording."


The soldier took the materials and drove to the location of the iron ball.

After a while, General Liu pressed his thumb, and the Heavenly Punishment Ion Beam descended again.

This time, everyone saw it without a telescope.

Although it is far away, it looks much thinner than fifty centimeters, but it can be seen clearly.

The ion beam was almost silent, and only when it reached the surface did there be a localized explosion.

The ten-centimeter iron ball was wiped out without any resistance, and when the twenty-centimeter iron ball exploded, only the soldiers who were close to it could hear it.

And fifty centimeters in diameter, even if it was ten kilometers away, everyone heard the loud muffled sound.


Under the explosion, a shockwave kicked up dust and spread out at a terrifying speed.

The ground shook visibly, and the instruments on the table collided.

Hundreds of kilometers away, an old man who was harvesting sorghum in the field was resting.

He was originally looking at the sky in a daze, but suddenly saw a beam of blue light, at a height that could not be seen by his extreme eyesight, opening up thick clouds, across the vast heaven and earth.

By the time he rubbed his eyes to make sure, there was no trace of him.



"That's not right! That cloud was all washed away! "

What's that?" Something has crossed the catastrophe and is about to transform into a human form!?

"Still aliens attacking!?"

The old man has no other hobbies, he usually reads novels, so he still has an unbridled imagination.

The same discovery was seen by dozens of people within a few hundred kilometers who inadvertently looked at the sky.

Since they appear and disappear so quickly in the blink of an eye, they don't have time to take pictures.

Even if you mention it to others later, no one will believe what they say.

But it was true that there were dozens of witnesses, and this wild legend was passed down for several years.

When I returned to the scene, I witnessed the ion beam from the beginning to the end, and felt the afterwind blowing in my face at close range, and everyone was shocked inexplicably.

"Toot ~"

"Report! Hit the target with precision!

"But because there was a violent explosion, the placed high-speed camera was washed out by the shock wave!"

Hearing the report, Jiang Yi frowned and hurriedly asked,

"Is there any residue in the deep pit at the scene!?"


Looking at the explosion crater dozens of meters large and several meters deep on the screen, Jiang Yi was a little disappointed.

"General Liu, that's all for today's test, please suffer with us, you go back and rest first, I want to go to the scene to see now." Jiang Yi said to the old general.

"Go ahead, even if you want to increase the power of the ion beam, I won't allow it, I'm afraid the power will be too much." The old general laughed.

"The maximum diameter depends entirely on the upper limit of energy, although I am curious, but we will not die, then I will go first."

After speaking, Jiang Yi went directly to the car.

"Jiang boy! Wait for me! Yuan Zhi shouted and hurriedly followed.

Watching the car drive away with dust all the way, General Liu smiled.

Everyone else was excited, but he seemed a little disappointed? Do you feel that the weapon you designed breaks the defense you designed? "


In the explosion crater, Jiang Yi stepped on the glass-like crystals all over the ground, looking for his own nanomaterials.

"Jiang Yi, even if there are nanomaterials left, they will completely collapse, and there will be ghosts if you can find them with the naked eye." Yuan Zhi was looking in the other direction.

Elsewhere in the pit, there were also scientists who came along to retrieve the remnants of the explosion.

"Dean Yuan, I think I've thought about all the substances on the Blue Star, so if it can't withstand the ion beam, the Blue Star will have nothing to prevent it."

Pulling the clumped crystals, Jiang Yi also knew that there was a high probability that he would not be able to find them.

If the raw material is broken into nanoscale, even if it is not destroyed, it will already lose if it loses its bound state.

"Originally, weapons are better than defense, you said that if a nuclear bomb is blown up, what can we use to resist it?" Yuan Zhi comforted.

Straightening his waist, Jiang Yi let out a long sigh.

"Forget it, it seems that the ion cannon is still a little awesome, so I won't look for it."

"The nuclear bomb is a bomb that can interrupt the process of human civilization at any time, and I want to destroy all the nuclear bombs and related materials on the blue star."

Yuan Zhi walked over with raised eyebrows, looked Jiang Yi up and down for a while, and said with a smile:

"I have a dream, but I don't think this dream can be realized."

Huaxia also had no intention of making a nuclear bomb, but at that time there was no nuclear bomb, and it was the share of being beaten.

Even now, without a nuclear warhead hidden, you can't sit at the same table and bargain with a nuclear power.

"I know it's hard, but maybe I'll do it later."

"Hahaha, then you are not just for Huaxia, you have done a great thing for all mankind."

The test was also completed, and the accuracy and power of the ion cannon met expectations perfectly.

The follow-up work was handed over to other workers, and Jiang Yi and Yuan Zhi returned to the Military Research Institute first.

As soon as he came back, Jiang Yi only saw Yu'er there, so he asked,

"Where is Brother Li?"

"My husband is back! Did the experiment go well?! Cannon cow!? Yu'er asked excitedly.

"Well, perfect, we only tried the fur power of the cannon." Jiang Yi said with a smile.

Yu'er's eyes lit up.

"Tell me, tell me!"

"We started with a 10-centimeter-diameter ion beam..."

As soon as the two chatted, Li Shi was thrown to the loess high slope.

At this time, Li Shi was not lonely.

"The local people are very friendly, and although they don't speak the language, they asked me to go to their house for dinner several times." Li Shi said with a smile.

"And this kind of thing!? What do they eat? A young lady in military uniform, curious.

Regarding the topic of foreign countries, Li Shi has the following, this young lady loves to listen to him, and naturally she is not stingy.

The two chatted for a long time on a bench in a big tree.

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