Internationally, the groundless accusations made by Western powers against the rabbit country have emerged one after another, and all of them have been rejected one by one by the rabbit country with a solemn position.

In order to protect the national heroes, this rabbit country can be said to have done everything in its power!

The state has held up a sky for the people, blocking the storms outside, so that the country can maintain a peaceful atmosphere.

In such a seemingly peaceful environment, but in fact there was an undercurrent, time quietly moved back, and soon it was the eve of the new students entering the school to participate in military training.

According to past practice, a meeting must be held on the eve of military training to gather all the freshmen on the playground, one is to concentrate on receiving military training items, and the other is to give a message to the leader, knock and knock the new students, and avoid developing inertia in the process of summer vacation.

Of course, the latter reason, in Yang Ming's view, is mostly that the leader is guilty of the addiction to holding meetings to talk at length.

At ten o'clock in the morning, the playground was already full of freshmen, arranged neatly according to majors and classes.

The faces full of vitality are full of longing and confidence for the future.

But soon, as reporters from various TV stations moved in with cameras, all the freshmen suddenly noticed that this meeting was a little different from usual.

Accompanied by the sound of the passionate school song, leaders at all levels of our school appeared on the stage one by one.

After a long and groggy leadership speech, the microphone was handed to the host.

"Well, thank you very much for the speeches of the leaders at all levels of our school."

"Next, we have invited our freshman representative Yang Ming to the stage."

"Everyone also knows that Yang Ming is the champion of this college entrance examination, and has repeatedly achieved good results in the National Games game, presumably everyone must be very curious about him."

"Especially in the recent international community, the Bald Eagle Empire and the Western powers demanded that our country hand over Yang Ming, which can be described as menacing and aggressive!"

"I wonder what kind of wonderful speech our national hero will give us?"

Hearing the host's words, school leaders at all levels frowned slightly.

What does this host mean, there are words in the words, insinuations, what is this trying to do?

They looked at the work card worn on the host's chest and saw that the three words "Yan Mengmeng" were written in the name column on it, and they couldn't help but realize a little.

It turned out to be someone from the Yan family!

Fortunately, on such an important occasion, Yan Mengmeng did not dare to say something too out of line, but just teased Yang Ming without a trace.

Reporters from TV stations around the country pointed their cameras at Yang Ming, who was on stage.

What a handsome young man!

But I saw that Yang Ming was wearing a straight Tang costume today, simple pure white set off him with a bit of fairy aura, black hair smeared into a big back, wearing Sven's square glasses on the stage, it was not obvious at all, he was the butcher who killed the alien player in the National Games game.

Stand on the podium overlooking the crowd below.

Yang Ming's mood was a little surging and a little excited.

The students who can be admitted to the Capital National Defense University are all top students of the young generation in the country, and being able to become their student representatives is an affirmation of him by the school and society.

Yang Ming could feel that behind this affirmation, with earnest anticipation, there was some kind of pressure on his shoulders, which was the hope of the rise of the rabbit country!

Taking the microphone from the host, Yang Ming threw aside the draft he had prepared and said impromptually: "

Everyone also knows that recently on the Internet and internationally, there have been many rumors against me."

"Some people say that my robbery of indigenous NPCs in the National Games game is too bottomless, and some people say that I am too cruel to kill alien players, which will invite crazy retaliation against us."

"Some people even say that we should integrate into the heavens and races, since we can't beat it, why not join?"

Hearing this, all the leaders and students seemed to realize that Yang Ming's speech this time was probably not simple.

"Our country and this nation, from ancient times to the present, have come step by step from suffering, we are not like foreigners, foreigners like to worship God, like to worship God, but we are different!"

"We do not worship heaven, the earth, and God, we only worship our ancestors and those who have contributed to the country and the nation!"

"But the Heavenly Races are far stronger than our Terrans, so what should we do?"

Hearing this, everyone pricked up their ears.

Even the Yan family, who were resistant to Yang Ming, held their breath and listened attentively.

It seems that Yang Ming intends to disclose the reason why he is so powerful?

At this moment, the TV station that was broadcasting the live broadcast was also pleasantly surprised to find that the ratings had increased wildly.

In this era of the Internet, when online TV and online video rob traffic, the ratings of TV stations around the world are sluggish on weekdays, and they have never exceeded 20% of the ratings at once like today!

At this moment, many pairs of eyes in China, through the TV screen, saw the young man standing on the podium and talking.

The next moment, everyone heard the young man's sonorous argument:

"Therefore I am often afraid, may the youth of the rabbit country get rid of the cold air, just go up, and do not have to listen to the words of the self-defeating stream." Those who can do things, those who can make sounds, there is a point of heat, a point of light, it makes the fire, and you can also emit a little light in the dark, without waiting for the torch.

"If there is no torch after that, I will be the only light!"

The loud words fell, causing thunderous applause from the audience.

"Snap! At

this moment, even the leaders at all levels of the school rose up one by one, and the students in the audience applauded excitedly.


Zhou Pingping was more excited than anyone else, and almost shouted.

Zhou Pingping has witnessed Yang Ming's rise like a star all the way, and understands better than most people what kind of experience Yang Ming has endured along the way.

The puzzlement of others, the splashing of sewage by others, the attacks of others.

Everyone only saw the glorious side of Yang Ming's success now, but did not see what a heavy burden he was bearing behind all this!

On the side, the girlfriend whispered:

"Pingping, aren't you very familiar with Yang Ming, you can remember to help me ask Yang Ming for an autograph later."

Who expected, Zhou Pingping shook his head and said, "

Lord Night Scourge has grown to the point where I need to look up, and now I don't have the face to stand in front of him, I must cultivate harder until I can confidently become his comrade-in-arms!"

While the second daughter was chatting, Yang Ming threw down a bombshell news.

"In order to boost the morale of the younger generation, I plan to hold a personal auction at the auction house in the National Games game to auction all the proceeds from the previous quest world!"

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